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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2013
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So i ordered 3 chinese mantis oothecae a few days ago and they were supposed to take until the 20th to get here, but they arrived today! can't wait until they hatch :D

About how long do they take to hatch?

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I have 2 Chinese Oothe hatching myself. I'm curious if your cases rattle when you turn them? Mine sound like they are full of sand or something that shifts and makes a rattling sound.

I have had mine in a tank for a couple weeks now and have heard it can take from 3 weeks to an entire year.

I have 2 Chinese Oothe hatching myself. I'm curious if your cases rattle when you turn them? Mine sound like they are full of sand or something that shifts and makes a rattling sound.

I have had mine in a tank for a couple weeks now and have heard it can take from 3 weeks to an entire year.
I just checked, mine didn't make any noise. That sounds weird though :blink:

Wow, that's a wide range. I'll be waiting for them to hatch, though :yawn: haha

I just hatched one a few days ago. I had it just under three weeks. I just finished letting most go in the garden and vacant lots. I counted 150 and that wasn't counting the ones moving around. Now I think I'm down to 40-50.

They still don't seem too keen on eating. A few ate. Here they are in the mesh cage:

Photo Mar 04, 8 57 35 PM.jpg

Here are some just before being released:

Photo Mar 07, 11 56 34 AM.jpg

pictures are sideways.

150!? that's alot :blink: I'm going to be releasing alot of mine in my backyard.

most of them die in a few days.
In that case i may keep them a few days in one container so that i don't pick some of the ones that will die :)

I may (instead of releasing all of them) sell/give them out in the neighborhood as pest control. I know some people here who are big on gardening lol

I felt like an idiot too keeping and misting a foam ping pong ball in a cage but stay with it. There was no indication that anything was alive until one morning I looked and it was full of little mantids.

I'm down to ten that I'm keeping, I let even more go. Only 5 of the 150 died withing the first week, and three of those because I left the tag on the plastic flowers and and a tiny bit of the sticky back, barely 5 square millimetres was exposed, and three managed to get stuck there and die. Be sure to take the tags off!

I felt like an idiot too keeping and misting a foam ping pong ball in a cage but stay with it. There was no indication that anything was alive until one morning I looked and it was full of little mantids.

I'm down to ten that I'm keeping, I let even more go. Only 5 of the 150 died withing the first week, and three of those because I left the tag on the plastic flowers and and a tiny bit of the sticky back, barely 5 square millimetres was exposed, and three managed to get stuck there and die. Be sure to take the tags off!
lol if i buy plants (they will be fake) i will be sure to take the tag off. for my other enclosures that i have done I used things i found around my house

I felt like an idiot too keeping and misting a foam ping pong ball in a cage but stay with it. There was no indication that anything was alive until one morning I looked and it was full of little mantids.

I'm down to ten that I'm keeping, I let even more go. Only 5 of the 150 died withing the first week, and three of those because I left the tag on the plastic flowers and and a tiny bit of the sticky back, barely 5 square millimetres was exposed, and three managed to get stuck there and die. Be sure to take the tags off!
thats weird I lost over 40 in the first night.

thats weird I lost over 40 in the first night.
I didn't do much for them. They were in a net cage so they got plenty of ventilation. Humidity was around 60%, 22C and I gave them a good misting when I saw they had hatched, and misted a couple of times a day.

They didn't seem to start to eat until after 48 hours, and then only maybe 1 in 5 ate.

I could imagine that high mortality out of the ootheca could just be the result of the genetics of some populations.


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