Fluorescent Lighting?


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Active member
Apr 7, 2007
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Is there a problem to having a fluorescent lighting fixture above my terrarium? Do mantids not react well to it? I remember having it before, and my mantids didnt have a problem, but I wanted to ask the experts ;)


I use just a plain ole flourescent light too.

You probably won't have a problem with this, but if you use compact fluorescent lights, don't let the mantis walk on it because it'll get a little too warm.

Hi, I like to use flourescent light as i believe most insects see in most, if not all of the spectrum. I know bees and other pollinators rely on certain uv patterns on flowers to guide them in. Mantids are typically diurnal hunters and it would make sense for them to see uv light, if not to position themselves above flowers with uv patterns?

Without it might be like living in black n white?

My other thought on this is if the mantids eyes can seperate a flourescent tubes flickering, like house flies see it, would this not be like living under a strobascope, and drive the mantis mad or mess with its vision? quite often see pictures of mantids with what can only be described as burn spots on their eyes, although on saying that i rarely have these marks on my mantids eyes and i've always used F/Tubes and just recently "daylight bulbs".


bird fly i have had only one matis with the 'burn marks' in its eyes and i put it down to being directly under an 80watt ordinary light bulb, havnt had any troubles with any other lighting, or even normal bulbs if courser mesh is used to block the intensity of the llight ...we live and learn

basicly a big black permanant spot on the top on the eye, doesnt seem to affect them at all mind
Oh I see. My mantises' eyes darken when they're "sleeping." It usually happens at night or when they think it's night.

ogiga, the eyes still darken at night like the usually would but they just have a permanat 'burn mark' on its eyes, it stays there regardless oflighting conditions and im assuming it appeared after time, but when i realised what was happening i changed it right away, she seems non the wiser tbh

bird fly i have had only one matis with the 'burn marks' in its eyes and i put it down to being directly under an 80watt ordinary light bulb, havnt had any troubles with any other lighting, or even normal bulbs if courser mesh is used to block the intensity of the llight ...we live and learn
Mantids sometimes get black spots on the eyes that don't go away. Right now i have a h. mem that has one on each eye. None of the others have this spot and they are all kept under the same regular flourescent light just like I have always used. The spots are not from the light you're using.

All mantids have the one spot on the eye that follows you around. We're talking about the spots that develop on the eyes. Two different things.


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