Aluine - Sphodromantis lineola


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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2012
Reaction score
La Chaux-de-Fonds / Switzerland
Hi :)

Some pictures of Aluine, my Sphodromantis lineola. Sadly my D90 is broken, I use for now a Panasonic Lumix and I can't manage the intensity of the flash neither a good focus.

I'll try a shooting with a friend's D80 in a few days...

For now there are the first pictures of my sweet lady, she's home now for 5 days :) The quality is bad, but it's memories for later ^^






And some pictures of critters... I'm absolutely terrified to death by critters... Some of you will laugh, I laugh at myself, but I can't control it, it's juste like a

So I shoot them, they look quite cute on the pictures ^^



I hope to add better shots in the future :)

Pretty subadult
Thanks for her :)

I have absolutely no idea wich stade she is... I think the breeder told me L3 but he maybe spoke about an other mantis, it was so crowdy at the reptile show that I can have misunderstood. And his wife spoke about a subsub, so I really don't know...

I'm quite sure she's a girl, but no idea of the technical part sadly :(

not gonna lie, the critters freak my out too. and i catch all my crickets by hand. my heart races the whole time :unsure:
No critters or crickets ni the nature here for now, it's winter (I live in a very cold place). Aluine's breeder gave me some whe I bought her, for the future I'll buy them in a reptile shop, I know the boss since a few years, he told me he made some prices because I don't need a lot of bugs, I'll go to buy 10 critters each 2 weeks I

They frighten me but I like the sound they make, it's like I live in Provence :) I should try to add Lavender for the smell and it will look like holiday in south of France...XD

i live in california, so it doesnt get too cold for them to come out. some of mine get really loud so ive decided to keep them outside now. also a few escaped in the house and although my kitties love to catch them, i dont like them.

lavender smells wonderful that should help with the smell for sure.

She is indeed a female! ;) Six segments that make up the abdomen tells you its a girl, males have 8 segments ;) that what you meant by technical parts?

She is indeed a female! ;) Six segments that make up the abdomen tells you its a girl, males have 8 segments ;) that what you meant by technical parts?
Ok, on a french forum they told me 5 for females and 6 for males, it's why I register here...XD

By technical part I meant the grades between molting. I don't know the vocabulary in english for that, I hardly know it in french. When a mantis is born she is L1, after the first molt she is L2, ... And after a few molting she is a subsubadult then a subadult so still a nymph, then (I don't know when) she is an adult something after L8.

I don't have explanations about that, so it's totally mixed in my head :/

One picture I took today, and a zoom of the same pic :)



And a small movie made with the iPhone :

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Very pretty mantis, well photographed!

I know the crickets are not your favorite thing, but if you can feed the crickets good food (fruits, vegetables) for a couple of days before feeding them to your mantis, they are better food for your mantis.

Beautiful girl! Heh I love most insects and arachnids and can tolerate crickets.. but the one insect that always gets to me is earwigs. An earwig could just look at me and I'll be running in the other direction screaming. <_<

You captured her colors nicely!
Thank you but I had a little help from my friend Photoshop ;)

Very pretty mantis, well photographed!

I know the crickets are not your favorite thing, but if you can feed the crickets good food (fruits, vegetables) for a couple of days before feeding them to your mantis, they are better food for your mantis.
Sure, I'll feed them with good things. Healty crickets for a healty mantis :)

I will let all kinds of of large insects crawl on me but... If a cricket so much as looks at me cross eyed, I will scream and run like a little bee-yotch

Wow she is quite the spoiled girl! Awesome enclosure!
I try to give her the best home I can :)

Wow - she's very pretty. Definitely a subadult :)
Thanks for her :) So after the next molt she will be an adult, that's right ?

Beautiful girl! Heh I love most insects and arachnids and can tolerate crickets.. but the one insect that always gets to me is earwigs. An earwig could just look at me and I'll be running in the other direction screaming. <_<
I don't like small insects, I don't know why, they scare me...

Well, two new picture of the lady and then some questions ^^



And some questions :

- Today I get crickets from my reptile shop. They are smaller than those I bought with Aluine. Should I feed her with one smaller cricket everyday ? Or two crickets each two days ? They are really half the size of those I had before...

- I alway saw "enclosure", do you never use the word "terrarium" ? What is the difference between the two words ?

Thank you all for your answers :)

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I don't like small insects, I don't know why, they scare me...
Maybe the small size is the reason? I dunno... the main things that scare me are earwigs. and I can't stand house centipedes either... and as for the crickets, not sure what would work best for you but in cases like that I would feed two every other day, though that's just me..
Maybe the small size is the reason? I dunno... the main things that scare me are earwigs. and I can't stand house centipedes either... and as for the crickets, not sure what would work best for you but in cases like that I would feed two every other day, though that's just me..
I fed her each two days (monday, wednesday and friday) but the crickets I gave her before were really double size than the crickets I just bought. Si I don't know...
