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  1. E

    how smart( or dumb) is a mantis

    Intelligent and dumb. Hmmm? We must keep in mind that every thing we know about our world is filtered through the human perspective. Is one animal smarter than another because a human can teach it tricks?? I've always held the thought that the animal that is the least cooperative with humans...
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    Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii by agent A

    I don"t know if you're stupid or not. lol But, thats one cool looking specimen. Good luck.
  3. E

    A gloroius day

    Sweet! Congrats! I just had my first nymph moult to L4. Can hardly wait to be where you are. Good luck!
  4. E

    New Lens, New photos!

    Wow nice work. I can't wait to start snapping shots. "I gotta figure out how to get the family farm back first." Thats from O' Brother where art thou.
  5. E

    hello all from Columbus Ohio

    Hey Paul, Welcome! Like you I'm new here. It's definately not a "who you know" deal. I just got some African Mantids last week from MANTISPLACE.COM. My mantids and everything else I needed to get started cost me less than a hundred bucks. This is a great forum and many of the members have...
  6. E

    A New Discovery

    I have 3 L3 African nymphs. They have all been eating like little pigs. Last night one of the nymphs had zero interest in her pinhead. This morning I fed the other two a pinhead and pulled out the non-eater. When the pinhead approached her she kind of slapped him away (boxing?). The pinhead...
  7. E

    Best Beginner Specied Out Of...

    Hey Ginger, Welcome to the forum. I'm new here too, about 2 weeks now. This place is packed with great information and quite a few really informed and experienced members. I have African mantids (Shpodromantis centralis). I got them from exactly one week ago today. I have 3...
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    So, it begins.

    She ate a cricket last night. I didn't see her do it but the cricket was gone this morning and there was some fresh "ka ka poo poo". The little dudes are total pigs, lol.
  9. E

    So, it begins.

    I recieved my 3 African nymphs, safe and sound, a little more than 24 hours ago. Thanks Rebecca. All three of the nymphs have eaten two flies each and seem to have settled in happy and healthy. I also recieved a bonus adult female African in my shipment. Sweet. She's quite the "perty" girl...
  10. E


    Ordered x3 African mantid nymphs (Sphrodomantis centralis) flies and fly food. Shipped on 1/13/10 3:30pm arrived 1/14/10 4:00pm. Great packing!!! All three mantids were in great shape and not that skittish. I also got a "big" surprise, there was a fourth cup. I opened the mystery cup and...
  11. E

    Preparing for Nymphs

    Thanks Rick! I feel better already. The larger food I have no problem with, in fact, I enjoy watching crickets. Weird huh?(actually with this crowd thats not weird at all). I'm gonna check out Thanks again.
  12. E

    Preparing for Nymphs

    I am so excited to get some mantids it's really hard to not order them up! However, I made the mistake of not preparing when I got into Betta's a few years back and ended up with a big mess! I don't want to do that again. I wanted mantids that were really crazy looking but, after examing my...
  13. E

    Misting water?

    Thanks all. I was hoping for some good feedback and thats what I got. I hope this post will help other newbies with this question.
  14. E

    Introductions are in order!

    Lol....oh my what have I done..hehehe.. I love old broads in fact my wife is becoming one. (ouch that doens't sound right hope she doensn't see this) Youth can't touch experience with a 10 1/2 foot pole. In fact all you ol' broads out there are more than welcome to send me your nude
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    Misting water?

    Greetings all this my first question and it's pretty basic concerning the water you mist with. I live in pennsylvania and the water here is very heavy with limestone. I'm sure other pa residents can concur with me on this. If I mist with tap water it will leave ugly white spots and smears on...
  16. E

    Introductions are in order!

    Yeah, I agree too. One does sound pretty silly. I've been pouring over the photos and reading about the different species and it's getting Getting just one is not goin to happen. If I may add it is so thrilling to see that a young woman like yourself is so into this stuff...
  17. E

    U.S. Mantis Permit info

    I guess because arse just sounds funny to me and slightly less offensive to the more sensitive and up-tight folks.
  18. E

    Introductions are in order!

    Thanks for the warm welcome gang. I will have questions soon. I'm trying to answer the majority of them myself by reading the posts. So when I do have a question hopefully it will be one that hasn't been asked. Joe Cap..yer not that far from me when do I get an invite to come over for...
  19. E

    Schizocephala bicornis

    So cute...I wish I could see them walk. I'm looking for my first mantids (I'm guessing these are not a first choice or even close) but, seeing all of these diffrent species is making it really tough. I really like these guys they make me giggle just looking at the pics. Good luck!
  20. E

    Our Collection

    Wow, can't do that with my phone camera! Gorgeous shots and specimens. Thanks for sharing. oops didn't mean to repost all the pics...sorry