Thanks a lot "PhilinYuma" for your help!
And thanks everyone for the interest and posts!
When I had found the little precious I got quite excited and very curious. I did find that PDF too but nothing else. I joined this forum because I couldn't find any more information. Glad I did
Maybe PhilinYuma's friend wants to get in touch with me?
If the yellowish green F2 offsprings in NZ would have been a dominant/recessive trait, they would have been uniformly green. So I'd say this was a case of co or incomplete dominance.
Would like to know if they did any molecular genetics on them.
Yes, I hope to mate the mantis. I think the "guy" is a female though ;-)
I fear that my mantis could be a double mutant since she is not yellow but bright orange.
But that judgement might just be a matter of perception. Maybe the NZ morph was orange too. I'd really love to see pictures of the NZ colour morph.
If my colour morph is based on a single mutation (and I don't pick a heterozygous male), the best result will be 25% orange morphs in F3.
If my colour morph is based on a double mutation (and I don't pick a heterozygous male), the best result will be only 1 in 16 orange morphs in F3.
But I believe that there is a good chance that a mate found in our garden might possess the recessives too.
So, lets keep our fingers crossed.
"PhilinYuma", yep, just looking at the pictures O. novaezealandiae and O. ministralis look at least very much alike. Did you hear of any colour morph in these species but the one described having occured in NZ. Do you now if there are any offsprings "left"?