hi justtrokkit, wonderful posts, thank you.
I'm very worried about the micro-nutrient thing, and don't really know of any way currently to work on that problem. Anyone have a some powerful centrifuges and can do nmr/gcms testing on blended up insects?
My reasons for wanting to do this experiment are pretty abstract. If you guys really care you can PM me and i'll explain my motivations. I'm not a vegan, i accept that as part of the experiment i'll probably kill alot of mantis. progress is sad like that
The details of my experiment that i've outlined are all just sketches at this point, tossing things out there. Sadly my male mantis died, but right after he died the female started showing signs of being pregnant, so i'm just kind of hoping here.
She's a european mantis though, so even if she lays a fertilized egg case, i'd still have quite a ways to go before i get nymphs. I don't know if i specifically stated it but i decided early on to try this with nymphs.
Getting those little mantis houses ready.
here is my baby, who i just call "green mantis".
edit: oh dear, does this forum allow autoplaying flash videos lol?