fruit fly proof?


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Well-known member
Oct 3, 2008
Reaction score
Surrey - UK
ok, i'm kind of new to keeping mantis, infact currently i own 1 ooth and nothing else, the ooth is in a small container being kept humid and warm, but in preperation for the arrival of my new pets i went shopping. I've bought some insect netting, from Allplas with the intention of using it as a way of sealing the top of me enclosures. When it arrived i had the thought of making a 1ft square (aprox) cube to keep my young mantids in. I was just wondering if any one had experience with this sort of material, and also more specifically if it is going to keep fruit flies contained.

pic may help guage the size of the netting


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ashame, but i've got some finer net on the way, and will use the stuff i have already for ventilation on enclosures holding larger mantids i guess.

Yeah, too big for fruit flies. I put nymphs into deli cups that have fabric covered holes in the lids. FF's can't get through that of course. I have used very fine mesh that I got at a fabric store as lids before and it kept the FF's in.

I just purchased 5 different plastic screening, and the smallest is pinholes, I just love it, it keeps everything in, and the NO See em screen will keep them in, but it is a 20 x 20 mesh, that's te kind u will need to look for.


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