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  1. drolkp84

    Black dots on ooth!!!!"""!

    Win some, lose some...
  2. drolkp84

    Black dots on ooth!!!!"""!

    I hold out little hope for my creo ooth hatching. Its been 20 days since my last post and still nothing.
  3. drolkp84

    Energy Efficient Problem!!!!"

    Cleaning up and found a HD cable box I'm not using.... ur sooooo right they get plenty hot. Definitely a good incubator.
  4. drolkp84

    WTB Camel Crickets

    Looking for camel crickets... small. PM me with price including shipping.
  5. drolkp84


    I get where you're coming from... I honestly skim over a lot of things on the site so I appreciate you bringing thay to my attention. I will do so.
  6. drolkp84


    I learn a lot from reading other threads/posts and asking questions. I want to take a moment and actually thank everyone for all their input. I am grateful for the creation of this site and others like it. It was through this site I gained the connects that helped me gain all the mantids I've...
  7. drolkp84

    Easy feeders to culture?

    If ur looking for a cricket that's silent go for the camel cricket... they're pretty cool looking and I use to feed them to my scorpions.
  8. drolkp84

    Wanted: phasmids

    Anyone who has surplus of ova & don't mind giving a few away PM me. Never had one but would love to start.
  9. drolkp84

    Most Aggressive

    Ephestiasula and budwing are on my short list...
  10. drolkp84

    Video in Dedication to Majesty

    I second that motion on the life span.
  11. drolkp84

    Video in Dedication to Majesty

    Sorry to hear...nice video.
  12. drolkp84

    Black dots on ooth!!!!"""!

    I must be blind I couldn't see a thing I think I'm going to have to invest into a magnifier.
  13. drolkp84

    Black dots on ooth!!!!"""!

    Looking forward to seeing them.
  14. drolkp84

    Black dots on ooth!!!!"""!

    Would take pics but I cant seem to find my camera and my camera phone doesn't do it justice. Just got the ooth from mantid mike about 2 weeks ago.
  15. drolkp84

    Black dots on ooth!!!!"""!

    So the black spots mean They'll be hatching soon? Cool I can't wait!!!! I was starting to think I did something wrong.
  16. drolkp84

    Black dots on ooth!!!!"""!

    Never knew that...
  17. drolkp84

    Black dots on ooth!!!!"""!

    Its been about an hour and its seems like I'm seeing a lot more dots and the ooth seems to be little bit dryer/ lighter than before.
  18. drolkp84

    Black dots on ooth!!!!"""!

    I've been keeping a close eye on my creo ooth and just now I've noticed very tiny black dots around the zipper. Should I be worried or is this a good sign? Only a hand full of dots but never seen them before...maybe its just me.
  19. drolkp84

    Incubation Success...

    What changes do u tend to notice when ur creo is about to hatch if any?
  20. drolkp84

    Too Hot for Creos?

    Ur logs really gave me more confidence