The citizens of MantidVille awoke to an eventful black friday. Sure, there were sales, lines and crazy holiday shoppers, but the town had also had its first murder. SueB4653 broke the news to the village hysterically. She ran from house to house scream, waking each villager from their Tryptophan-induced slumber.
Minutes later, the 9 occupants of MantidVille formed a haphazard semicircle around AngelofDeathzz's mangled body...
"Who could have done this?" asked Agent A, at that precise moment realizing the depravity of the crime.
"I don't know," said Golden State Vivs slowly, "but you know what we have to do." The gravel in his voice left each villager with no doubt. The gathered around the town's century old gallows, waiting for the killer among them to become apparent.
It is now Day 1! You have until 12Central tomorrow to place your votes.