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  1. SneakyPsycho

    Chinese Mating Troubles?

    I set them up again today and it worked! It took around 30 seconds this time haha I was so surprised. How often should I feed the female so that she doesn't eat the male? He's my favorite :wub:
  2. SneakyPsycho

    Mantis eye color changing? The eyes of the mantis in the top picture are similar to mine. Those eyes appear more glossy and a little bit darker, though. Some days the eyes are light green with the dark pupil near the center...
  3. SneakyPsycho

    Mantis eye color changing?

    What does it mean when the eye color of a mantis goes from a greenish color to brown or even black over the time span of a couple days? Someone once told me that this was from dehydration, but I'm not sure if that's really the case. I also heard the color change could be due to an exposure to...
  4. SneakyPsycho

    Chinese Mating Troubles?

    I'm trying to breed my Chinese mantises for the first time, and I'm having some troubles. I read the article about making sure they are at least a couple weeks old before mating, having them on a flat surface, etc, and I've been doing all of that to no avail. I've lost track of how long the male...
  5. SneakyPsycho

    All-female mantis species?

    I was discussing insects with my friend, and I was telling him about a species of mantis that is all entirely female. He told me it was impossible for that to be the case, so I wanted to show him some information about it. I saw it on these forums somewhere, but I tinkered with the search...
  6. SneakyPsycho

    Name That Mantis

    So I went to try and catch mantises a couple weeks ago and found a young one that was bright green (just like the bright young Europeans) with a couple small black dots in various places. I was quite surprised to see it once it shed. Its color was still bright but it had so many speckles! She...
  7. SneakyPsycho

    Argh I can't find anything!? Any help?

    I went to the dentist yesterday and sure enough I saw one on the outside of the window while they were looking in my mouth. :lol: Maybe that's a good place to look?
  8. SneakyPsycho

    How to make a mantis fly?

    Haha I don't think I'll be throwing this guy any time soon. He finished molting a little more than two days ago so I figured he would be up to the challenge. I saw him jumping from a stick in the cage and spread his wings as well. I get him out most days and he's really used to being handled. He...
  9. SneakyPsycho

    How to make a mantis fly?

    I have a European mantis that just got his wings the other day and I've been trying to get him to fly for me. Any suggestions?
  10. SneakyPsycho

    Molting from top of cage

    I found a mantis once outside whose wings were crumpled like his were so I assumed that was permanent. I'm sure glad I was wrong! They unraveled and look fine now. The leg is pretty messed up but he is getting around well enough. I think Jaden's new nickname will be Captain Hook from now on heh
  11. SneakyPsycho

    Molting from top of cage

    My wild-caught European mantis decided to molt from the top of his cage rather than do so from one of the many sticks in his habitat. The first time he molted he was perfect besides one of his antenna being slightly curled due to how close he was to the side of the cage. I'm worried about him...
  12. SneakyPsycho

    Instar explanation?

    I don't quite understand how you tell what stage of development a mantis is currently in. I know how to tell the difference between an immature mantis and an adult, but how do you tell between the different instars? Is it from just keeping the mantis for its entire life and counting how many...
  13. SneakyPsycho

    Mantis left in a hot car?

    Soon after I saw the message about honey I gave her some on a toothpick and she really seemed to like it. I would go back every couple hours or so to check on her and she never wanted it a second time. She died last night. :unsure: At least I tried. Thanks for your advice everyone.
  14. SneakyPsycho

    Mantis left in a hot car?

    What would be the most effective way to hand feed her? I've read about people taking insect pins and holding a cricket that way.
  15. SneakyPsycho

    Mantis left in a hot car?

    Hey, guys. I've had love for mantises since I was a little kid but now I'm getting more serious about it. My boyfriend who is new to the insect world found a mantis hoping it was a male chinese to breed with our female. He said it was fast and active and appeared to be in good health. He stuck...