Acrylic (perspex)


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I don't see why you couldn't. You'd obviously need holes for circulation, or just a screen wall. You'd also need to make some kind of door or a port hole for spraying and feeding which could probably be drilled pretty easily. You wouldn't need it to be very thick because there won't be much weight on them. So, I say go for it! Post pictures if you decide to make it because it's a really interesting idea! Good luck!

Certainly you can, in the Bugatorium posts, I have a pic on one we made.

there is a glue made just for putting them together unless u use metal or wood framing. Also it is cut with an acrylic scoring knife (which I sell) or you can sometimes find one at the hardware store. you can also use a hole drill to drill in a hole for a sponge plug for adding flies. Also use a small 1/8" drill bit for air holes!

Thanks. During the weekend me and my step-dad will go and look if there is any cheaper acrylic somewhere else in DIY stores and such. I will be getting 3 1500mm × 500mm (bottom and two sides) then 2 500mm (two sides) or something similar if found cheaper somewhere else, then put netting on top. I will seperate the whole thing into multiple smaller ones so that all mantids will have the same area. Still planning so tomorrow I'll tell more if I know more. :p

I know about the glue btw and I will buy acrylic which is already the correct size. I am planning on having holes and will see if the Ameles Heldreichi will eat turkistan roaches and will then bread them and just have a door opening instead of holes for flies.

The top being made out of netting is enough ventilation isn't it?



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Arguably, the netting top is NOT enough, depending on species and humidity. You need to have ventilation elsewhere, unless you're using a fan to create suction. For instance, if it's very humid and you have crickets in there, it's gonna stink like crazy (and get mildew).

Also, when you're designing it, think about how you're going to clean it. I have a screen version with no bottom, so all my plants HANG from the top and sides, and it sits on waxpaper with substrate on it. That way, when I want to clean, I just lift the whole thing up and over, and throw everything else away. You could just have a full width door that opens for easy cleaning, but put some thought into HOW that door opens (to the side, up, down?),

Finally, you need to be super gentle when washing/cleaning the acrylic. It scratches a lot easier that you would think. I get away with a very soft sponge and very (very) soft rags for drying - standard papertowel won't cut it... well... it WILL "cut" it, it you know what I mean... :)

The plus side to acrylic: excellent viewing and photography!

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What size cages were you planning on making? Unlike glass, the acrylic won't break, but at 2mm (which is about1/12". The thinnest window glass is 1/16") I'm not sure how stable it will be. If you use metal L brackets at each corner, you will have a larger surface area for gluing, and the metal will give stability. Good luck!

Good point, Phil.

I have a bunch of different size and style wire cages, and some are much more sturdy than others. The worst are the ones with one full wall as a door, whereas the half doors are much more stable, but not as attractive.

Also, take a close look at how and where the door closes. If there are gaps, you may need to add weather stripping.

Thank you all for the replies :)

I am keeping ameles heldreichi in there. Quite a large amount hopefully :p

I am thinking of having the front in different segments so that then I can open the different parts. Not sure which way but I am still figuring out the detail. I just wanted to make sure that acrylic was good and if anyone has any ideas then please post them. Also about the scratching, you can get special sand paper which gets rid of scratches which is one of the amazing things about acrylic.

I have got to go now but will answer rest of questions when I get home.



Size will be around 1500mm by 500mm as I said previously

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I had a glass enclosure that was crazy-heavy (using rocks as a substrate wasn't my best idea...). But what WAS a good idea was putting the entire enclosure on a big wooden lazy susan I picked up from Target. I could effortlessly spin it around and view my moths from all sides. This was particularly useful for spinning the doors around to the back, so the display looked seemless in the front. Worked out best when I only had the one enclsure on display.

I totally misinterpreted "house".

For most of this thread I was picturing one of those wooden doll houses people make (or buy from craft stores). Not the Barbie scales ones, but ones with a floor of say 8 inches or so.

And so I thought you were going to make one of those out of clear Plexiglas. Even with the silly little furniture. And that your mantids would roam around inside of it.

It sounded totally neat, but a complete pain to clean.

Lol! Not really planning on a doll house :p

I just meant an enclosure.

I'm not sure about the lazy susan thing seeing as it is going to be rectangular so wouldn't really work. I don't think that the doors will be such a big problem.

Thanks for all replies



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