Why does this keep happening?


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Very true!!! But to me, think I know what they (12 people dead and 58 injured?) think should happen to him, is my very point, to maybe help it not happen once or twice in the future would be a start? :)
I fully agree with you man, i even think old western style public execution should be legal. Todays kids only think about doing the crime and not whats gonna happen after. I they saw they would know. But nowadays our system protects them.

I fully agree with you man, i even think old western style public execution should be legal. Todays kids only think about doing the crime and not whats gonna happen after. I they saw they would know. But nowadays our system protects them.
No matter how many public executions we there will always be psychopaths. Do you think psychopaths learn anything from this? NO (because they are psycho). But what it does announce to younger people is "wow our government is messed up".Now this is not to say that our current legal system has it right either. Right now if you get the right lawyers you are off the hook. What needs to happen is a major revision and consolidation of idiotic laws that make people like this get off easy. The new laws should be harsh but not brutal.

Torture this man, let the victims' families and loved ones torture him (if they want) and publicly execute him. And if his parents knew that he was off his rocker, they should be punished too.

Public executions do NOT signal to the young that the government is messed up. Where does that come from? It signals, don't do dumb and crazy s*** or you'll be publicly killed!

And another thing, this idiot should have been flagged a long time ago, no one. NO ONE needs that amount of ammunition. I don't care if you're the leader of the NRA, no one needs all of those guns and bullets.

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Gripens heart is in the right place and I respect what he is putting down, but in today's world with a weirdo around every corner something has to be done to wake up the crazies even if not all of them understand. I'm not going to care who or why someone kills one of my kids or loved ones, I won't try to figure out what went wrong in their life to push them that far, it will just be rage and desire for them to never see the light of day again!

Who can argue that, protect and redeem the innocent and the he!! with the killer?

Gripens heart is in the right place and I respect what he is putting down, but in today's world with a weirdo around every corner something has to be done to wake up the crazies even if not all of them understand. I'm not going to care who or why someone kills one of my kids or loved ones, I won't try to figure out what went wrong in their life to push them that far, it will just be rage and desire for them to never see the light of day again!

Who can argue that, protect and redeem the innocent and the he!! with the killer?
Can't argue with that
Torture this man, let the victims' families and loved ones torture him (if they want) and publicly execute him. And if his parents knew that he was off his rocker, they should be punished too.

Public executions do NOT signal to the young that the government is messed up. Where does that come from? It signals, don't do dumb and crazy s*** or you'll be publicly killed!

And another thing, this idiot should have been flagged a long time ago, no one. NO ONE needs that amount of ammunition. I don't care if you're the leader of the NRA, no one needs all of those guns and bullets.
About the ammunition thing, I totally agree. I still wonder how AR-15's are legal. I just heard an NRA spokesperson say that people hunts with them. But really who the heck hunt deer with a military issue assault weapon. Come on people tighter gun laws.
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About the ammunition thing, I totally agree. I still wonder how AR-15's are legal. I just heard an NRA spokesperson say that people hunts with them. But really who the heck hunt deer with a military issue assault weapon. Come on people tighter gun laws.
Some people tend to think that the world would be better if everyone had a gun, I'm not buying into that for a second! Never had a gun and I don't want one really but if things keep up the way they are I may pick up a 12 gauge and have 6 pellet bird shot for safe keeping. ;)

If he's(shooter) a victim too, then you don't want to know what I would do with him in my own private court of law!
Same!!! This guy is a heartless monster who ran around throwing off tear gas canisters to make people easier to shoot. He targeted (apparently) mainly women and children. This man is a terrible person and should be executed. I've made my point

I just wish I could turn on the TV or go online and noit be bombarded with info on this a hole. Also slightly tired of all the "remarkable" stories of the victims. It was 12 people, people. Nobody touched on my comment on genocide. I guess only "close to home" counts.

@ Gripen, sorry if I came off a bit harsh, didn't mean it. I guess I'm just a strong believer in the death penalty (when the person is 100% guilty). But you're right, tighter gun laws are in order. It's one thing to hunt and own a gun (which I'm okay with), but no one needs enough ammunition for a small platoon.

@patrick. You're gonna keep hearing it, unfortunately. Hopefully there won't be a copy cat. Still, the stories of the victims cannot be discredited and surely they are "remarkable", please don't downplay that. About the genocide, I didn't read it, I actually skipped down and posted my comment. However, I can say that it is typical of a nation to focus on atrocities in their own nation (not "closer to home" but ACTUAL home). That's a given.

Still, it is unfortunate that millions of people are being ignored around the world as they get slaughtered. But this just goes to show you, America should first fix their own problems before policing others around the world. Domestic terrorists do exist in this nation, but you don't see the news often reporting about that do you?

hate to say this but I do believe this was fortold or something to another in the bible of the end times but may be labelled as a fanatic which I am not but there is alot of evil in this world and well this is the best case scenario as my explanation!

And another thing, this idiot should have been flagged a long time ago, no one. NO ONE needs that amount of ammunition. I don't care if you're the leader of the NRA, no one needs all of those guns and bullets.
I dont agree on this part. In order to protect yourself from this happening to YOUR family you need more ammo. Ask yourself this. How many of the honest movie goers were armed to protect thereselves. I havent seen anything on the news where they returned fire. I know he had body armor, but a shattered knee cap or even a headshot hitting the armor would have close to stunned him on impact.

Yes i know im opening up a whole new discussion but to be clear, a trained shooter that can hit what he is aiming at could have stopped him.

Its gonna get worse and if you are not armed you are a sitting duck. This was a prime example.

There are many firearms that can be concealed and also powerful enough to defend and protect you life from these crazy life changing encounters.

I just wish I could turn on the TV or go online and noit be bombarded with info on this a hole. Also slightly tired of all the "remarkable" stories of the victims. It was 12 people, people. Nobody touched on my comment on genocide. I guess only "close to home" counts.
Yeah, anybody forget Joseph Kony? Anyways, I hate to say this, but when tragedies happen here and a different country, no matter how big or small, we will always think about the U.S. first. Maybe not all of us, but the majority.

I agree with angleofdeathzz, public execution would deter some killers. However the monsters who do this are almost always pyscopaths, public execution might not stop them.

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I dont agree on this part. In order to protect yourself from this happening to YOUR family you need more ammo. Ask yourself this. How many of the honest movie goers were armed to protect thereselves. I havent seen anything on the news where they returned fire. I know he had body armor, but a shattered knee cap or even a headshot hitting the armor would have close to stunned him on impact.

Yes i know im opening up a whole new discussion but to be clear, a trained shooter that can hit what he is aiming at could have stopped him.

Its gonna get worse and if you are not armed you are a sitting duck. This was a prime example.

There are many firearms that can be concealed and also powerful enough to defend and protect you life from these crazy life changing encounters.
Well he bought a LOT more ammo than a trained shooter or a hunter needs, with 30 round mags, kinda too much for hunting??? Plus tear gas, bulletproof vest, gas mask, bulletproof helmet, yeah this guy isnt hunting. The only other thing he would do besides massacres is that he might be proctecting his family from an army...

ok on the gun laws tighter laws aren't gonna do a thing bad people will always find ways to get a gun there are lots of guns out there that are not legal, its called the black market people. Tighter laws only hurt those people that want to legally protect themselves.

ok on the gun laws tighter laws aren't gonna do a thing bad people will always find ways to get a gun there are lots of guns out there that are not legal, its called the black market people. Tighter laws only hurt those people that want to legally protect themselves.
If no one had guns you would not need to protect yourself. I am sorry but this whole "concealed carry law" Is total BS. I don't give a ###### what you do at the shooting range but if you have a gun while standing behind me in the supermarket line than I don't feel safe.
If no one had guns you would not need to protect yourself. I am sorry but this whole "concealed carry law" Is total BS. I don't give a ###### what you do at the shooting range but if you have a gun while standing behind me in the supermarket line than I don't feel safe.
LMAO wont need to protect yourself, welcome to the human race bud. it goes back to Kane and Able. people are gonna kill people its nature. You wont know if i have a gun because it is concealed carry. Ask yourself this. If you outlaw all guns the bad guys are gonna still have them just like drugs. They are easy to get even though they are illegal. Ok, now all guns are outlawed a robber comes into your supermarket shooting, would you rather have a honest armed citizen behind you that is about to save you life or a unarmed honest citizen on his knees praying with you. I will take choice A. To say concealed carry is BS, is very oblivious. you are very neglagent to the whole picture here. YOU WONT STOP A CRIMINAL FROM HAVING A GUN. The only people that will turn there guns in are the honest and then some of those wont surrender because we will be defencless. GUNS equal FREEDOM. It is proven throughout history. open your history book.

A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.

-- George Washington

LMAO wont need to protect yourself, welcome to the human race bud. it goes back to Kane and Able. people are gonna kill people its nature. You wont know if i have a gun because it is concealed carry. Ask yourself this. If you outlaw all guns the bad guys are gonna still have them just like drugs. They are easy to get even though they are illegal. Ok, now all guns are outlawed a robber comes into your supermarket shooting, would you rather have a honest armed citizen behind you that is about to save you life or a unarmed honest citizen on his knees praying with you. I will take choice A. To say concealed carry is BS, is very oblivious. you are very neglagent to the whole picture here. YOU WONT STOP A CRIMINAL FROM HAVING A GUN. The only people that will turn there guns in are the honest and then some of those wont surrender because we will be defencless. GUNS equal FREEDOM. It is proven throughout history. open your history book.

A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.

-- George Washington

You could make guns illegal as a whole, and people(bad) would still have guns. All that would do is leave the innocent man defenseless.

I guess we will have to agree to disagree because I find your whole argument completely frivolous.

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