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ive PMd you several times and you dont reply , so are you going to refund YES or NO ?

ill be using the money you owe me for the website as a forum member so refund what i paid you and never got please

Phil i sent her a heat pack to post in with the mantids and it wasnt around freezing it was 12 degrees C it was the last week of march , also i paid for mantids i never got sent thats what i want the refund off not the other €70 euro worth of dead mantids i got in the PRIORITY post, so mind your own business as my issues with frey have nothing to do with you
If they are not my business, then don't post them, repetitively, on this open forum!. But please keep on posting; I have a bet with a cuppla friends on how many more times you will repeat yourself. Mine is the high number, so don't let me down. :lol:

If they are not my business, then don't post them, repetitively, on this open forum!. But please keep on posting; I have a bet with a cuppla friends on how many more times you will repeat yourself. Mine is the high number, so don't let me down. :lol:
like i said my issue with frey is absolutely nothing to do with you , but as your a betting man ill bet you , you wont be laughing WHEN frey rips you off :D so keep your nose out of something thats nothing to do with you


I do not think this word means what you think it means. -Inigo Montoya- :p

On a somewhat related note: I do appreciate, Phil, that you are trying to work with Frey on getting her customers back to "happy" again. (Although, you've made it blatantly clear that you are NOT acting as her "agent" but her "friend" in this regard.) I hope that this is directly related to my request when our issues first arose that she "send stuff to Phil(you) first, since he/you never seem to have problems getting them."

On another related note: It seems like folks want to think (at least partly) that I was being silly to expect compensation for my loss when I ordered. I will let you know now that within the first two PMs to Frey, I made known my concerns about receiving the nymphs in good order and SHE committed to replacing them if they arrived DOA, as "she keeps this species and has them all the time." *I* was not the first to broach the subject of replacement, but Frey. Maybe it's that old "language barrier" thing, I don't know, but if she had said "I will not be responsible for DOAs" or, "I will only guarantee live arrival with Express shipping"...I would've rethought my purchase. No, Phil, I don't know that I would've paid $65 for Express shipping, but it would've been nice to know the option was there and what to expect if I didn't choose it!

Now Phil...before you jump all over me again...please understand that I do not wish to "open up a can of worms" again or anything. I did feel it somewhat unfair that much of my posting got deleted in the feedback, but, it's Peter's (and Rick's) job to maintain a positive environment (even in a negative area), so I can understand and respect that. But, as mentioned, Frey started this thread, so she has to kind of expect some of the old bad feelings to return.

I really do not feel bad about Frey, though...she is an asset in what she does, but I do think, as I think Peter's mentioned elsewhere, that she needs to have a standard "disclaimer" written up and post it with all of her ads in the future, so that there is no confusion and there should be no more ill feelings when things do go wrong. (Perhaps you can use your powers of sesquipedalianism for good in that regard and help her out, Phil!?)

I still look forward to being able to give a positive feedback in the future... :unsure:

like i said my issue with frey is absolutely nothing to do with you , but as your a betting man ill bet you , you wont be laughing WHEN frey rips you off :D so keep your nose out of something thats nothing to do with you
May the wind be at yr back, Mylo. Only two more to go and I'm the winner!

But I suppose I have to say something mildly disparaging to get a reply from you.Let me think.

I just took my dog Tucker to pick up the mail, and a few doors down, a lady was sitting out on the porch with her dog, Mylton, (not sure about the spelling) chained by her side. He immediately started yapping and lunging at Tucker who looked at him in puzzled amusement. But I kinda admire him. He may not be very strong or very smart, and part of his bravery many be because he can never reach my dog, but he certainly has spunk. You are full of spunk, Mylo! :D

Im with greenoasis on this one, sorry phil =P. I thought id try it once and i learned my lesson... which is never again. I will wait for someone else with more money and time to take the risk. Ive been on this forum long enough to know that 10% of her sales are successful, no thats not accurate and i refuse to do the math, but ive talked and seen enough to know that 90% of her customers especially in the states are not happy. What can do we with our unhappiness? nothing, absolutely nothing! Because of the language barrier it makes it even harder to communicate that we are unhappy and express how to make it right. Ive had DOA's shipping LOCALLY! =) they know where i live and can drive there... but you know what i do? ask for the DOA's to be mailed back and send another package. Even if i KNOW that it was there fault. I respect what she is doing and know what she is trying to accomplish but good product and CUSTOMER SERVICE go hand in hand, sadly one is seriously lacking. Thats it for me lol hopefully what im typing makes sense.

id like to know why phil has to poke his nose into freys business ive noticed it in several posts , yes this is a public forum and your entitled to give your 2 cents worth but when its nothing got to do with you (and this doesnt) why do u feel need to comment about my dealings with her? i may be going on and on about such a minor amount of money but its the principal that ive been ripped off and she is lying denying she owes me money when she does , she brought out a public post about herself and seeming she ignores pms im asking her for the refund here in public forum and you know nothing about my dealings with her so stop acting like her spokesperson she can answer for herself , as for your dog comment i like your cowardly way of trying to insult me its almost clever but this is a post about frey ripping me off not about personal insults which you have stooped to to try get under my skin , quite pathetic really :lol:

No, Of course I won't "jump all over you again" Carey, You've said nothing to make me do so, and I always reply post by post. It would be hard to be chronically mad at members whom I don't even know outside of the forum. Probably bad for my BP, too. Also, I'm having too much fun with Mylo to need another outlet at the moment!

I did wonder a little about your phrase "blatantly clear", though, but I suspect that you may have meant the similar and much more common phrase, "abundantly clear".And yes, I did, and that statement is still true. I am not Frey's agent or partner. We have a loose, friendly arrangement, as becomes good friends, for our mutual benefit, and that of the forum We're not filing articles of incorporation limited partnership or anything like that, and I think that we are a long way from our IPO :D , but perhaps your stimulating posts accelerated the process.

You idea was great, but I shall not be forwarding Frey's ooths to anyone else and adding to the cost and increasing the chance of death or hatching; Instead, I shall just receive as many ooths as we find convenient and sell the nymphs at L2. or so.

And yes indeed, Peter has approved a "Special Terms of Service" which I hope will obviate any confusions on the part of members and (I must admit, my major concern) protect her as well as her customers. It is "coming shortly" but it is rather clunky, so if Frey is posting on font size# 2, I shall suggest that she prints it in size#1 Come to think of it, I think that she uses #3. It will save space and be genuine "fine print"!

I shall write you this afternoon, and since it is a Friday, I won't have to tutor Amanda on the sex life of bacteria (oh yes, they have one!) so Ill have some extra time.

how much do you win ?
Thank you Mylo. It comes to S150 if everyone pays up. I've noticed an interesting difference between us of GB and I, and Americans. We never seem to mind getting into a barney with insults freely exchanged and (usually!) no blood spilled, but American's are frequently afraid to say anything that is gratuitously rude for the heck of it. What a shame. If ! had had one more post I was going to mention the old Irish ha'penny -- do you remember it? -- with the pig on it and say how appropriate that was. Now I shan't get the chance, . :lol:

Slainte, mate, and have a pint on me.

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i checked the pms it was 5 not 10 my mistake so are you going to refund me ? its only 7.50 but its my money and i want it back
Honestly you should probably just let it go man. give her a break it's not that much money. So much could go wrong from sending live nymphs across seas . . . It must be a difficult process for her.

I think we should give her a break. I haven't ordered from Frey but I know she isn't a bad person and if it's seven dollars just let it go , it's not worth all this trouble.

As for Phil I appreciate you defending a friend but I feel you're being directly offensive to Mylo. I think it would be more classy of you to not attack subjects about people that are irrelevant to the discussion.

I think some more friendliness is in order Phil , but that's about it. I have no issues with you defending Frey , just think you could be a bit more nice about it.

Is $45 worth going on about? I'm just saying that is what I'm out. I also "went against my gut" after reading her feedback. I thought I might be one of the "lucky" ones. I thought wrong. My only recourse is to not purchase anything else from her. Oh well. Live and learn.

In Justyna's defense, I received 2 large(over 50 each) independent shipments of L1 nymphs from her over a month ago using EMS and they both got to me in less than 5 days, ALL alive, well 1 died a few hours later, so maybe if you go the cheapest route possible you can guess that in 8-10 days some mantis will die or freeze, to much heat or cold for that long is no good, only a ooth in the summer stands a chance for that long, I can guess that? seems like common sense is not used when buying from her, she's a Good seller in my book, is she Yen, NO but who is? ;)

Nobody likes dead nymph's in the mail, but if it happens maybe try to get your point across in a civil manner and you'll get better results. :)

As for Phil I appreciate you defending a friend but I feel you're being directly offensive to Mylo. I think it would be more classy of you to not attack subjects about people that are irrelevant to the discussion.

I think some more friendliness is in order Phil , but that's about it. I have no issues with you defending Frey , just think you could be a bit more nice about it.
I appreciate yr concern,Ricardo, but cf my last post to Mylo and thanks for illustrating my last point! :D

Irrelevant insults are the whole point. They are made for their own sake. You may have noticed that neither of us got into each other's religion ethnicity or whether our parents were married, because this is a public forum, but in a bar we could have until someone threw a punch or drew a knife and lost the argument. Then we'd be told to take it outside, but usually we'd just have another drink. I have noticed that folks here think that they are having a slanging match when one says "###### you!" and the other says, "No. ###### you!" Ah well, different strokes!

Is $45 worth going on about? I'm just saying that is what I'm out. I also "went against my gut" after reading her feedback. I thought I might be one of the "lucky" ones. I thought wrong. My only recourse is to not purchase anything else from her. Oh well. Live and learn.
I don't know the details but she might send you an ooth free of charge out of kindness.

Or did you even receive your stuff?

Either way it's hardly her fault. It's the risk we all take when ordering from across seas.


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