Combined housing with darlingbeetles/meal worms


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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2010
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We've been tossing around the idea of combining darkling beetles with other, possibly climbing species of arthropods. The idea is that the darkling mealworms may well help keep the substrate clean of waste and feeder insect parts. Our general idea is mixing them with crickets because of how dirty crickets are.

But the idea struck me of mixing meal worms and mantids. If the mantids eat all the adult beetles, that's not really much of a loss.

Has anyone tried something like this? If not mealworms, then something else?

I've tried ghost mantids communally with larger stick insects and leaf insects.. they were fine.. then one day it decided to attack a smaller stick bug and eventually went up in size from there.. the plan being an ultimate fail! hahahaha! However, I am keeping a male ghost mantis with some millipedes and that seems to be alright


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