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Agent A never preformed well under pressure. He became sweaty and nervous immediately. It wasn't long before the village realized he was hiding something.

They brought him to the gallows and strung him up. Moments after he started swinging he shouted "Avenge my death, brother" and transformed into a wolf, and died.

It is now night. Day will start when I get all the PM's, or in 24 hours, whichever comes first. Agent A is now prohibited from talking about game related matters, as are all dead players.

meanwhile, in the forum underworld

agent A and angelofdeathzz meet up

angelofdeathzz, knowing the other wolves were resonsible for his death, leads agent A through a narrowing hallway to a portal, bringing them both into a satanic version of the clay place known as Zoboland, where Noggindrill digs them a gigantic hole into the mantis underworld, where their mantises await them

agent A witnesses his idolo calling again so angelofdeathzz goes to get his male idolo

however, when angelofdeathzz approaches the idolo cage, he notices each idolo is replaced by blephs...

It was night, and the final wolf made his first solo kill. He took particular care and malice in ending brancsikia339's life. But little did he know, that there was one villager who had had too much coffee and was still awake.

It is now day 2.

It was night, and the final wolf made his first solo kill. He took particular care and malice in ending brancsikia339's life. But little did he know, that there was one villager who had had too much coffee and was still awake.

It is now day 2.
brancsikia339 joins the forum underworld but has a hard time locating agent a because he is trying to solve the bleph mystery

Suddenly the ground shakes and a huge yoshi appears and drops an egg

The egg splits upon reaching the ground and thousands of blephs emerge from it and stir up the soil

With a whir of dirt both the yoshi and the egg remenants have disappeared, but the once beautiful landscape has been converted to scrubland

The ghost of the red baron flies above and reports, in German, that scrub and bleph spots are popping up everywhere, but agent a doesn't speak fluent enough German to understand much more than the swears let out by the pilot

angelofdeathzz tries to find a German speaker that fails, so he summons a ghost to write the message on paper and bring it to the forum so Tammy Wolfe can translate it, but the message never leaves the underworld

brancsikia339, having not expected to die, and with no wolf to do it for him, is sad he couldn't burn down his house so his mantises could join him in the underworld

He tries to steal some from agent a but a giant Creobroterian soldier is guarding the underworld insectorium from intruders

angelofdeathzz, agent a, and brancsikia339 discuss the situation and think if they kill themselves in the underworld they'll be back on the forum, but they can't kill themselves because they're already DEAD!!!

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Hierodula owns a WOLF spider? plus I'm pretty sure I saw a tuft of wolf fur in his wahlbergi's claws!

My vote is for Hierodula, he is just too suspicious, sleeping during the day and all!

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where is your prove that Hierodula sleeps during the day?

myself I was in bed @ 10:00pm last night

where were you Golden State Vivs?

I have an alibi seeing I was with my husband do you?

lets see what everyones alibi's are before we jump to conclusions

It was night, and the final wolf made his first solo kill. He took particular care and malice in ending brancsikia339's life. But little did he know, that there was one villager who had had too much coffee and was still awake.

It is now day 2.
Well EXCUSE me, but I drink coffee. WHY DID U KILL ME

well as I said I was sleeping all night with my hubby but I did see Alan2296 running down the street as I was closing the curtains for the night at about 21:45

wonder why he was running?

well since I am an omniscient ghost I know wat else u 2 were doing last night... :p

Jk but in all seriousness I think the other 2 ghosts here should post and use this color too so we know they r dead
Well Agent A havent you turned out to be quite the nosey one

where is your prove that Hierodula sleeps during the day?

myself I was in bed @ 10:00pm last night

where were you Golden State Vivs?

I have an alibi seeing I was with my husband do you?

lets see what everyones alibi's are before we jump to conclusions
He stated in an earlier post that he slept all day at school!

I DO have an alibi! I was with the mob...I mean, the neighborhood watch committee, looking for the wolf!

hey, whoa. First of all, my wolfie died last week, and i did feed it to my wallie. GSV, youre interpreting the scene all wrong dude.

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