Butterfly Terrarium?


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Feb 5, 2017
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Hey all,

Waiting on an oothe to hatch to adopt my first mantis. Looking for cheap housing options for a Chinese mantis that I can hang on my bedroom wall. Any reason something like this wouldn't be good? Do I need a different container at first, or can a youngster live in there alright? The person I'm adopting it from is brand new to this, so how long should I ask to wait before grabbing it?


Ok. If this is your first mantis, then make sure to keep several nymphs, not just one. Most of the nymphs in a Chinese ooth don't survive ( assuming that is what you have). Also, these babies are gonna be tiny. The enclosure shown on there will work just fine in a few months, once it is bigger, but you are going to need a much smaller container to house it in so that the fruit flies don't escape, and so the mantis can find them. I use cheap leftover containers and toole for the lid. If you want to hang it on the wall, then you might have some trouble finding a cage that will work. If you want a cage to hang on the wall that bad, then you can make one out of a leftover container, toole, hot glue, and a hook. In my opinion, you should just get a cage that you can set on a desk or dresser for now. Where in Philly are you? I am about an hour away from CHOP, in Coatesville. Please ask if you have any more questions!

- MantisGirl13


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