Foam Stoppers


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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2008
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I recently received some H. multispina oothecae and I house them each in their own 80oz insect cup. The problem is, I didn't consider just how many would hatch out and how I'd get food and water to them without it being a big hassle.

I need foam stoppers and I don't have time to order them over the internet. Does anyone know a store that I can get foam stoppers at, or something that I can buy to use in place of a foam stopper?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

On my two mantid Enclosures I made I cut a larger hole in the screen then carved a cork to fit in perfectly. I like it, my containers I catch bugs in fit the holes too, making it impossible for the bugs to Escape in the transfer.

In a pinch, you can (pun intended) just put a sock in it!

Sock, bunched up toilet paper, coffee filter, newspaper (depending on sizes), cut sponge (new one, of course). You can just put something heavy, like a salt shaker over the whole to block it. Or tape it shut like a trap door, with paper or some such to keep them from touching the sticky part.

Depending on you setup, you can just turn it upside down, the flip it for feeding.

Hope that helps...

I bought some foam at the fabric store. If you make your own stoppers, square works fine and is easier to cut than round.

The foam is cheap if they let you buy a small amount (check the remainder bin). But if you have to buy a whole yard of 1 inch or 2 inch foam, it's not cheap. Unless you have some other project that needs it - wife is making a pillow, I lined my own fly box.


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