Attack of the Newbie!


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Feb 18, 2008
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Western CT

I'm new here - obviously- and I have three mantis nymphs at this point. I just got them last week and they're the first one's I've ever had as pets.

Why three? I ordered a Ghost Mantis nymph from and because the weather here was so squirrely (I like in the Northeast, the weather has had menopause for the past two weeks ><), they weren't able to get the package out until three days after it was supposed to have shipped. I didn't mind though, contact was kept and everything was peachy keen. When I got the package, though, I had four mantis; two ghost nymphs and two egyptian mantis nymphs. Unfortunately, one of the two of the Egyptian nymphs died on the first night, but the other seems to be doing well (more on that later...)

ANYWAY... questions. Right. Here we go.

1) How often do these nymphs need to be fed?

2) How often should they be misted?

3) Why the heck hasn't the Egyptian mantis eaten since I got it? I've been hucking fruit flies at it but it does NOT seem interested. Maybe I got a Vegan?

4) BOTH ghosts moulted within about 18 hours of each other. Is there anything particular I should be doing to either of them?

5) Fruit flies. Oh, how I've messed that entire thing up. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing when it comes to them. I got the container with the 'pupae' (by the time I got them they had all hatched and were running rampant) in it and the whole culture deal... since last week, most of them have died (I've been keeping them at about 70 or 73 degrees), and I'm down to like... 5 now. How the heck do I keep them alive? And do/can they reproduce so I won't have to keep buying $11 one-week supplies? How do I get them to do that? What kind of care is needed for the culture they come in?

I think that's about it... I'm sure I'll probably come up with more when I'm not so absent-minded ^_^

Thanks in advance!

-Casey K.


I'm new here - obviously- and I have three mantis nymphs at this point. I just got them last week and they're the first one's I've ever had as pets.

Why three? I ordered a Ghost Mantis nymph from and because the weather here was so squirrely (I like in the Northeast, the weather has had menopause for the past two weeks ><), they weren't able to get the package out until three days after it was supposed to have shipped. I didn't mind though, contact was kept and everything was peachy keen. When I got the package, though, I had four mantis; two ghost nymphs and two egyptian mantis nymphs. Unfortunately, one of the two of the Egyptian nymphs died on the first night, but the other seems to be doing well (more on that later...)

ANYWAY... questions. Right. Here we go.

1) How often do these nymphs need to be fed?

At least every other day. If you are motivated and really want to be sure they are doing well, every day.

2) How often should they be misted?

Gotta leave this one to another person, I would guess 2x a week ... however check for others with more experience

3) Why the heck hasn't the Egyptian mantis eaten since I got it? I've been hucking fruit flies at it but it does NOT seem interested. Maybe I got a Vegan?

If they are about to molt they might not eat just before and just after, no worry unless it has been say ... 5 days woudl be my guess

4) BOTH ghosts moulted within about 18 hours of each other. Is there anything particular I should be doing to either of them?

I would do a search here for ghosst mantis care and read thru other threads

5) Fruit flies. Oh, how I've messed that entire thing up. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing when it comes to them. I got the container with the 'pupae' (by the time I got them they had all hatched and were running rampant) in it and the whole culture deal... since last week, most of them have died (I've been keeping them at about 70 or 73 degrees), and I'm down to like... 5 now. How the heck do I keep them alive? And do/can they reproduce so I won't have to keep buying $11 one-week supplies? How do I get them to do that? What kind of care is needed for the culture they come in?

If you use up all the adults you may lose the colony. I would make a batch for fruit fly culture (or buy premade) and start up a series of containers with adults in them. If you can hold off you will have 1000's of them and they will be making babies, but the culture does run out and you need to start another one. It can take weeks to get a good cycle of adults making babies, so start early if you plan on having your mantis reproduce.
As a general rule, I recommend placing a moisture-holding substrate on the bottom of the containers. Then mist daily. The substrate can be paper towels or moss, etc. You want to keep the containers humid and warm.

Also, go to "Elytra and Antenna" and pick up a copy of the Mantid book. It is packed with useful info on the questions you have asked as well as those that will come up later! Check the top banner area of this site for the clickable add for the site.

Use the search feature or browse old posts. Those questions have been answered many many times and it is best to get the answers before getting the pet. Anyways, welcome to the site.

First off, thanks to those who've replied.

Second, the Egyptian finally molted today, but it still won't eat anything. The food isn't too big... it just seems more scared of it than anything else.

So that problem is solved. I got some new fruit flies from Petco (I literally had a 'squealing with excitement' moment when I found them), so hopefully I won't muck those up...

Thirdly, I'm learning as I go... I prefer that way rather than thinking I know everything and then having it kick me in the butt later. :D

Other than that, I suppose it's just a waiting game now. I did, however, manage to snap some pictures of them all the other day. Here yah go;

The Egyptian before it moulted... it's a tad camera shy, apparently.


The most recently molted Ghost mantis, named Kozue ('tree branches' in Japanese)


And the second, far more fiery Ghost mantis, Kuro ('black')


And there you have them. :)


Cool photos!

Here is a thread on making your own fruit fly/D. hydei medium:

Here is a thread on fly cultures:

I have not read through these, so I hope they help to answer you fruit fly questions. You can also buy premade medium at It doesn't take much to make a long lasting culture. I have not bought fruit flies in nine months. Making your own cultures is easy and cheap.

Cool photos! Here is a thread on making your own fruit fly/D. hydei medium:

Here is a thread on fly cultures:

I have not read through these, so I hope they help to answer you fruit fly questions. You can also buy premade medium at It doesn't take much to make a long lasting culture. I have not bought fruit flies in nine months. Making your own cultures is easy and cheap.
its not eating after sheeding because its just shed..thay all do ghost didnt eat for 4 days after moult.


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