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  1. Plex

    Fish tanks/Fish and birds!

    My family and I, along with the mantids, dogs, cats, ect, also have a few cockatiels, parakeets, and fish. I figured I'd post photos of some of them here to share! Connor, female Latino colored Cockatiel. Murphy, male grey cockatiel, helping with homework last semester. Tropical...
  2. Plex

    Puppies.. puppies everywhere!

    Also the first photo on my last response was from two days ago so that's what they look like now!!!
  3. Plex

    Puppies.. puppies everywhere!

    Yes there are now more puppy pics, growing like weeds they all are, Agent A! I just haven't had a chance to post much lately, been busy busy busy! The girls cuddling together Girls playing First vet visit with us! Them playing two weeks ago Luna's favorite sleeping position
  4. Plex

    Successful hatch!

    Two days ago a Tenodera sinensis ootheca that my grandmother brought home from a gardening place here (one of two, they came in a package of a pair) started hatching. Two days later it looks like it might finally be finishing up hatching- and by the looks of it, there are at least a hundred...
  5. Plex

    It jumped in my car!

    I'm going to agree with Patrick, definitely looks like an assassin bug!
  6. Plex

    Europe bound...

    I expect MANY photos Andrew! I wish you the best of luck and have a wonderful time in Europe! I would love to go visit different countries like that..
  7. Plex

    WTB: Drosophila hydei

    My culture has flopped and I am looking for a new producing or started culture of Drosophila hydei fruit flies; flightless preferred but I won't be too picky. Contact me if you have any extra cultures with your price.
  8. Plex

    Sleep Deprivation

    I have that same toxic combination of procrastination and high expectations. During my final week, I had a number of energy drinks and I HAVE gotten to the point of sleep deprivation where I start seeing things that aren't there.. tis annoying when it happens.
  9. Plex

    missing for over 10 years

    Very sad story, but at least they're alive and on their way to wellness now.. One thing this proves I guess is that you shouldn't give up if someone's been missing for a while until either you have a body or their back; I've heard of a couple cases of things like this aside from this most...
  10. Plex

    Is She or Isn't She ?

    Not sure about this specific species but some species do get to L8 as subadult and in some it depends on gender how many instars there are- when she molts next you will see her as an adult with full wings I'm sure.
  11. Plex

    Is She or Isn't She ?

    Definitely subadult, and the wing buds are a tad swollen so it should be soon- but as was said, that last molt can take a while! Keep her nice and fat and plenty of water and she'll molt when she is ready :)
  12. Plex

    D.lobata - Ridiculous Ooth

    So THAT is where I'm going wrong, I have to get my hands on some fairies! :D Very nice ooth, and that last photo is just precious!
  13. Plex

    Jeff Hanneman is dead!!!!!!Bitten by a spider.

    And this is surprising how? Remember these are the same people picketing the funerals of soldiers, who attempted to picket memorials for victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary shootings, and various other things.. R.I.P. Jeff Hanneman
  14. Plex

    Twerking at Walmart? Seriously??????? LOLOLOLOL

    I think the thing that's bothering me most about the twerking is the fact I can't figure out exactly what that disturbing noise is...
  15. Plex

    Anaheim May 19th-25th

    OF COURSE IT'S WALMART. .... but this does not help tell the gender. This is truly something special. Seen only in the wildlife of walmart. And similar places.
  16. Plex

    Ctenus hibernalis

    That's what I call a beautie! :D
  17. Plex

    Anaheim May 19th-25th

    First we'll need a better picture of his/her back!
  18. Plex

    Anaheim May 19th-25th

    I still think it's a woman. I hope.
  19. Plex

    Anaheim May 19th-25th

    .... Are you saying it might not be? D:
  20. Plex

    My New Chameleon Friend

    And then there will be many lovely baby hydrophobic chams to join the origami chameleon family! xD