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  1. DannyN

    New from South Florida

    Welcome fellow S.FL Mantid/chameleon keeper!
  2. DannyN

    What is this?

    Crickets lay their eggs in the soil. The dermestids can get to it.
  3. DannyN

    Trioceros deremensis

    They should be ready by christmas, if they hatch early November. Chameleons are like lays, you can never have just one.
  4. DannyN

    Trioceros deremensis

    Thank you all, he is indeed very cute! Its amazing how fast they grow in their first few weeks, he doubled in weight from last week. Rick, I will have babies in November :rolleyes: .
  5. DannyN

    Trioceros deremensis

    Had this little guy since he came out of the egg. He's two weeks now.
  6. DannyN


    We have the lubbers down here, I love grasshoppers, but I also love feeding them to my chameleons. As Im sure Steve knows ^. I wish we could find more that aren't toxic. Most colorful grasshoppers have toxins that keep predators at bay, even though they stand out in their enironment.
  7. DannyN

    Chinese and Carolina

    I need lots of Carolina and/or chinese ooths and/or nymphs. PM me with what youve got!
  8. DannyN

    Honestly, People!

    I dont post often but I personally think that posting on classified threads should be disabled, except by the poster. It is this way on a few other forums that Im on and it seems to make things a lot peaceful, any business is done over PM.
  9. DannyN

    Popa sp. ooths or nymphs

    Title says it! :)
  10. DannyN

    My Business

    A friend of mine does. It does take a lot of devotion though so I agree.
  11. DannyN

    My Business

    A few insects that may help you stand out from the regulars in the insect selling market are: milkweed bugs isopods cave crickets fire brats land snails katydids cabbage/painted lady butterflies I have experience breeding/feeding all of these if you need help. The only thing Id be...
  12. DannyN

    Jacksons Chameleons

    Jacksonii give live birth. And no I dont keep jackson's but I do keep, pathers, mellers, oustalets, pygmys, uthmoelleri, and johnstons
  13. DannyN

    Exo-Terra nano.

    Im not sure what they are called, but they grow very easily from clippings.
  14. DannyN

    dessicata ooth hatch

    WOW congrats!!!
  15. DannyN

    Regarding Joeho's thread

    This is a (very) long shot but what if they males need other males to get their testosterone kicking...
  16. DannyN

    Starving Gecko

    Try some pedialyte to get some electrolytes in him. Reptaid would work wonder if supplemented with his food.
  17. DannyN

    Exo-Terra nano.

    Heterochaeta enjoying their new home Popa spurca hiding Ghosts chilling
  18. DannyN

    Hypothetically... if/when Mega Mantises were to become available in the US...

    People just havent been breeding them, Yen (yen_saw) just had some for sale. They were sold pretty quickly.
  19. DannyN

    Exo-Terra nano.

    PhilinYuma, I have used those and they work great, the only problem with them is that you are unable to put lighs on top. Just bought two more exoterra to make my mantis room look a bit more classy LOL.