I've got one of these, too, for my Cilnia. She seems to like it. But between you and me, I don't find it particularly attractive.
How's your Cilnia doing, Psychobunny? Has she molted yet? And what are you feeding her right now inside that cube? Prey seems to get lost in there, and mine can never find it!
LOL!! they take a bit of getting used to the sight of them!!
She is doing well, eating flies and cricks but mostly cricks.
Both my Cilnia's are spoiled rotten! they like to be hand fed!! though they will still snag a prey if it
happens to get in their face! LOL!!
One of them is in a large plastic jar and stays hanging upside down on the lid.
When I open the lid, with her on it, she reaches her arms out for me.
I put the cricks (which I have to remove their back legs so they dont get away) in my hand and she
snags them.
The one in the cube was the same way, reaching out to me as soon as I opened her jar, that is why
I transfered her to the cube.
My other one will be transfered also as soon as I get the fake plants (exactly like in the pic) I ordered.
I am not worried about the problems mentioned above regarding crickets chewing through it, etc.
My cricks dont live long enough to chew anything. I do not leave uneaten pry in any encloser (except flies).
If they dont find them and eat them, they come out, too bad!! they learn to catch them if they are hungry
or else.
I am also not worried about an ootheca being glued to it since I will watch them for signs and if they become gravid
with an (infertile) ootheca, I will transfer them to something else.
Nothing is perfect, but for me, these cubes are the answer to home sweet mantis home