Zoolea sp.


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Two months is not that bac actually - considering certain Hymenopodidae, this life-span is quite sufficient. But the pain in the dong is that the more they mate, the sooner they die - not with all species, but this is just so annoying!

I can confirm the short livespan in my males. They do not live more than several weeks to 2 1/2 months. Well, as long as they do what they have to... ;)

Sorry for bring such an old topic up but does anyone still keeping them?

I know someone who has them, but I do not know at what stage they are - and if I cannot get Gongylus, I'll get me some Zoolea for sure.

I was gonna buy some from www.mantisanddragon.com a while ago but it's not really worth it for one ooth.

