Deroplatys Desiccata


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Well-known member
Jun 7, 2008
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I am thinking of getting some Deroplays Desiccta and I'm wondering if they can live together in the same cage? I am also thinking of getting some Theopropus Elegans. What are they and can they live together?

I find the Deroplatys do splendid together.
:blink: really? i mean, a friend has them and he said he had 6 together with enough space and food etc and after a week the,re were only 3 left...

it sure is adviseble to keep em individualy.

and asa: deroplatys are easy when having the right conditions. but i heard they had molting problems tho.

I found them difficult.

I put them seperately since I didn't want to risk losing any (spent a lot) but it seems a lot of people are housing them together.

I found them difficult. I put them seperately since I didn't want to risk losing any (spent a lot) but it seems a lot of people are housing them together.
i know. i have my ghost seperate too i know they are "communal" but still i don,t want to risk.

I haven't counted them, but I have 5 of the handlecontainers with about 4 in each of them, I just took out the males, which are 5, and another container has 5 in it which I put the 5 in when they were hatched. This container still has 5 in it and they are all female sub adult. Now the others have between 3 and 4 in them and none, not one has ate the other. Small prayer here( [SIZE=8pt]please God, don' t let them eat each other, cause I am not bragging, just stating facts ;) ). So I was really surprised too, but they are not bothering each other. Maybe if yous are pretty I will take pic tomorrow, hah! like I got time for that! Just now doing me taxes for last year and I am sick and just have a week to finish them.[/SIZE] Need more prayers now! :rolleyes:

Both Deroplatys labata and dessicata do perfectly fine together (not mixing sp. of course). I've kept multiple generations of both in the past keeping all my stock for each species in one group. The museum I work at does the same thing. We both have never had a problem with cannibalism, unless the females have already been mated and the males are still inside (the females get a little greedy lol).


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