WHO wants to be RANDOM???!!!


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well the pterodactyl army was defeated at the banana bread loaf tomorroday because the african panda force WZELM66 ambushed them with roasted coffee

col. hot dog mikpooperson said that he will be travelling to the watery grave desert to use the platinum toilet
it's official agent A has gone bonkers!


More Breaking News from the station that brings you more poo than ever, PANDA 41!

27:18PSD Octovember 64, 2000+face. A protest was held yesterday at the new york window factory speaking out against the recent atrocities of the Bookshelf Flower Pot Army (BFPA). Led by the disabled tables of Lithuania, the troubled clocks gathered to peacefully protest, but the Flower Pots could not tolerate the demonstrations. "We have not committed any dresser theft since Arnold the Terrible ruled the headphone potato", said King Carpetmonger Bookshelf III in a press conference in his private volcano yesterday. However, this conflicts with the kangaroo investigators' recent information release of the BFPA's international activities. "The Bookshelf Flower Pots have committed serious crimes against saturn. 78% of Nabraska's record deals are held by Alien Bunnies without proper citizenship (quote from the AP calculus)", said Home Depot 3 weeks ago. Depot mysteriously disappeared the day after the information was released. "The Table Department does not believe that these two events are coincidental", Said Hyteniarisian Boocalysysytway, Official Granite of the Spoon Pot, second class," we will be keeping close tabs on cucumbers from now on, or at least until the Mirror gives up his throne on the face.

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a new breakthrough in the Aaron Hernandez case:

a transparent puppy managed to plant enough ailanthus trees to prohibit the use of severed fingers in the pyrotechnical aspects of a chicken's open heart surgery

because of this, lawyers for the purple dinosaur accused of using a potato peeler to destroy a scented candle have to rethink their saturniid rearing methods

more updates to come

a new breakthrough in the Aaron Hernandez case:

a transparent puppy managed to plant enough ailanthus trees to prohibit the use of severed fingers in the pyrotechnical aspects of a chicken's open heart surgery

because of this, lawyers for the purple dinosaur accused of using a potato peeler to destroy a scented candle have to rethink their saturniid rearing methods

more updates to come
Oh, Boy! I'm So Excited!!! I never would have dreamed that pencil SWAT teams jump off buildings to poop out idolo globes in bathroom markets!!!

So, the exploding panda donkey pooed a tree on pluto, causing the stock market to crash. I mean, really. Nobody asked face eating cabbage to fly, but navy SEALs flopped into a lamp anyway. Seriously, though. What is WITH the potato yearbook prices. Pillows have more soda than monkey butts!!! Well, I suppose it can't be helped if lace window toilets are only brown when imported to china from nebraska, and only if the papaya on mars is in perfect alignment with killer sloth cookies. Piano players killed wall stickers, and so did the clock on your lamborghini. Encyclopedia blankets must not eat walls after 4pm on saturday. *sigh*

How did you get that picture of my house?

I assume cabinets flew to the tv to capture the koala and dig a window? Or was it the chair factory? IT'S A MYSTERY.

How did you get that picture of my house?

I assume cabinets flew to the tv to capture the koala and dig a window? Or was it the chair factory? IT'S A MYSTERY.
actually, the Pythagorean theorem explains why woodchucks won't chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could if a woodchuck could chuck wood

them rodents are LAZY!

on the other hand, turtles do like to look at dead cookie dough so I cant complain

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Weird and hilarious stuff that goes on in my school:

My english teacher stalks our private conversations and grammatically corrects them. Not just that, but she seems to know when anyone makes a grammatical mistake. SHE KNOWS EVERYTHING
My social studies teacher keeps a gallon of peanut butter and toothpaste in his desk
A kid in my math class always screams about seeing a monkey behind the board. He started in September and never stopped
My old math teacher aggressively graded tests, having a mix between angry and constipated while writing
A kid admits that he spends an upwards of 50 hours on video games a week, and eats bacon wrapped meatballs the whole time. Not only does he not gain weight, but he specifically tells my friend and I about it cuz we're vegetarians
And last but not least, My science teacher's official nickname is King BlueHead. Also we made her a calendar of babies

Really? I don't get it. Kids, I guess. Here...Enjoy a 9 at my expense. I think Philinyuma took the high road. Getting to feel that way myself when assaulted with such a waste of space. It's not like you guys pay the hosting, is it?
Who was Philinyuma? Sad that he left, since it seems like he was a great contributor... Does Peter really pay for each post made?

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And seriously, how am I the only person in "Chat"??? :shifty:
I was in chat too and said hi but u didn't wanna answer my greeting

so I left, grew a pair of wings, and jumped out my window

I flew around my neighborhood, hovered over my neighbor's yard, pooped on their dog, then proceeded to land in a blue spruce tree

after eating several cones, I vomited and watched raccoons eat the chunky meal

then I flew back into my house, checked chat again, cried, and fell asleep

typical day I must say
