Why does this keep happening?


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557135_10151708871855288_660947868_n1.jpgI have concealed carry and I am a NRA certified pistol instructor does that make me bad NO but I am sure gonna be ready if someone wants to be an ###### and try to do something bad to me

P.S. I'm a responsible gun owner

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JRh3 from Alabama, Never did I say to prevent people from buying guns. Any idiot can see that this man did not need all of that ammunition. yes, protect yourself with a gun. That's cool and dandy. But you don't need a thousand guns with a billion bullets to protect yourself. Honestly, if you can't eliminate a threat with 2 guns, chances are the other thousand aren't going to make a difference either.

Let me make this clearer so you don't misconstrue what I'm saying. KEEP GUNS LEGAL, LIMIT THE AMOUNT YOU CAN HAVE. That way "people can still protect themselves" but it would be harder for them to go out slaughtering people. If this man was flagged, this probably wouldn't have happened or it may have happened to a lesser extent. This man was slaughtering people, and anyone with half a brain, regardless of what gun organization or anti organization you belong to, can see that this man had way too much ammunition. American citizens are collecting weapons as if they're preparing for some sort of war, and it should not be that way.

JRh3 from Alabama, Never did I say to prevent people from buying guns. Any idiot can see that this man did not need all of that ammunition. yes, protect yourself with a gun. That's cool and dandy. But you don't need a thousand guns with a billion bullets to protect yourself. Honestly, if you can't eliminate a threat with 2 guns, chances are the other thousand aren't going to make a difference either.

Let me make this clearer so you don't misconstrue what I'm saying. KEEP GUNS LEGAL, LIMIT THE AMOUNT YOU CAN HAVE. That way "people can still protect themselves" but it would be harder for them to go out slaughtering people. If this man was flagged, this probably wouldn't have happened or it may have happened to a lesser extent. This man was slaughtering people, and anyone with half a brain, regardless of what gun organization or anti organization you belong to, can see that this man had way too much ammunition. American citizens are collecting weapons as if they're preparing for some sort of war, and it should not be that way.
I can agree with that.
The thing about everyone having a gun is it would make some good people that would not normally harm anyone feel bolder and possibly go overboard about something then act out of angry before they had a chance to cool down and think things through, like they normally would have before they had a gun.

Examples: your wife caught you cheating so when you come home she shoots you in the chest 3 times and 2 minutes latter she's crying over your dead body screaming "what did I do", what about all the drunks and parters who are fine till they get some booze in them, then bam their brother calls them a name and boom they get shot, how many innocent people would be killed or maimed if everyone had a firearm? How many kids would know where the gun is kept and play with it with very poor results?

Yeah I want the guy in the supermarket to take out the shooter, of course but I don't think everyone is capable or should have a gun across the grid, that would turn out to be very chaotic and many more horror stories would unfold I'm afraid.

The thing about everyone having a gun is it would make some good people that would not normally harm anyone feel bolder and possibly go overboard about something then act out of angry before they had a chance to cool down and think things through, like they normally would have before they had a gun.

Examples: your wife caught you cheating so when you come home she shoots you in the chest 3 times and 2 minutes latter she's crying over your dead body screaming "what did I do", what about all the drunks and parters who are fine till they get some booze in them, then bam their brother calls them a name and boom they get shot, how many innocent people would be killed or maimed if everyone had a firearm? How many kids would know where the gun is kept and play with it with very poor results?

Yeah I want the guy in the supermarket to take out the shooter, of course but I don't think everyone is capable or should have a gun across the grid, that would turn out to be very chaotic and many more horror stories would unfold I'm afraid.
Yes thank you. With a gun you are just one step away from a dead body. If you can't feel safe without a gun than you have a problem.
disagree its called responsible gun ownership,and you may be surprised at just how many people do own guns. Sad to say but the world is not a safe place anymore.

disagree its called responsible gun ownership,and you may be surprised at just how many people do own guns. Sad to say but the world is not a safe place anymore.
It never was and never will be. Not having a gun does help though.
It never was and never will be. Not having a gun does help though.
What about the people who get guns through less than savory ways dont you want at least a chance at protecting yourself. Its all around you like I said you would be surprised at the people who do own,and again not all that own a gun are a few screws loose we are responsible law abiding citizens

It never was and never will be. Not having a gun does help though.
Not having a gun makes you a possible victim.

The guy only had like 6 guns and about 3000 rounds of ammo. Trust me that is not alot and when S.H.T.F. 3000 rounds wont last long.

Actually i think he only used the AR15.

He could have done the same damage with a pistol. There was no one to stop him.

I think there is too much emphasis on the guns. The deal in Florida recently with Rudy Eugene literally biting off the face of a poor homeless man for instance.

With trying to stay on topic of why does this keep happening, Imo it is because the moral foundation of our world is deteriorating and too many people choose to look the other way instead of being proactive and doing something about.

Whether these people are all insane or not hasn't that much to do with it either. The fact is the violence in this world is disgusting.

I've read this thread and frankly not all of us will agree totally on this subject, but please do not let our differences of opinions become too much of an issue. After all I'd think most of us come to this forum for some relaxation.

Peace be with you all

I think there is too much emphasis on the guns. The deal in Florida recently with Rudy Eugene literally biting off the face of a poor homeless man for instance.

With trying to stay on topic of why does this keep happening, Imo it is because the moral foundation of our world is deteriorating and too many people choose to look the other way instead of being proactive and doing something about.

Whether these people are all insane or not hasn't that much to do with it either. The fact is the violence in this world is disgusting.

I've read this thread and frankly not all of us will agree totally on this subject, but please do not let our differences of opinions become too much of an issue. After all I'd think most of us come to this forum for some relaxation.

Peace be with you all
+1 your right, guns or no guns insane is insane.

Only 6 guns? Who needs that many? He wasn't a hunter nor did he shoot for sport. He was a college student. Someone obtaining more than one gun and not affiliated with some type of shooting/gun "thing" should be flagged. The rounds may go fast, but that doesn't make them any less dangerous.

And 3,000 bullets is a lot. This isnt some zombie apocalypse, race war, alien invasion, etc. there is no S.H.T.F. That type of thinking is what causes gun toting idiots to buy more and more guns.

and no, I'm not saying people who own one or two guns are idiota, but fools who just go out and buy guns for the heck of it, being paranoid, or attempting to cause havock, are idiots.

But leaving the gun issue aside, it's disgusting that someone can do this. And it's happening everywhere, people eating brains and faces, shooting each other and more. The world was never safe, and it's only going to get worse by the looks of things.

And although I stand by what I said, I'm not trying to insult or downplay others' opinions. So don't hold this to me if I ever need a mantis :)

But leaving the gun issue aside, it's disgusting that someone can do this. And it's happening everywhere, people eating brains and faces, shooting each other and more. The world was never safe, and it's only going to get worse by the looks of things.

And although I stand by what I said, I'm not trying to insult or downplay others' opinions. So don't hold this to me if I ever need a mantis :)
Totally agree and enough said on the subject


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