While we're talking about temps (Pnigomantis)


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Well-known member
Dec 24, 2011
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Every flower species I'm keeping likes it hot hot hot, but the Pnigos on the next shelf (5 degrees cooler at least) do not seem to like the lamp, and move away from the direct heat. If I had to make an estimate, I'd say they seem to like it around 80, not much more than 85, and they're not baskers.

What about humidity? I am misting daily, but I mist everyone daily; I don't think I'm keeping any species that need it dry and I have all nymphs at the moment.

Anyone else have any observations? (by the way, who's keeping these guys besides happy and Carey?)

A few more random ovbservations, and by the way I'm only working with a pair. My female is super friendly and loves to be out of her enclosure, looking around, on my husband mostly, and not much rattles her except his thumb when he is texting (it's a snake! lol). The male, on the other hand, is an absolute spaz. A bottle fly on tongs sent him into a mad fleeing terror yesterday, wedged behind the furniture in his enclosure, and the toothpick with honey almost always make him do his raptorials-to-chin thing I call his "Oh sh**! pose". Oh boy, when he has wings!

Oh, forgot to mention, they're L6-7ish at the moment.

There's not much out there in the way of pnigo care sheet. Shall I tackle a 'consolidated' thread for this species?

I keep them at 68 degrees. They seem to do much better when they are over that. Three of my Double Shields miss molted. I mist them about two times a day. Now I mist them three times a day. I think they miss molted because is was too dry for them. It is probably because the heat lamp. Most mantids that I have read seem to do alright when they are about 68 degrees. I have read that Gambian Spotted Eye Flower Mantids do well when it is 60 degrees. I think I read that Orchid Mantids do alright when it is cool. Do Creobroter sp. need to be warm? I am going to get Creobroter pictipennis soon!

My Pnigomantis medioconstricta seemed to like the heat lamp at first. After less than 30 minutes they seem to move away from it. They seem to flatten their abdomens and show their red spots. Maybe they get more heat when they do that.

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I keep them at 68 degrees. They seem to do much better when they are over that. Three of my Double Shields miss molted. I mist them about two times a day. Now I mist them three times a day. I think they miss molted because is was too dry for them. It is probably because the heat lamp. Most mantids that I have read seem to do alright when they are about 68 degrees. I have read that Gambian Spotted Eye Flower Mantids do well when it is 60 degrees. I think I read that Orchid Mantids do alright when it is cool. Do Creobroter sp. need to be warm? I am going to get Creobroter pictipennis soon!
They can do fine cooler, they're just more active and fun when kept warm. Although I've heard they don't live as long?

Ha, it's never much below 70 in my house.

One of my males stopped eating and he died. The others get very thin when they stay cool for a while. A few times they seemed like they were going to die because they were very thin. I have to hand feed them. It is warm now. They are eating very well! My Blue Flash seem to do alright when I do not mist them everyday. My Blue Flash are always healthy!

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My Creobroter p. loves the heat! They are very active and will chase a fly around the encousure. I only keep them at 75-76 degrees F. They dont mature fast and still live fairly long! Its the perfect temp.


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