When do Egg Cases Hatch in Wild in NE Ohio Area?


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May 9, 2013
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Northeast Ohio
[SIZE=medium]Fellow mantid people,[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Greetings! Praying mantises are one of my very favorite animals. My backyard includes a small meadow about 1-1/2 acres in size. I brush hog the meadow each fall to keep it from going to woods. Last fall, October 2012, I collected 7 praying mantis egg cases. They wintered outside in a somewhat protected area, and early this spring I staked the egg cases out in the meadow dispersing them with plenty of space in between. I’ve been checking the oothecae every few days and see no evidence of hatching. I’m thinking it’s too early for them to hatch right now. I don’t see much food for the nymphs. So when do praying mantis egg cases typically hatch “in nature” in the northeast Ohio area of the US? Have any of you actually observed the hatch? Any info would be greatly appreciated.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]Roger barker [/SIZE]

mostly once the weather is warm enough to stay out of the 40to 50, once its warmer than that then about 4 weeks. thats how it is in bama

Thanks jrh3. It was 33 here yesterday morning and it's supposed to be 79 tomorrow. It sounds like the egg probably won't hatch before mid June or later.

I like your avatar video. I have a Glock 19 and shoot a little USPSA pistol with it.


yeah they usually hatch when it's above 50 or so, and If you check them thru-out the day you should get to see some hatch :)

Hi BugLover,

Thanks for the input. So hatching takes place over a couple of hours, less than an hour, or what?

I'm still not confident about when I need to check the egg cases frequently. Here's the current weather history for this area:

Normal (KYNG) Highs:69 °F

Lows:46 °F

Record (KYNG) 87 °F (1962)

33 °F (1969)

Yesterday 58 °F 28 °F So, are you saying I need to check OFTEN about 4 weeks after our normal lows are above 50 taking into account how "normal" our temperatures are this year?

Thanks for your help.


yeah they usually hatch when it's above 50 or so, and If you check them thru-out the day you should get to see some hatch :)
Much warmer than that. They have already hatched around here. I'm seeing a few L3's in the yard.

If you want to see some hatches you can check precarious333 on youtube. I think he has posted at least one video of hatches.

Of course they ain't local!

Hi All,

The 1st ootheca hatched yesterday! So, it looks like the egg cases can hatch here in the wild as early as May 16th. I'll be watching the other 6.



Good to know... I still am not putting my hatchlings out (T. sinensis) yet. It is still cold here in Northern IL. Daytime is getting warm but some of the nights are 40's still. Great hatch pictures!


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