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    Breeding hiccups

    he landed on her back with his abdomen pointed towards the ceiling and he took a bit, i saw the mark. so confused.
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    Breeding hiccups

    hey everyone. so yesterday i tried breeding my budwings yesterday and it ended in disaster. i sure made both were well fed so that they wouldn't eat each other, or so i thought. i put the two together, making sure that the male was behind the female and following the guidelines of the breeding...
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    ismart (Paul) - (US)

    ordered from ismart a while back and the Mantids got here safe and sound! he was giving them away for free at the time and i only had to pay shipping! it was awesome.
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    thanks! i used the corn starch method. i found a good viscosity for it. the good news is it'll keep abdomen pressure up until the wound heals.
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    i made sure to feed them the previous day and neither of them wanted food this morning. so i moved them both from their own individual cages and into the mating cage, the male just watched the female until he pounced and started biting her abdomen. is there really nothing i can do? i heard that...
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    so i tried to breed my budwings today and my adult male, instead of mounting the adult female, bites her abdomen. now she's bleeding out. what the heck do i do?
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    seriously freaked out

    my rhombodera basalis' eyes are messed up. for the past couple of weeks my mantid has been having trouble catching prey and i didn't attribute it to anything, i normally don't handle my mantids, i just keep them fed and misted. i decided to handle this one about 10 minutes ago and i notice big...
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    wanting adult male budwing and rhombodera basalis

    i just successfully raised my first 2 mantids to adult hood, both female, one budwing and one rhombodera basalis. i'd like to breed them at this point and i want to buy adult males of the same species. or, alternatively, we got do the 50/50 ootheca split. PM me if you're interested.
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    Budwing and Rhombodera basalis adult males

    So i've successfully raised my first 2 praying mantises ever to adults. they're both females and i want to buy adult males of the species so i can breed them. could you guys give me advice on how much adult males of the 2 species are worth, prehaps it might be better to do a 50/50 ootheca split...
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    Budwing and a Rhombodera basalis

    these are adults, right? >.< i'm still such a n00b
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    Budwing and a Rhombodera basalis

    hey guys, so i bought my first two mantids a while back and asked the forum for some help on identifying the sexes. there was some debate and there wasn't a definitive consensus on what they were. two molts later and i think an answer will be easier to come by. if you guys could help me again...
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    Shield ID and finding out the sex

    all it said was that it was "shield"
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    Shield ID and finding out the sex

    hey guys! i just got 2 mantids at an insect and reptile expo, a budwing and a shield, the only problem is that i'm not sure exactly what type of shield it is, could you guys help me out? also, i'm a noob at mantids so if you guys could help me out with the sexes, that'd be awesome. here are...
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    Some mantis species for sale

    i'm interested in Phyllovates chlorophaea. how much are you selling them for?
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    total noob

    thanks! your care sheets on your site are really helpful! do you know when you'll have more phyllovates chlorophaea in stock?
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    total noob

    i totally have relatives there!
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    total noob

    ohhh, those're cool looking. i read on a site that says Phyllovates chlorophaea are handable and they get pretty big. are they hard to take care of?
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    total noob

    i'm in washington state, there's an insect and reptile expo going on this weekend and i thought it'd be a good time to start the hobby. thanks for the suggestions btw.
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    total noob

    hey guys. i'm a total noob looking to get into this hobby and i've been educating myself by reading stuff in this forum, but i was wondering if any of you would give me feedback. i want a cool looking starter mantid and i basically need to learn how to take care of it so any feedback would be...