Where to buy/start?


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New member
Apr 6, 2013
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Cheers to all...want to start a new hobby and need help...thought about doing this for sometime and I'm ready to go. So where do I start?

What do I buy? etc... Thank you in advance to anyone who helps me out... :)

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Not all mantis sp get cared for the same, what species were you thinking about starting with? Some like it hot and wet, some hot and dry, others are easier and room temp is fine with a misting once in a while, etc.

I'll leave to other members to clue you in on a good starter species, but just read a bit and see what you like, the want ads here are a good place buy from just read the reviews(feedback) on them first so you know there on the up an up. "Precarious" comes to mind as a great guy to buy and learn from.

Good luck and enjoy!

If i were you i would start with either ghost which are easy or S. Lineola or H. majuscula nymphs, ghost ooth will be a great start if you want to start from birth. They can hatch out at room temp. I think you will have good luck with them. Also look into a creobreoter sp. they are fairly easy. Look into the for sale section. I think RobR1976 has a pair of H. majuscula sub adults left, you can pm him. They will molt once more into adults then you can read up on breeding them. I have a pair and they will attack flies and moths, very fun to watch and the temp requirements are not too bad. But when it comes down too it ghost mantids was my first mantid besides the wild caught carolinas and chinese.

Some of the best guys just posted in this thread...take their advice and heed to it greatly! First find a specie you would want to care for....do a lot! of research on them...and then prepare yourself for their arrival and care for them as needed and enjoy! That's a very good offer from BugTrader...ghosts are an easy beginner specie and you'll learn a lot from them...

All the best,


The best learning experience you can get is starting with a nymph raise to adult, learn to sex them and make a log of everything (feeding, molting, misting, ect.) this will help you down the road when you produce offspring. Oh yeah read, read, read, lol.


As everyone else here has said, pick a species.

Basically you will need a container and food, but different species may need different food (flying food) or a heat lamp like angelofdeathzz said.

Hope some other people can help you!

At the bottom of this page shows you can get a couple nymphs with food for just supporting the forum for 13.00! You can go with priority shipping and right now I am offering ghost or giant Asians!

My first mantis was a creobroter and that turned out very well. Ghosts like people said are good too. Certain heirodulas and sophrodomantis are very large, easy, and fun. Google them. There are many beautiful tropical species like idolomantis you can get after you gain experience. The sale forum and mantisplace.com are good places to look for mantids. There is a very good care sheet at the top of the general mantid discutions page. Feel free to ask questions that's what we're here for!

or like I said just pay $8 and I will send you a box of ghosts so you can be sure this hobby is for you before making any real investments in it. This hobby has a long reputation for people coming in spending alot of cash and deciding its not for them.


That is how I got my start with exotics, a group of ghosts gifted by Mike.
I paid a lot of money at first and the mantid died unexpectedly and I thought... This hobby is not for me to shell out so much and have no guarantees. I ran into mike and others in the forum and have had the opportunity to enjoy many species without going broke. It's a great hobby with great peeps and you've had some good advice. I have about 12 ghosts if various stages and they crack me up, really fun species. I have other species too and the are all fun and unique in their own ways. :) ask around, mike is offering you a great deal! Box of mantids for 8 bucks. Doesn't get any better than that! :)

It has nothing to do with Business, I was offering something up completely free, a dozen or so Ghost nymphs for a group viv are a pretty decent way to start out and make sure this hobby is for you before spending any excess cash or commiting yourself to the forum.

I try and help out all who I can.

I got into mantids from the forum supporter deal. It's a good thing that Rebecca offers and it helps the forum. If you like BT's ghosts, there's no reason why you can't become a forum supporter too!


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