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  1. zeadlee

    Comment by 'zeadlee' in media 'IMG 0093'

    She has mated!! LoL
  2. zeadlee

    How do you feed fruitflies?

    Here is my way(with pics). It may be the same as hibiscusmile's way. 1.This is the tools needed. A funnel and a sauce bottle. 2.Cut a hole on the FF's deli 3.Tap the deli to let the ffs out and get into the sauce bottle through the funnel. 4.squeez the sauce bottle and the ff will be...
  3. zeadlee

    Guys I need your help please!

    Thank you so much for answering. I am just worring about the "scam problem", the guy who sold me this P.W said that she was just mated and have never laid a single ooth. But I found he has posted a thread on 13 Jan about his P.W.'s mating and the ooth she laid two days after mate. The one in...
  4. zeadlee

    Guys I need your help please! Do you guys think the mantis in the above thread is the same one in this thread?
  5. zeadlee

    creo mating

    Have they mated yet? Maybe you could heat the male up before you put him to mate. Mine worked that way.
  6. zeadlee

    Guys I need your help please!

    I just got a P.W from a breeder in my country. He told me that this P.W. got mated days ago and hasn't laid ooth before. I do hope this P.W. is just tired after the trip, but she is moving really slow and her trembling her tail. Sounds like she has laid ooth before and she is old now. Can you...
  7. IMG 0094

    IMG 0094

  8. IMG 0093

    IMG 0093

  9. P.W arrived!

    P.W arrived!

  10. zeadlee

    Wet Wahlbergii

    Is there sometihing lost on his left fore leg?
  11. Unknown creo

    Unknown creo

  12. zeadlee

    Have you any ideas what this Creo is?

    Agant A said she is a meleagris when she is pre-subadult. But I can't be sure of that when she turned to adult. Because comparing the pics theri wings are not the same. Do you guys know what she really is?
  13. zeadlee

    New ooths in the mail~~~

    Got a Humbertiella from Nico too. lol
  14. zeadlee

    creo mating

    My creo mated yesterday too. They had been mating for 8 hours!
  15. Creo mated

    Creo mated

  16. Creo mated

    Creo mated

  17. zeadlee

    Disabled Popa

    You know, it was a really hard time for me when she first mismolt when both of her fore legs was unable to fold. I had to hold the roaches the whole period until she finished her meals.
  18. zeadlee

    Disabled Popa

    Unfortunately, I don't think the fore leg that had been cut a little will be able to grow back. Because she is a little too old.
  19. zeadlee

    Disabled Popa

    Yes! That surprised me too. I changed her position in to a slope before she molted so that she was able to straighten her legs. And I also fed her some honey to make sure that she had enough energy.