Violin mantis crickets


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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2013
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I really like the look of a violin mantis, ive heard that they only eat flying insects but I really dont want a bunch flying around my house nor do i have anyway to get any flying feeders. Is it ok the just give them crickets?

I've heard they only eat flying prey. But the real questions is where are you going to find violins? They are nearly gone from culture in the US.

No, i just really want them, all of the websites say out of stock

Not exactly. I hope to share more info/pics next week, but I don't want to look like an idiot if the deal falls through. :-/

Don't mean to be blunt, but too bad...never feed a gonglyus gonglyodes a cricket. If you want gongys, suck it up a deal with the flies :p they can easily be setup so where you don't have escapees...

Don't mean to be blunt, but too bad...never feed a gonglyus gonglyodes a cricket. If you want gongys, suck it up a deal with the flies :p they can easily be setup so where you don't have escapees...

Crickets can cause sickness to even hardy mantids. A gongy is not anywhere close to as hardy, and will very easily die from an even slightly bad cricket. Feed them flies if you ever get them. Same with Idolos and Orchids. Plus, as other people in this thread have pointed out, Violins are incredibly rare in north america. You'll be paying an arm and a leg for them if you find them.

I'd go as far as to say NEVER feed a gongy crickets, or any mantis crickets for that matter!

My three females would take locusts if hungry, but much prefer bluebottles, which are easy to keep and with the right knowhow, none will ever escape in your home. But Gongys are in no way a beginners species.
