Anyone hatched a recently laid S. Limbata Ooth yet?


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Man, i wish i knew that earlier. Well i've personally killed each ant within 20 feet of the cages so they should be fine now. I was incredibly amazed as to how quickly and percisly it killed the mantid. Kinda freaked me out to be honest.

im gunna buy some cheese cloth today after my school finals are over. Thanks i hope atleast a couple of my nymphs make it.

Not sure about any other ooths, but I picked up some nymphs from Arkanis & son last night :D ...was good to meet you both!

I also should have warned you about the ants...nasty suckers in most cases. I've even had captive ant colonies decimated by invading ants that fit through ventilation holes. At least three times I recall. :angry:

And I also forgot to mention that there's a source for pinheads/crix near you in Fallbrook... Mulberry Farms

Good luck to you.

Just got 6 yards of cheese cloth from walmart for $4 bucks! Im just waiting for those dang flies.

A quick question.....what do you guys do whith ur FF's once you dont have anymore nymphs to feed because they have either died or out grown them?

A quick question.....what do you guys do whith ur FF's once you dont have anymore nymphs to feed because they have either died or out grown them?
I haven't experienced that yet. But if you do, you can feed them to the fish if you have a freshwater aquarium (I know nothing about saltwater fish or aquariums). If you don't have one, then maybe you know someone who does who might appreciate them.

But if you're planning on expanding your mantis collection anytime soon, you might want to keep a culture going... ;)

I suggest you keep the culture going. I have kept mine going since 2007. It is a good idea to keep the culture as you may get more nymphs or ooths in the future. And FFs should be good to feed fish.

The only fish in the house is my sisters Betta fish....would this eat the fruit flies?

Well I just attached the cheese cloth.......



How long should it take to get my fruit flies? Im really anxious to save my nymphs!

The best way to test the FFs is to toss a few in with the betta. If they get inhaled, you'll know. Just check back to make sure they are eaten. If the fish refuses them, remove the FFs before they die and sink.

Speed of delivery depends on method of shipping and speed of seller. If you want them fast, pay the extra for express shipping! But you will probably need some one home to sign for the delivery. Priority takes 2 days to go from MantisPlace in Ohio to me in New Mexico. But that can be longer, especially if the are shipped on Friday.

Well guys good news......FINALLY my fruit flies came in today. Whats left of my nymphs (only ~15 left) are currently feasting! I need to make a second culture and there were supposed to be instructions but non came with my ff culture stuff i purchased, so does anyone have the directions for the fruit fly inc. cultures?

Well guys good news......FINALLY my fruit flies came in today. Whats left of my nymphs (only ~15 left) are currently feasting! I need to make a second culture and there were supposed to be instructions but non came with my ff culture stuff i purchased, so does anyone have the directions for the fruit fly inc. cultures?
Glad your ff's came in. I don't have their specific instructions, but you can contact them and ask HERE. ;)

Well i was getting out a few fruit flies to feed to my mantids when i noticed some nasty green color on the wood fiber in the provided culture from I really need to get the instructions on how to make my own culture with the remaining fruit flies left before they are all gone. If anyone has the guide from fruitfliesinc please PM me the instructions. Thanks!

Man i get no break from all this chaos of stuff going wrong :rolleyes:

Sorry to hear you only have 15 left...from two ooths? You still have more ooths though, right?

Anybody have any pink ones yet? Some of my L2s are showing a little red on the back of the thorax, but that's about it.

less than 15 nymphs now....from 1 large ooth and another medium sized one. I have 1 more ooth that im 90% sure is fertile but is very small. I have a couple more but i doubt they are fertile.

Idk because all mine are L1's, non made it to L2 yet so they all look the same.

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hey guys, I thought I'd update on my situation. All is good so far.....the flies were not reproducing, but all of a sudden in one day of not checking on them, there were hundreds of pupaus (sp?) and maggots so my mantids have plenty of food now. I've lost a couple more nymphs, but also gained a few very late hatchers. I havent seen any molt yet but a few look bigger than the rest.

Still no response from after 3 emails. w/e I'll just figure it out on my own :rolleyes:

Ill make sure to let u guys know if i have any pink ones, with pictures to follow when they get bigger and my kit lens can take an adequate photo

hey guys, I thought I'd update on my situation. All is good so far.....the flies were not reproducing, but all of a sudden in one day of not checking on them, there were hundreds of pupaus (sp?) and maggots so my mantids have plenty of food now. I've lost a couple more nymphs, but also gained a few very late hatchers. I havent seen any molt yet but a few look bigger than the rest. Still no response from after 3 emails. w/e I'll just figure it out on my own :rolleyes:
Did you get the photocopied instructions I sent you from the other place?

Glad to hear things are going better yeatzee :D

I guess you haven't seen any of the old exoskeletons? I'm sure at least some have molted by now.

Yeah I got it. Thanks btw

Kamakiri: Yeah today I cleaned out their cages and found 4.

Im really hoping I can succesfully raise these nymphs, this being my first attempt at raising nymphs I bred.

Another update.....just thought I should let you guys know that I have what seems to be a pink L2 nymph. She/He is a very light colored nymph with deffinent pink hues, and is the only one of his/her kind currently.

I also now have mostly L2 nymphs, about 5 L1's left and 3 unkown and the rest L2's.

Also my fruit fly culture has sprang back to life and i now have about the same amount of flies as I did when I first got the culture.
