Werewolf Forum Game!


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I am not the wolf!

Also, MALAKYOMA had indirectly lied, in a very cunning way, twice, while also drawing attention away from him and towards us. Hierodula, stand with me as we protect ourselves from this wolf!

Well so be it then as I look down from above I will watch with great sadness as the wolf takes you all one by one

and now I off to watch tv with Angel
And a voice was heard from above "Cool beans my child, we shall enjoy Dexter, The Walking Dead, Monday Night Football, or just surprise me as you will have the remote" on the big comfy couch with dual recliners in the sky...

May as well throw this in since its privy info and needs to be said, The voice was heard yet again, "The agent has spoken to me from below and said the last wolf is...wait for it... Lady Gaga, say it ain't so?"

Malakyoma, you didn't directly lie by saying that you were not the wolf, while never directly saying that you WERE the wolf. You also built up supporters by being the "nice guy".

While we're on the subject, GSV's note has no meaning, whatsoever. Sure, I'm a prime suspect, even I know that. However, GSV isn't the game god. He's a bystander, just like any one of us.

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And then brancsikia339 and Abraham Lincoln rode on seismosaurus' like horses to fight the Alien army led by Nicki Minaj. Then I watched spongebob squarepants and drank a gallon of CHOCOLATE MILK!!

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the black sphere hole separating the 4 quadrants of the underworld has lit on fire

agent A and angelofdeathzz made bridges across the gaps but the fire melted them

Each member is on a different quadrant and newly dead always arrive on the north quadrant, where all the mantises reside

It might get crowded in here!! Meanwhile each member of the underworld grows 10 stomachs to drink up to 100 gallons of chocolate milk!!!

But you should know I'm not the wolf for the same reason I know YOU'RE not the wolf. Use your head, what resources do you have available? What features does the site have you can use to your advantage without breaking the rules of the game? I never discus it outside this thread, I never sent anyone a message, but even our own game god gave you, dtuck, and I a clue. We're just normal villagers. It HAS to be hierodula or someone I'm forgetting, but us 3 aren't wolves!

What about alan? he hasnt been active at all.... Wait! Thats why he has been in that coma this whole time and only messaged us like once, the energy of transforming and hunting must be very draining on his body.... He must be the wolf. Not talking a lot is a great way to avoid detection... why that little... :gun_bandana:

I think this was created just to give the game "god" some sense of power. Villagers should rise up and lynch their god and be done with the blasphemy. :devil:

the fire rages on in the underworld, but angelofdeathzz, being able to communicate with the non-forum heaven and shift through both afterlives, has aquired a new power

the power to summon non-forumers to the underworld

he summons dozens of engineers and gets heat resistant bridges built

but with great power comes a greater responsibility, a responsibility too great for a semi-mortalized spirit to handle, so the devil steals back the power before angelofdeathzz gets out of hand

since none of the semi-mortals can kill themselves, being already dead, agent A decides jumping into the fire would be a good idea

following the edge of the north quadrant, he takes the glorious leap of faith

upon impact the fire turns a blinding white and collapses at where it was assaulted

the concave shape warps into a sphere and is engulfed by the larger ball of fire

the whiteness fades away as the sphere delves deeper into the infinite blaze

rather than being destroyed, agent A's escense fuses with the fire and becomes transparant

the devil is not pleased and rises from the flame

agent A leads himself as fire back out of the wound from his jump to confront the devil above the north pole...

Mime didnt SAY who wasnt a wolf, but because of the way he did things I was able to find out.
Malakyoma is alluding to the fact that Dtuck and sinesis are CC'ed on his villager PM.

You weren't able to find out anything. If you strategy works, which I'm not commenting on, it has absolutely nothing to do with the people CC'ed on your game starting PM. Please, don't insult my intelligence, this isn't my first time running these games. The people in that PM are the last 3 people on the players' list. That's how those messages were sent, and it had nothing to do with roles.

For this game to function properly, it must be based on psychology, and not on any perceived flaws in my implementations.

I have addressed him about this privately, but he didn't respond, so I'm putting this out there for everyone to see.

No hard feelings, just play on how players act, not PM lists. I'm not that stupid. ;)

What about alan? he hasnt been active at all.... Wait! Thats why he has been in that coma this whole time and only messaged us like once, the energy of transforming and hunting must be very draining on his body.... He must be the wolf. Not talking a lot is a great way to avoid detection... why that little... :gun_bandana:
the spirit of brancsikia339 says you sound extremely suspicious pointing out people for the crime. GSV was right!
