What book are you reading?


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So do you read The Vigilant Citizen? Because you guys seem a lot alike. :) also, do you have these quotes prepared somewhere and then paste them? Or is it organic?

So do you read The Vigilant Citizen? Because you guys seem a lot alike. :) also, do you have these quotes prepared somewhere and then paste them? Or is it organic?
Had to look up The Vigilant Citizen to see what it is. Nah, I'm not into that end of the spectrum. A lot of bunk out there. Symbols are generally neutral so when you assume a symbol is limited to only one interpretation you can see evil in everything.

But I do like prisonplanet.com. Jones and crew back everything up with direct quotes and mainstream news sources. He has been right way too many times to be ignored. That's the real stuff you need to be aware of, not Illuminati influences on Britney Spears videos and pop stars covering one eye in photo shoots.

I'm aware of the quotes and pertinent sections. I just do a search so I can copy and paste them. Had the photos of The Red Book from when I first got it in 2009. Had it on pre-order for many months so was very excited when it came. Others on another forum wanted photos so I obliged.

I'll check out the prisonplanet website. There is a lot of music analysis at that site. I like to look for them symbols when I open the VEVO app.

You might like this though. http://vigilantcitizen.com/vigilantreport/mind-control-theories-and-techniques-used-by-mass-media/

I'm not necessarily a believer in the elite/illuminati conspiracy, but I like to read about it and compare it to what I see happen in the world. I don't think that it's all untrue either. Just haven't made up my mind yet.

I'll check out the prisonplanet website. There is a lot of music analysis at that site. I like to look for them symbols when I open the VEVO app.

You might like this though. http://vigilantcitizen.com/vigilantreport/mind-control-theories-and-techniques-used-by-mass-media/

I'm not necessarily a believer in the elite/illuminati conspiracy, but I like to read about it and compare it to what I see happen in the world. I don't think that it's all untrue either. Just haven't made up my mind yet.
No doubt there is a lot of manipulation through the media. As I mentioned above the biggest manipulation is denial of knowledge, as in publishers refusing to publish. Same applies to all forms of media. They often make up the story they want you to believe and that is often gear toward validating an unpopular power-grabbing agenda, such as gun control.

That they mention Jung in the article is very misleading. There is nothing in his body of work to suggest a nefarious bone in his body, or inkling of hunger for control over others. And this is what I mean about this end of the conspiracy spectrum. If someone has even the remotest connection to a secret society, etc., they invoke guilt by association. "Carl Gustav, his grandfather, was an avid Freemason (he was Grand Master) and Jung himself discovered that some of his ancestors were Rosicrucians." Gee, I guess he must be evil then. :rolleyes:

Edward Bernays, on the other hand, is 100% EVIL. He made use of a lot of the information in MacKay's Extraordinary Popular Delusions And The Madness of Crowds to control the masses, which is why the book was suppressed.

But the demonization of anything occult is just ignorant. Occult just means 'hidden'.

You have the right attitude on belief in conspiracy. Just take it all in and watch what unfolds in the immediate future. Over time you learn how to discern the bull from the real information. To my eyes there is no doubt that powerful/wealthy people would plot to maintain that power/wealth. That's a pretty rational conclusion. Don't you think? It's just when you get into this about 'them' influencing music videos, etc. that you enter Crazy Town. Even if it's true, who cares when they are actively taking your rights away! So to me this kind of thing is distraction that works in their favor.

I'm reading The End of All Evil by Jeremy Locke. Short and powerful.
Holy cr@p! I had no idea a used copy of this book is selling for $153.67. It's under 100 pages and I think I paid like $5.

Just goes to show that the right kind of knowledge is in demand.

From the Author

The intention of this book is to define the doctrine of liberty -- to forever dispel the lie that culture and law have a rightful claim over your life. You are not the property of any king, dictator or nation. While cultures teach that human freedom means anarchy, history shows clearly that what freedom truly brings to people is peace and prosperity.

From the Back Cover

The dreams that burn in the hearts of billions have been growing stronger through the millennia. Ages of destruction wrought by tyranny will not go unanswered. The children of this world are owed a liberty from slavery that can only be satisfied by the utter eradication of evil from the earth.

Never in all of history have the elements been arrayed against the evil manifest in tyranny and slavery as they are today. Today is the most exciting day in all of human history; it is the dawn of the freedom of mankind.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

The definition of freedom is the infinite value of the human being. The definition of evil is the destruction of freedom. Everything that is evil teaches people that they have limited value.


Truth is always simple. All people recognize truth because all people are intelligent beings. It is the nature of evil to create artificially complex ideas. It does this to hide or obfuscate the freedom it destroys. If you remove the complexities and fears from your life you will find a plain and beautiful truth. This truth is the nature of your worth.


To understand freedom is to understand the value of a person. Everything that evil wants is to disguise and destroy your value. All authority is created by evil men to disguise your worth. To understand your own worth is to understand the nature of liberty.


The crucial key for understanding our world is to understand the nature of evil. Evil challenges the value of people by denying them the opportunity to make their own choices; by denying them the chance to grow strong in learning and understanding.


While evil seeks to destroy or hide a person's worth, freedom shows humans their full potential and their full value. With freedom, people have loved, cured disease, removed hunger, eased labor and lived in peace. With freedom, happiness is possible. Freedom is the exact opposite of evil.


Everything written in this book is written to destroy the ideas of culture and law. The lesson of this book is simple: nothing on earth is more valuable than you.

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Okay. I'm going to start reading books to learn the answer to my most perplexing evolution question: how did homosexuality evolve? My current understanding is that it has to do with epigenetics and prenatal hormones.

I'm reading Gay, Striaght and the Reason Why by Simon Levay. The reviews say that it's pretty basic, but I hope it gives me some ideas of where to look in popular or academic literature.


Last Pullman book for awhile until he releases something new, like the long awaited The Book of Dust. It's called Once Upon a Time in the North and its pretty short.

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i just received The Praying mantids (Prete) and Keeping Aliens (McMonigle). woah mantis overload :0

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i dont like to read much. i find it hard to retain what im reading. i find myself finishing a page and realizing that i wasnt paying attention to what i was reading and ill have to start the page over. it gets rather frustrating. but i do like to do the audio book thing very much. stories are still very entertaining to me. the last book that i enjoyed was "A Princess of Mars" by Edgar Rice Burroughs. it was made into a movie by Disney. which turned out to be because they cant get down on the fighting scenes that took place in the book. im currently listening to "The War of the Worlds" and is so far rather entertaining. oh, also, a story that i could listen to over and over again is "The Secret Garden" i absolutely loved that one

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I have been reading things fall apart, by Chinua Achebe.
That takes me back, I read that in 1987. I can not remeber it much now, I'll dig it out again.

I'm reading one about some American brothers, The Sisters Brothers by Patrick de Witt, it's supposed to be 'gripping and heart-wrenching', certainly gripping. Set in1851

Just started re reading The Murder Room. Which is basically about these 3 dudes who belong to the Vidocq society. Which is a group of detectives, forensic pathologists etc who do cold cases for free. It's very interesting. But I just saw Jeff Bridges on Daily Show talking about his new book The Dude and the Zen Master. I need to go find a review.

I just reread, The Fall of Giants and followed up with, Winter of the World, which I got for Christmas :) . They're both good if you like World War fiction.

I've noticed alot of people mentioned books that were turned into movies or television shows, I haven't read the Game of Thrones books but they are on my reading list.

I did read the Hunger Games trilogy though after I saw the movie and I really liked them, my daughter who is 11 is on the 2nd book now.

I just reread, The Fall of Giants and followed up with, Winter of the World, which I got for Christmas :) . They're both good if you like World War fiction.

I've noticed alot of people mentioned books that were turned into movies or television shows, I haven't read the Game of Thrones books but they are on my reading list.

I did read the Hunger Games trilogy though after I saw the movie and I really liked them, my daughter who is 11 is on the 2nd book now.
I find out about most of the books I read when I see the movie trailer. :shifty: :blush: :yinyang:

College is back in session, so the days of me choosing my own books is over for now. I'm reading Into the Jungle by Sean Carrol. It's interesting so far, but I don't think that it's written well. It's well within the genre of what I usually read, but it's no Dawkins.

Just received Keeping The Praying Mantis. I couldn't wait for the harcover! I will get that when it comes out :)

I recently finished Backyard Beekeeping by James E. Tew; it was a quick and easy read. I'm now working on finishing up The Lucifer Principle by Howard Bloom. Next in line will be more about bees with First Lessons in Beekeeping by Keith S. Delaplane.

i just received The Praying mantids (Prete) and Keeping Aliens (McMonigle). woah mantis overload :0
I was reading through the thread and wondered if anyone was reading books about invertebrates. Admittedly many invertebrate books are quite tough to read all the way through (not in the same way Prete's Mantids is) because they are lists rather than stories. I just picked up the Oxford book of invertebrates from the local library but haven't had a chance to dive in yet to see if it can be read through.

I was reading through the thread and wondered if anyone was reading books about invertebrates. Admittedly many invertebrate books are quite tough to read all the way through (not in the same way Prete's Mantids is) because they are lists rather than stories. I just picked up the Oxford book of invertebrates from the local library but haven't had a chance to dive in yet to see if it can be read through.
I just received your new book Keeping The Praying Mantis. I am waiting on the book Yen is offering that is in Chinese. The photos alone look amazing. Prete's book is def a great book from the scientific aspect. Your book is awsome for all three. photos, the science, and the husbandry. :)
