Will the real Devils Flower Mantis please stand up?


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'idolomantis diabolica' is such a fantastic* name, why use anything else. :p

*1 imaginative or fanciful; remote from reality • of extraordinary size or degree • (of a shape or design) bizarre or exotic; seeming more appropriate to a fairy tale than to reality or practical use 2 informal extraordinarily good or attractive

I like the definition from the dictionary part. :lol: I agree though (I thought I. diabolica was its common name cause it sounds so cool). I mean, diabolica/diabolical*? Connection maybe?

*of or relating characteristics from the devil.

Devil, duh...Devil's flower.

I like the definition from the dictionary part. :lol: I agree though (I thought I. diabolica was its common name cause it sounds so cool). I mean, diabolica/diabolical*? Connection maybe? *of or relating characteristics from the devil.

Devil, duh...Devil's flower.
well, there certainly diabolically expensive. :lol:

lol, I wouldn't know :lol: I'm afraid to try them (even if they were offered to me for free).
yeah, they can be tricky- dropping while final shedding and foot damage problems made mine fail - which i didnt anticipate (wrong cage materials) exacerbated by their sloooooooow growth and therefore the length of time to develop problems. just get the cage and feeding conditions dead right by copying others who have suceeded then they are pretty easy, so no reason to be scared -esp if theyre free :lol:

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Pre subadult male - Blepharopsis mendicaNot sure why its eyes are like that..When i got them at 4th instar they allready looked like that.Dont seem to be dping them any harm so far.


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Thats a lucjy escape when i bought my Ghost mnatis the guy at the shop said it was a idlo...it wasnt until i got home that i found out what it really was lol

Blepharopsis mendica presub adult male


Idolomantis Diabolica subadult female


Pre subadult male - Blepharopsis mendicaNot sure why its eyes are like that..When i got them at 4th instar they allready looked like that.Dont seem to be dping them any harm so far.
Even though i love mantids soooo much, :wub: they can look a little scary close up. :ph34r:

Again, as a "Johnny come lately" to the hobby and to this thread about common names and the confusion that is present have an observation. Because we people who are in some way or another involved with mantids, are often lazy or don't have the opportunity to read real books, have become reliant on the internet. I cannot ascribe to Christian's statement in posting #14 and the last 3+ lines where he says that the internet has "complete bull...t in 80-90% of cases. This simply is extending one too far from his range of knowledge and expertise. The internet does in fact make many things easier from getting a recipe for a great pie, to finding a source for a new tool one would like to buy. Fortunately for us, Christian has posted here some awesome and valuable information that we should know and use if we are to get better at this hobby of keeping mantids,

I try to use the scientific names because I was at one time a Biology major in the Universities I attended many years ago. In those days it would have been absurd to believe that I would be trading with someone in Eastern Europe to acquire rare mantids that are native to Africa. Is someone could have known the future and told me this would be true in 2011, I would have promoted this person to go check in at the Camarillo State Mental facility (now defunct) which later, in some circles became "Hotel California" according to some experts. I like having the ability to acquiring insects from all over the world. I hope to learn from the many posts that are left here in this Forum on a daily basis. Some are experiences, some are just plain facts, some is bunk, and some is opinion. As we read and learn, we can separate the B.S. from the good stuff. Thank you all who post thoughtfully and those who sincerely share their knowledge. Take care!
