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  1. T

    pycnoscelus surinamensis, little kenyans, and pallid roaches for sale!

    these three colonies have grown a little out of control and I need to get rid of a whole bunch of them. I have had great success with all of these guys as feeders, and each one is really easy to care for. each has different benefits and upsides and none of them can survive and breed in a house...
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    choeradodis rhombicollis changing color, why? (not disease, i don't think)

    no need to worry, the male is just getting ready for his final molt. his hood is shrinking a bit to its adult shape so you can see his old skin as the light brown color. the same thing happens to orchid males before their final molt where there leg lobes shrink before a molt, leaving a visible...
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    I guess I paid 60 dollars to relearn an important life lesson: trust no one. i have to say, i knew there were some specific people to avoid buying from but i didn't think a scammer would come out of the blue after years of good reviews.
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    can I ask a possibly controversial question??

    well not exactly because they are more intelligent but rather because i feel like the prey may have less mental capacity to suffer/feel pain and fear if that makes any sense. i have seen feeders roaches walking around with horrible injuries due to cannibalism seemingly acting normal, calmly...
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    can I ask a possibly controversial question??

    every time i end up injuring a feeder by mistake i always end up feeding bad, and if i find some sort of bug in my house it pretty much always gets released. even then, i do still feel a bit more empathy towards predatory insects. i feel that a lot of herbivore insects like feeder roaches tend...
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    mantisloverguy6000 (agent A, US)

    i traded a bunch of pallid roaches in exchange for some of his mantids and was not disappointed! they were packaged great and all arrived in great health, and he even sent an extra pair of budwings! this was the first time i had sent out insects aswell, and he was great about answering my many...
  7. T

    surinam roaches and pallid roaches for sale

    Surinam roaches (Pycnoscelus surinamensis): a great feeder for all sizes, with fruit fly sized babies and adults being slightly bigger than crickets. easy to care for burrowing roaches that will eat anything (they are even used for blatticomposting). they like moist substrate. $5 for 30 small...
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    I purchased 6 ghosts from jaunte and I cant say I have any complaints. they were very friendly, replied quickly, and even sent me an extra ghost. all the ghosts got here just fine, and the packaging was good. I would recommend for sure!
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    LF male hierodula venosa

    hi, im looking for an H. venosa male who is ready to mate or an adult. unfortunately, the male venosa I do have did not get the job done when he mated and is now too old and not able to hold onto the female safely.
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    what species is my pet mantis

    this one is an acanthopid mantis, like decimania or acanthops. pretty cool dead leaf mimics
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    Acanthops Erosula

    your acanthops is a male. the males of the this family of mantises always have the long "cape" wings while the females will hold their bodys folded sort of like sphodromantis nymphs
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    Website with photos of mantises from Brazil

    looks like photiomantis planicephala to me. or were you talking about the name of one you have kept?
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    Why Do Mantises When Eating Have Their antennae go to the back of their head and straighten?

    my orchids also did it just before an attack. I think its to prevent any prey from being able to grab or damage their antenna.
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    have you ever seen _____? unknown mantis appreciation thread

    i have come up with 2 possible common names for this species.  first off, the cello mantis. this one is sort of self explanatory, as this mantis looks like a larger version of the violin mantis second, the fiddle mantis. this one is because this mantis looks like a hybrid of idolomantis and...
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    have you ever seen _____? unknown mantis appreciation thread

    Have you ever heard of chopardempusa neglecta? Native to Madagascar, This member of the empusids is a giant, able to rival diabolica in size. This species is seldom seen, with only 4 images able to be found. Although blurry, you can see the deep blue color on its inner arms. This species lacks...
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    Help naming each others mantids!

    spud, scuttle, and rudder
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    Desert mantis (Eremiaphila sp.) food

    eremiaphila are a difficult little species. they need firebrats because firebrats are a relatively dry food. basically what they need is prey that has not too much water. 
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    Hard to acquire species.

    now you have me interested, I gotta know, what are some of the 100 dollar nymphs you've kept? 
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    Orchid mantis enclosure feedback

    This right here is good advice, but there is a way to keep him in that nice big cage. All you have to do is give him a little hunting assistance. Coerce the food item to crawl in his direction and watch him to make sure he catches it. Basically, just make sure he gets his food and he will be fine.
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    Mantis nibbling me?

    make sure to also give him some plain water too, as while honey is good for them it isn't exactly thirst quenching