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  1. Ghostie

    Gambian Spotted-Eye Flower Mantis Final Molt

    Awesome footage. That's so gnarly how they do that haha. I never get to actually see the head pop out I always miss it. :unsure: Hey nice tunes also. My stuff is too wacky to be posted with a video lol. It's like Dance mixed with a cartoon. hahaha
  2. Ghostie

    Terrarium with lots of twigs

    You have a point there. Only ones I found in the wild were hanging inverted from sticks. Edit: or about to get refueled and ran over.. lol I do notice that clear walls tend to annoy them a bit but if they are on the sticks they don't notice the clear walls. These idolos are puzzle to me...
  3. Ghostie

    Terrarium with lots of twigs

    Glue screen inside of the exposed glass. Looks good mang.
  4. Ghostie

    Ghostie's Pics Thread

    Sanks Laura! I added some sticks to my home made cubes in such a way as to where they stay in by themselves even if you pick the cube up and move it around. Seems to look and work pretty good. We don't need no stinkin' doors. Still running open bottom. If you look close enough there is a ghost...
  5. Ghostie

    Ghostie's Pics Thread

    L4 Idolo pics coming soon. Also need more pics of my gongy cage. One of them molted black the other day.
  6. Ghostie

    Ghostie's Pics Thread

    Quick update Fresh adult female Stagmomantis Limbata Adult Female Ghost Adult Male Ghost My wooden cages have occupants "The corner"
  7. Ghostie

    Acromantis Magna ooth

    Sold. Thanks guys. Maybe more soon. :)
  8. Ghostie

    Acromantis Magna ooth

    OK this is my first classified add on Mantid Forum. I just had my female Acromantis Magna from Yen lay a second ooth. All the species info I have can be found here. I'm offering it for sale for $10 shipped since it is my first ooth sale. This is offered to Unites States only please...
  9. Ghostie

    Idolomantis diabolica

    Precarious had some pretty good cage ideas for adults molting.. if we can get any there. :lol:
  10. Ghostie

    House Fly Technique

    If you have a cup of 50-100 flies, one pops out the hole into the transfer cup within seconds. I don't imagine it would be much faster to wait for them to get cold lethargic then dish them out one at a time. I don't like flies in my fridge anyways. Pupae is bad enough. :lol: "More than one...
  11. Ghostie

    Oh snap! Houston we have lift-off!

    Felt the ooth to see if it was dry and it felt like it. Ooth popped right off the plastic by lifting the corner of the foam of the ooth with an old Red Devil box razor blade. (anyone remember those!?) I barely had to touch it and it popped right off no problem. Here's the female doing...
  12. Ghostie

    House Fly Technique

    I don't need to take out any more than one fly at a time when I only have one mantis per cup. Accept for in my gongy cage then I just open the fly cup lid and let a bunch out into the net cage. A 12x12 net cage full of house flies sounds like a nightmare to me. I had not heard anything about...
  13. Ghostie

    Bad Molt Rehab

    If it doesn't have working legs I Thin kit's in trouble. I had a dead leaf who molted during shipment. It lost two legs in the molt and it's antennae. It recently molted again but fell during the second mismolt due to not enough legs to maintain grip. (only two) Nedless to say it got even...
  14. Ghostie

    Feeding time!

    Nice Creos. They are fun little ones. I'm going to have to offer my last one up in the classifieds soon to find it a mate.
  15. Ghostie

    Oh snap! Houston we have lift-off!

    Thanks guys! Now that I think about it I'm going to be in trouble if I start hatching ooths all over the place haha. I currently have 24 mantids which take about an hour a day to feed and water. I feed every day accept to "moltees" or overweight mantids. I don't even know how these mantis...
  16. Ghostie

    House Fly Technique

    I have also found refrigerating live flies unnecessary using my sisters' fly transfer techniques. (Thanks sis!) With a cup full of flies you put a hole in it with a foam stopper. When you need one, remove the foam stopper and put a 1/4oz cup over the hole and wait for a fly to fly in. Then...
  17. Ghostie

    Red liquid excretion

    I had two idolos barf up red liquid and die from the last shipment.
  18. Ghostie

    Oh snap! Houston we have lift-off!

    Try hanging them upside down? I'm sure you have already but figured I'd throw that out there. These two didn't start mating even though he jumped on her until I flipped them upside down in their cage.
  19. Ghostie

    Oh snap! Houston we have lift-off!

    My first ooth has been laid in my possession! How exciting! I noticed she was much skinnier this morning so started looking around and here it is! When it dries out I guess I'll try and put it on a deli cup lid.
  20. Ghostie

    Mites: I hate'm

    I got mites in my ghost enclosure. Tossed it. I don't know why I don't see them in my frog enclosure since I used the same stuff. I left the mites in the ghost enclosure with the ghosts for a while and no problems. The mites ate any flies that fell to the floor from the ghost mantis. I just...