Werewolf Forum Game!


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The town diviner, Malakyoma was not having a good day. By 7AM his cat had already insulted his bed head and his dead grandmother called him a failure. At dusk when he looked into his crystal ball, he thought he was going crazy when he saw Hierodula and dTuck91 walking behind him; until they grabbed him by the arms. He was lynched before he knew it, and the untransformed fraud joined the same eternal blackness as every other dead ape.

It is now night, send those PM's!

the devil makes forceful stabs at the flames with his pitchfork

agent A engulfes the entire north quadrant and surrounds the demon

beelzebub's options are running out, and he spits out his own fire

but by now, it's too late

like a cat, agent A likes to toy with his food before eating it

long firey arms extend and warp around the devil

he whips at the fallen devil and begins to brand him with the entire taxonomy of mantodea

the devil runs but knows full well he cannot jump, or he will be forced into defeat

agent A flings the devil across the quadrant, hitting him with a wall of fire each time he nears an edge

agent A then burns a gallon of sulfuric acid, releasing poisonous sulfur dioxide

the devil's eyes burn green and he turns pale as the life drains from him

agent A picks up the prize by the tail and consumes him

the incinerated devil's entire escence is destroyed and the flames die down, but the north quadrant is still too poisonous to inhabit...

With the town medium dead, dtuck91 was in a state of panic. He knew about the wolves, and slept with a stake beside him. Unfortunately for him, these wolves were no afraid of stakes.

It is now Day 4. Due to the holiday, voting will end on 1PM Central Friday.

I vote alan. hes the only one that has kept an unusually low profile, and only someone that wants to be unnoticed would do that.

ya, at leas sinesis has posted more than like three times dude. You barely show your furry fanged face alan.
