tick tick ticks


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So much for liking bugs :D :lol:
:lol: I do like all bugs except the ones that need to feed off of me! biteing flies, mosquitos, and ticks. As far as i'm concerned they can be eradicated! :2guns: :lol:

Really though, i know they play an important role in nature. I just wish someone could tell me what that might be? :p :lol: :2guns:

:lol: I do like all bugs except the ones that need to feed off of me! biteing flies, mosquitos, and ticks. As far as i'm concerned they can be eradicated! :2guns: :lol: Really though, i know they play an important role in nature. I just wish someone could tell me what that might be? :p :lol: :2guns:

Ticks are the creepiest. I used to have nightmares about them. Now that I live in Washington, I have dreams about fleas and mosquitos, but they're not nearly as creepy as ticks. Ugh :angry: actually they still give me nightmares, even though I never actually see them here. I still don't like them. :angry:

Only God knows, and He ain't tellin! U guys are fire bugs, does you mothers know that?

You should see the mass of eggs now, it is amazing how prefectly round the eggs are and how tiny.

I bought my first house last year and to my surprise, the back lawn was infested with ticks. I hike and primitive camp in FL so I get my regular dose of tick encounters often but this was ridiculous. Every time I came to the house (before I moved in), I got ticks on me. Same for my dog and everyone who came over. I bought some ORTHO Bug-B-Gon MAX Insect Killer for Lawns Granules and spread it around the lawn and that was that. Never saw them since. The house was a short sale and the grass was not cut often. I have seen raccoons out so I guess they or some squirrels bring them in (saw the coons in the daytime too :( ) My land is a quarter acre. Im not sure if that is an option for you Hibiscus based on your acreage or if you would be comfortable with pesticide. Another option is to spread Diatomaceous earth on your land. It will wash away after a few rains but is supposed to be pretty effective and is not a chemical. Both will probably decimate any insect population you have on the ground.

I use something called the tick key to remove ticks. You can find them for $5.00. I use it on me and my dog. Works great, never leaves a head in.

As for tick removal, I have used a hot match tip before. Works well as the ticks spin out of you and try to get away fast. I have heard that this can make them vomit and increase your chance for infection? This doesn't make sense to me. I didn't think arachnids can vomit. Anybody have experience or input?

Thanks I have the d earth, and did actually put some out where I knew she picked them up, but to no avail, and for the other, well too much area plus afraid I would end up washing everything so I do not walk it into my Bugatorium, I have to be careful of all that stuff, a bit of poison could wipe me out
. but thanks for the tips. She is not picking up any as I can tell the last two days, but then I take her right outside, only twice a day just to do her jobs and make her come right back in, she is like me and hates the sun and heat, so she redilly comes.

OMG I fear ticks! yikes!

I don't like those things. We have them in California if you venture out into the woods or hills at all.

I get them fishing. Now I use 100% deet when I go. The stuff that melts plastic. lol

Starting to catch a summer cold, not happy
, but if I feel up to it after feeding, cleaning, shipping, emailing, maybe a pee break haha, oh and a drink, I will take pic of the latest tick I pulled off Abby and the eggs the two fat ticks have laid, u will be freaked out! Now I just put their containers into another container, cause I am afraid after talking to the people at Frontline, that they will hatch small enough to get out of the cup and insect lid I have on there. They told me that the tick is suppossed to stay on the dog, till it dies
. What the.......

Oh yea, like I can leave it there and hope it dies and then falls off, instead of falling off and not dying and laying those eggs in the house. what a bunch of morons! or what
. I told her it was 11 days since I treated her, and she told me they had to stay on dog, oh heres what I can do to see if it works. I will shave her and hot glue a cup around the tick and see if it falls off and is dead.....

Collect them, and BURN! I am not joking, you or your dog can get lymes disease. It can really hurt you. Or rocky mountain spotted fever! Tics dont play! Check on your dog and you for a bullseye type mark around the bite. It can be a problem. No tics staying on anything that you care for!

Those things give me the willies. Here in the West, they can transmit Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, which is not something one would wish to have. Rebecca, I don't know how common Lyme disease is in your area, but if you've been bitten at all, and come down with symptoms, be sure to seek treatment.

Paul, sorry to hear your tale of woe, but I have to tell you that the way you expressed it is pretty damn funny! :lol:

You must eradicate them :2guns: , for the health of your family and your pets. Blow them up with fire and it might even be a little fun, and gross :gun_bandana: . Still, don't hang on to them, :no: it is dangerous to the houshold.

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Well got it again! Had to go out and replace the plug on the septic pump last evening, came in and took all clothes off and checked myself,,,,, nothin! Got dressed and did some other things, took Abby out and came back in, just gave myself a quick lookie over, went to work on pc, at 9 something decided time for bed, and got up from chair and all of a sudden it felt like a bee sting! took shirt off and a tick had attached itself to my side
. Me most unhappy woman
seems I cannot go outside at all this year without getting them on me, hubby was just coming in and gave him the needle nose plyers and told him to snap to it!
He got it, with a bit of my skin still attached! This is pissing me off now!
