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  1. Granny's Mantis Mayhem

    How do we get this place more active?

    I totally agree and I love it here but the fact that the activity is so low keeps me from being here more etc. Also, the buying/selling/trading aspect is pretty low too.  However, I have learned so much here just from reading past posts and from you and a few others that are active.  Here's to...
  2. Granny's Mantis Mayhem

    Hello everyone

  3. Granny's Mantis Mayhem

    How do we get this place more active?

    Any ideas on how to get this forum more active?
  4. Granny's Mantis Mayhem

    How many is to many?

    Love the replies lol thank you so much for sharing :)
  5. Granny's Mantis Mayhem

    New to the forum.

    Hello and welcome!!! Love your Photos. I've only been in the hobby for a few months and I am also just learning the breeding end of things. At this time I have 25 mantids and five species. 
  6. Granny's Mantis Mayhem

    How many is to many?

    OMG I would love a mantis tent I can see why its a fav :)  and wow you have a lot! Any tips for Blepharosis mendica?
  7. Granny's Mantis Mayhem

    Giant Asian - Opinions needed please

    I was so relieved LOL 
  8. Granny's Mantis Mayhem

    How many is to many?

    I have 25 mantids (I had 27 but had two thistle deaths), I have talked to a few breeders that have 100 or more not counting nymphs. I'm curious:  How many mantids you have? How many mantids do you consider too many for yourself?  How much time do you take for care/cleaning/feeding? Do...
  9. Granny's Mantis Mayhem

    Giant Asian - Opinions needed please

    Zane the miss molted Giant Asian update.   Zane molted and yes I missed the whole thing. I really wanted to record it for everyone.   Not only is Zane doing well but yes has grown back the missing legs, yes they are smaller than the others but working just fine.   I will be...
  10. Granny's Mantis Mayhem

    New setup!

    @FeistyMcGrudle love the species you have, I have ghosts (love them) but no orchids as of yet, I'm hoping in the future. Maybe when @MantisGirl13 has some :)  ... I posted photos somewhere of my current enclosures/set up, but I will most certainly share as I get the new space together.  Do you...
  11. Granny's Mantis Mayhem

    New setup!

    I totally get it lol my family hates to open the fridge  LOL and I'm sure it's more sanitary for them to have their own. I'm in the process of working on an outside room/area for my mantis. They will have Heat/AC/Humidifier &  Fans. It's still a ways away from completion so now I'm adding a...
  12. Granny's Mantis Mayhem

    New setup!

    Love the idea of a fridge just for the feeders :)  
  13. Granny's Mantis Mayhem

    Comment by 'Granny's Mantis Mayhem' in album 'Granny's Mantis Mayhem'

    I just fixed them, thank you for looking :)
  14. Bamboo


  15. Bamboo


  16. Bamboo


  17. Bamboo


  18. Granny's Mantis Mayhem

    Giant Asian - Opinions needed please

    Quick update - Zane has gone off his food yesterday so I think a molt is coming. Worried and excited at the same time :)
  19. Granny's Mantis Mayhem

    SUCCESS #2!!!!!!!!!!

    Exciting :)  how long do they normally take to hatch and what conditions do they need?
  20. Akea

