Chinese mantis L5 Damaged foot


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Well-known member
Apr 1, 2012
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
I was being very careless with my L5 chinese mantis and an object fell and cracked the tip of her back foot, it wouldn't be so bad if she wasn't an arthropod, but well. Anyways, I immediately put her back in her enclosure (2.5 g acrylic with acrylic and mesh top, I have acrylic to keep humidity) and put some honey on the wall of her enclosure. I also have a small computer fan to allow fresh airflow. She is about 1 week away from her next molt. And I am wondering, aside from not handling her and keeping her from losing moisture, what are some ways I can prevent infection and aid her in her next molt which I'm sure if she is successful without problems her foot she should make a full recovery.

also She is kind of fat because a week ago I fed her a large katydid (took her 5 hours to eat it all!) and now she poops all the time, is this normal? Should I hold off feeding her daily? Exactally how often do I feed L5 mantis?

Any input is greatly appreciated!!!! I love my little Duchess and I want her to grow up!

EDIT 7/23

Duchess molted this morning, she was successful except for the fact that her cracked toe is now missing!!!! :( I'm guessing at this point all I can do is cross my fingers and hope for the best? She still has 2 more molts to go. Anything I could get her to aid her for her next molts? Here's a picture I took of her, she climbed out of the terrarium while I was

taking photos so I had her crawl on my hand. :( seeing her foot is missing now I REALLY don't want to handle her unless necessary.


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she isnt a chinese mantis

looks like either rhombodera hierodula or sphodromantis

she should be ok just fill her with food and when she skinnies up again repeat until she molts

In my experience it take a couple molts to get leg pieces back. The first molt after an injury seems to include the injury and they seem to need a least one extra molt in "repair" mode.

In my experience it take a couple molts to get leg pieces back. The first molt after an injury seems to include the injury and they seem to need a least one extra molt in "repair" mode.
So if shes successful to adulthood, you think there's a good chance that her foot should get healed?Also do you think because the injury happened so close to her molt, that there is no open wound? I am especially worried about her getting infections or something. There doesn't appear to be any tears and she puts the stub on the ground rather than let it hover now that shes all dried up and has some food in her.

So if shes successful to adulthood, you think there's a good chance that her foot should get healed?

Also do you think because the injury happened so close to her molt, that there is no open wound? I am especially worried about her getting infections or something. There doesn't appear to be any tears and she puts the stub on the ground rather than let it hover now that shes all dried up and has some food in her.
She may even grow it back next moult. This has happened to me on a few occasions and has always had happy endings.
She may even grow it back next moult. This has happened to me on a few occasions and has always had happy endings.
I hope so!!! She seems pretty ok. A little slow but still can grip the ceiling without any problems
She is not tenodera. She is definitely a Polyspilota sp.
What in the legs makes you think shes a polyspilota? I wouldn't be surprised if she isn't a chinese, since I ordered 2 and got a third one for free. I just wanna know what is the dead giveaway

I think I found it!

duchess's walking legs have club shaped "knees" and are slightly thicker than a tenodera's. also, her raptors have black dots. correct me if I'm wrong...

should probably grow back next molt. My chinese mantis grew back the entire foot part of her feet that branch off her raptors in a single molt. Was pretty amazing.
