Video: Mantis Eats Sushi!


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I hope you didn't just open a can of worms! I personally have no problem with this, but it seems some do. Great vid.

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A can of worms? No, not yet, but one day it will :rolleyes:

I can't believe a moderator is actually condoning feeding live vertebrates 'tail first' by showing it on the internet. What kind of message does this give people?

Maybe the Atlantic ocean has prevented problems occuring in the US, but in Europe this kind of behaviour is viewed very differently.

As I've said many times before, I am well aware that people do this kind of thing, but why post it on the net for everyone to see?

Does nobody care anymore?


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I second that. It's not good to post such things.

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Wow! I am at a loss for words! ...

Nope i found a few, cruel,offensive,unnecessary, i could go on...Admin you condone this? shame on you!

Animals eat animals all the time. If you don't like it, go vegan. I liked the music, Peter.

I'm sorry but I made my views known about this last time it came up

It wouldn't happen in the wild, unless it's a jesus mantis and parts the pond for it sushi

I could go on but I'll leave it there


Things are deffinetly viewed very differently here in the states. I fish the atlantic ocean at least once a week. The things i see on party/charter boats fishing is pretty sick, and insane. :blink: If he were feeding a puppy or kitten to a mantis that might turn some heads, but fish, no. I'm still waiting for animal cops to break down some peoples doors for mistreating there fish! :lol:

Things are deffinetly viewed very differently here in the states. I fish the atlantic ocean at least once a week. The things i see on party/charter boats fishing is pretty sick, and insane. :blink: If he were feeding a puppy or kitten to a mantis that might turn some heads, but fish, no. I'm still waiting for animal cops to break down some peoples doors for mistreating there fish! :lol:
I understand how others feel about this. At the same time I find it interesting nobody seems to have any issues when the pics show up of a mantis eating a hummingbird. There are fish sold as feeders just like there are mice sold as feeders. But I guess it is ok to feed a fish to another fish but not a mantis?

I know some of you want this thread removed. The site admin posted it and that is the reason I won't remove it personally. I will let him handle it.

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At the same time I find it interesting nobody seems to have any issues when the pics show up of a mantis eating a hummingbird. There are fish sold as feeders just like there are mice sold as feeders. But I guess it is ok to feed a fish to another fish but not a mantis?
There is a difference between what happens in the wild and what practices we are posting on youtube. Documented predation on vertebrates by mantids in the wild is very rare and worth a pic. As with lions or hyenas eating live elefants this may be disgusting and unfair, but nature is unfair and gruesome. But noone should feed vertebrates to mantids at home, because we shouldn't be unfair and gruesome!! Torturing a vertebrate by feeding it alive to a predator like a mantis that doesn't kill its prey before devouring it isn't something that we should promote. Every vertebrate kills its prey before eating it and that's why feeder verts are accepted. Whether fed alive or dead, the prey will not suffer a lot. This isn't the case with mantids and promoting this on the internet sheds a wrong light on us and our hobby. We are not perverse satanic psychos which get a (use of vulgarity deleted) while torturing animals but serious enthusiasts who can contribute a lot to the knowledge of the respective groups. If someone feels he belongs to the first category he has the wrong hobby - not that I am referring to anyone in particular.

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There is a difference between what happens in the wild and what practices we are posting on youtube. Documented predation on vertebrates by mantids in the wild is very rare and worth a pic. As with lions or hyenas eating live elefants this may be disgusting and unfair, but nature is unfair and gruesome. But noone should feed vertebrates to mantids at home, because we shouldn't be unfair and gruesome!! Torturing a vertebrate by feeding it alive to a predator like a mantis that doesn't kill its prey before devouring it isn't something that we should promote. Every vertebrate kills its prey before eating it and that's why feeder verts are accepted. Whether fed alive or dead, the prey will not suffer a lot. This isn't the case with mantids and promoting this on the internet sheds a wrong light on us and our hobby. We are not perverse satanic psychos which get a (use of vulgarity deleted) while torturing animals but serious enthusiasts who can contribute a lot to the knowledge of the respective groups. If someone feels he belongs to the first category he has the wrong hobby - not that I am referring to anyone in particular.
Every vertebrate kills its prey before eating it? That isn't true. I don't use fish as mantis food but I don't have a problem with someone else doing it as long as the fish used was bred to be a 'feeder' fish. I often find small anole lizards living in the same weeds around here that chinese mantids live. They must eat these small lizards, but if someone fed one to a mantis and posted the video would you be upset? I guess that it would be ok since it could happen in the wild? I don't see it as being any different. Could a mantis eat a fish in the wild? Very unlikely but it could happen. I see these small puddles around here that dry up and contain fish. These places are bordered by weeds. Lets say that the water dries up and there are small fish flopping around in the mud and a mantis lives in the weeds next to the puddle. Could a mantis catch one of those fish? I think so. If that was documented would be ok with the feeding of fish then?

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Videos like this damage the hobby. Bad enough if someone see's no difference between the two situations, but as long as the "blindness" happens at home I could live with it. But there may arise a problem if videos of such stuff alerts some bored animal-rights activists or politicians!

Videos like this damage the hobby. Bad enough if someone see's no difference between the two situations, but as long as the "blindness" happens at home I could live with it. But there may arise a problem if videos of such stuff alerts some bored animal-rights activists or politicians!
Now that I do agree. I'm not saying I think these types of vids are ok to post for everyone to see.

I'm not saying I think these types of vids are ok to post for everyone to see.
So get rid of it? Your admin, this is damaging to the hobby and your site! mods here leave alot to be desired!

It seems that most people are missing the point completely - does common sense not prevail anymore?

I was speaking to Gurd earlies about this topic and his views are also clear. One of the fairs he attended this year was nearly stopped due to animal right campaigners. Why? Because they viewed the selling of invertebrates in small tubs as cruelty. This is obviously rediculous but it shows how fragile the situation can become.

These places are bordered by weeds. Lets say that the water dries up and there are small fish flopping around in the mud and a mantis lives in the weeds next to the puddle. Could a mantis catch one of those fish? I think so. If that was documented would be ok with the feeding of fish then?
At the same time I find it interesting nobody seems to have any issues when the pics show up of a mantis eating a hummingbird
These are completely irrelevant. Of course these instances are okay - neither were fed to the mantis by a human!

I just don't understand why anyone would risk their own hobby by posting such unnecessary practices on the web, especially when those same people complain about the legislations that are affecting the hobby as a whole. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot :rolleyes:


So get rid of it? Your admin, this is damaging to the hobby and your site! mods here leave alot to be desired!
Rick is not going to delete this thread. He wants peter to handle this personally.

I seriously doubt peter is deliberately trying to damage the hobby. That just would not make very much sense! He's not the first one to post a video like this, and i'm sure he won't be the last! Let him voice his opinion before throwing any stones!

I don't care either way as long as it's done in the privacy of your own home. I did forget myself that everyone is capable of viewing these videos on youtube. I do hope after all this is said and done, that this thread can be deleted. We really don't need any negative publicity.

So get rid of it? Your admin, this is damaging to the hobby and your site! mods here leave alot to be desired!
You've been here six months. If you don't like how the site is handled then go find another mantis site. I will not delete this thread for the reason I already stated.

Where was the outrage when this one was posted?


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