Fairy garden build


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Thank you for the compliments... CosbyArt is sending me some isopods... I need to replace a couple of plants... that died while I was on vacation.. very disappointing... but I didn't leave the light on... so I am not sure if that was the reason or not???

Nice build and a interesting concept. Kinda reminds me of a Godzilla movie, I could see the mantids knocking over the bench and terrorizing the tank. :D Or a modern day remake of The Deadly Mantis.

I've never seen that! That movie looks like alot fun. I dont think a real remake of that would be too hard to make. Maybe some Hierodula?

I've never seen that! That movie looks like alot fun. I dont think a real remake of that would be too hard to make. Maybe some Hierodula?
Yeah it's a good campy 50s movie. If you want a good laugh watch the Mystery Science Theater 3000 version. Sadly it is not online as Universal pulled it, but you can see clips of the movie here. Or catch it on the ShoutCast MST3K stream, I watch it with VLC player the address is;stream.nsv

It would be a funny remake, I'm surprised they haven't remade it too like everything else anymore (might be licensing/copyright issues). Although I have to admit it sounds like a perfect candidate for SyFy to do. :D

Hierodula would be great! I bet someone with a camera and some mantids could do a decent version for youtube.

The face of the mantis in the movie reminds me of a chinese. Maybe they had one to use as a model? The body in flight was more chunky.

The face of the mantis in the movie reminds me of a chinese. Maybe they had one to use as a model? The body in flight was more chunky.
Most likely as it is a very common species. The flying body was likely from one they had glued/taped to a stick and did some editing.

I spent about 3 hours and made a movie trailer. I filmed my Deadleaf mantis Terry attacking a fullscreen image on my screen, created the images, did the editing, and created the 'soundtrack from about 8 sounds. I think it turned out rather well, what do you think? :D

Yeah, Make a movie! Toy cars and little model people would be perfect! You could have the mantis hold one of the people! Put honey on it so it looks like the mantis is eating it!

Yeah, Make a movie! Toy cars and little model people would be perfect! You could have the mantis hold one of the people! Put honey on it so it looks like the mantis is eating it!
May have to go all out and get a Lego set then lol :D That would take some serious time though, and would have to find some family/friends to be the victims, could be fun. I doubt I'll have that much time for awhile though. Perhaps a student film maker could under take the task. ;)


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