Chrisp- (US)


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Mime I will

Respond to your feedback not the entire story told at all ! And I offered you your broken leg creo back and still offered to send the barks when I had a moment but again I will be back on this , Alex I'm very confused here when I have spend hours at work speaking to you and spending time answering all you questions about all your issues u were having and I never offered L4 ghost you sent a ooth I didn't ask for very nice yes and yes it's been a long time since I had ghosts what I posted was the baby's from the ooth you have given me and yes I moved back from fla to NY and I took my Ooths first as many were wild collected and could hatch at anytime the adults and nymphs are safe with my 18 yr old and 12 yr old (make sense )

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I still have never had any response to my message following on from the oothecas I purchased about a year ago. Although only a couple hatched, I can accept a loss but there was one ootheca which had a fairly large slit in it and one oyy G ootheca that was covered in some silvery substance that I mentioned at the time. Perhaps more importantly is the hierodula ootheca that was supposed to be sent a little while later - I paid for it but have never received anything.

I paid $129.00 USD in total. The Clinia ootheca had the slit which was $35 dollars alone, whilst $18 dollars was sent for the Hierodula ootheca never received.

I'll get into more detail later but the short version is beware, this seller is terribly undependable.

After waiting more than three months, today I finally received the two lobata ooths that I paid for way back in February. It took dozens of messages and a threat to report him to paypal to finally get the package. Over and over again I was given ship dates, and then when the package didn't go out as promised he repeatedly neglected to communicate that to me.

I was promised a lot of freebees for my wait - ghosts, narrow wings, L1 lobatas and "some" L3 lobatas, and an extra ooth.

I did receive the extra ooth (though it broke in transit, which isn't Chris's fault) and the L1 lobatas are well. Aside from one the narrow wings are all dead, as is one of the two L3s that were shipped. The ghosts are nowhere to be found.


For reasons that I don't understand, when the package finally did ship out the tracking info was sent to me by Massaman rather than Chrisp. Apparently Chrisp also told Massaman to have me call him, but I have absolutely no interest in doing so.

I got some ooths and some lobata nymphs from chris today and all the nymphs arrived in good condition and the ooths looked great and so it was a good experience and cant wait for these ooths to hatch!

Play by play -

Paid $68 on the 5th of February for two lobata ooths.

Lost internet access for a week, find out when I return that he wasn't able to find my address attached to my paypal. Ooth apparently hatched in the mean time. Okay, my bad. Told he’ll send me the next one. I wait.

Messaged him to ask when he’d be shipping on March the 4th. Told that the package would go out on Wednesday. Nothing comes.

Messaged him again on the 1st of April to ask again when he’s going to ship. No reply.

Messaged him a third time on the 10th of April. Requested a refund because at this point any newly hatched lobatas aren’t going to be the right age for the females I currently have. No reply.

Messaged him on the 11th of April to express my displeasure at the lack of a reply. Asked for a refund within 24 hours or I would report him to paypal. Messaged later that day to point out that the forum has marked my messages as read so I know he’s seen them so I don’t understand why there hasn’t been an answer.

Told on the 12th that the package would ship “this week” with freebees. No response to my request for a refund, but I decide not to push it. I ask for lobata nymphs rather than the species he offered because I still need mates for my females, am told that he only has two but if they are male he’ll send them to me.

Told on the 15th of April that he “had [his] son send” an extra ooth for my wait. I assume from that that the package is in the mail, but nothing comes.

Messaged him on the 17th to ask if it’s shipped. No reply.

Message him on the 20th to point out that another week has gone by without my package being shipped and BTW why is he selling lobata nymphs when last time we talked he only had two. Confused as to why he’s placing ads for more sales when he hasn’t been able to ship a package that was paid for almost three months earlier, but I don’t press the question because he says he’s very sorry and he’s sending me lots of free stuff and that I’ll have the package by Monday. The 20th is a Saturday so I want to hope that “you’ll have it by Monday” means it’s on the way, right? Wrong.

It’s hard to understand any of his messages because he doesn’t use punctuation correctly. I message him back to ask, “So you’re saying that the package has shipped? Do you have a tracking number?” This is still on the 20th of April. He replies without answering the question directly but says that I will have the tracking ASAP which I assume means shipped.

Of course it hadn’t been shipped.

Messaged him on the 22nd: “So I am still trying to figure out if the package has been shipped or not? I don’t really need the tracking. I just need to know if it’s in the mail and when it went out so I can watch for it.” Am told that he’s going to speak with his son and that he will get back to me right away. He’s still trying to get in touch with his son and he’s still very sorry. I still don’t have a package.

He tells me on the 23rd that his son is shipping out that morning and that there will be tons of free nymphs and an extra ooth and all sorts of good stuff for my troubles ("3 Ooths, Some L3, A bunch of L1, Ghost L2, Narrow wings L1"). Messages me again that afternoon to say that I’m “good” and that he will send “the details soon.” Am told that the problem is that he's in the middle of a move and is depending on his son to ship things, but that hardly explains why he didn't ship my package months ago. I ask him a question about some of the nymphs he claims to have sent. No reply to that. No tracking number is sent.

No package on the 27th, no reply to my questions. He didn't even let me know that the package hadn't went out so I sat at home all freaking Saturday morning waiting for that box that didn't come.

He replies on the 27th with "sorry I thought I gave you my number" which doesn't make a lot of sense to me because I don't need or want his number, I want a straight answer about when I'm getting my package. Says he'll get me the tracking info when he "gets in." No tracking info is sent.

I ask on the 28th if it's shipped. More excuses about how his son hasn't sent it out yet, no straight answer as to whether it's gone out again.

On the 29th I messaged him again to see if it had shipped. No reply. Same deal on the 30th.

Later in the day on the 30th I got a message from Massaman with the tracking number. I message Chrisp asking why that info didn't come from him but receive no reply.

Package finally came today. I got what I paid for, at least, but some of the freebees I was promised for waiting so long were not included and a number of the others were dead.

So there you go.

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I just received ten ghosts and ten D. lobata from Chrisp today. He also included some free Tenodera sp. also! The order shipped on the seventh and arived half the country away today, the ninth. the packaging was good, however the courier smashed the box some, I was nervous to open it! Everyone was fine, and arived alive. Chrisp was cool and threw in a handful of Tenodera sp.

This being said, YES I am happy with the product I received. Just a note to Chrisp though. If I were you I'd maybe not rely so much on your son to get these orders out if he can't do it in a timely, responsible fassion. Im not going to lie, for a bit there I was starting to wonder if I was being scammed. But you did right by me so I'll say in the end this has been a positive experience. Now it's time to prepare some cups to get these Tenodera away from eachother!

Just received my order from Chrisp yesterday and all was well except the fact they were in the mail for 7 days and box was a little smashed "Thank You USPS".

All in all happy with the transaction! My personal opinion to those reading! Don't judge a book by it's cover and to those who have had a bad experience I hope it is or has been made right by you!

One of the three ooths I waited so long for actually hatched.

It was almost certainly not a problem on my end, as I've hatched lobata ooths before and those that I got from other seller hatched without a problem.
