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  1. scXthursday

    What to do if you get pinched?

    Before Zorak decieded to fly away; I was trying to hand feed him; it worked; but he ended up biting through the food and into my hand...lucky me, but I figured hey, at least he left me a nice parting gift to remember him by...three small scars.
  2. scXthursday

    Rain rain go away

    Wish it was pouring here in vegas
  3. scXthursday

    Lets see the face behind the username!

    your pretty; nice picture
  4. scXthursday

    Lets see the face behind the username!

    Me taking my Facebook pic in the bathroom; HTC G1 tilted; tryin to get the ladies attention Here's myself trying to take after Anthony Green from the band Circa Survive Here's myself trying to be Gregory House for Holloween; notice the cane and the lack of Vicodin
  5. scXthursday

    Houston....we have a problem

    Or they'll decide to eat each other?>
  6. scXthursday

    Houston....we have a problem

    yeah i was thinking about getting 3-4 ghosts and 2 orchids (preferrably female so they dont fly away). do you think a orchid will do good in vegas?
  7. scXthursday

    Houston....we have a problem

    So.....I had Zorak out in the backyard with me; under my supervision, I went to go pick him up to bring him back inside, and he flew away; like over the wall into the street away. I attempted to look for him, and couldnt find him. So as upsetting as it is, I do understand that he is a male and...
  8. scXthursday

    Is there a way to get a mantis to flare up?

    I definatly will try it. And by flare up; I don't mean light his ###### on fire lol; I don't think think that would be in zoraks best interests
  9. scXthursday

    Is there a way to get a mantis to flare up?

    Well the mirror doesn't work because he's a goofball and tries to scale it
  10. scXthursday

    Hi from Las Vegas,NV

    I got some underdeveloped land by my house... Maybe I may be lucky enough to find a female
  11. scXthursday

    Is there a way to get a mantis to flare up?

    Haven't tried that; does mirrors usually make them flare?
  12. scXthursday

    Mantids love to watch TV!

    Mine like to watch me try to wreck people on modern warfare 2; he also enjoys house md and LOST
  13. scXthursday

    Is there a way to get a mantis to flare up?

    tried the blunt end of a tweezer (that he knows what it is) no go; tried a water bottle top; no help; finally tried the tip of a pen; no help. I think hes just a friendly boy...
  14. scXthursday

    Is there a way to get a mantis to flare up?

    I really want to shoot a picture of Zorak like this; I've only seen him do it one time, and that was to my dog. Is there a was to coax mantids into doing this; or do they just do it volutary?
  15. scXthursday

    Great mantis for second time owner?

    The only reason I was looking in to orchids is because I live in a desert where it's 80+ majority of the year. Now as for ghosts, I heard their communal and won't attemp to eat one another is this true?? Also, how big do they get compaired to the regilosa?
  16. scXthursday

    What's the meaning of L1,2,3,4 and so on?

    Just wondering to advance my knowledge of mantis'
  17. scXthursday

    Great mantis for second time owner?

    Right; so as of right now, my current mantis is a regilosa, and sad to say he may pass in a couple weeks time. When he does I'm extremely interested in adopting a couple ghosts or orchids. That being said, are they as easy to take care of?