Well-known member
You can purchase anything below at my site www.kenthebugguy.com
Have questions email [email protected]
Acanthoscurria atrox - Brazilian Giant Black 2.5 inch $75.00
Acanthoscurria chacoana - 2 inch $35.00
Acanthoscurria ferina - 2.5"+ $50.00
Acanthoscurria geniculata - Giant White Knee - .25 inch $20.00
Acanthoscurria insubtilis .25 inch $20.00
Acanthoscurria insubtilis 1 inch $30.00
Acanthoscurria insubtilis 2 inch $40.00
Acanthoscurria insubtilis 2.25 inch Female $60.00
Acanthoscurria insubtilis Mature Male Nov $20.00
Acanthoscurria juruenicola .25 inch $25.00
Acanthoscurria Musculosa 2.5" Female $100.00
Acanthoscurria natalensis 4 inches $100.00
Acanthoscurria Sp. - Bolivia - .25 inch $30.00
Acanthoscurria Sp. - Bolivia - 2.5 inch $60.00
Ami cf Yupanquii - 1.5 inch $80.00
Ami cf Yupanquii - Mature Male $40.00
Aphonopelma aberans-Casa Blanca Chestnut 3 inch $60.00
Aphonopelma aberans-Casa Blanca Chestnut 4 inch+ $80.00
Aphonopelma cochesei- 3.5 inch Male $45.00
Aphonopelma echinum- 3.5 inch $70.00
Aphonopelma hentzi - Oklahoma Brown - .25 inch $8.00
Aphonopelma Moderatum - Rio Grand Gold - 1.5 inch+ $50.00
Aphonopelma sp "Black Canyon" 2.5 $40.00
Aphonopelma sp "Table Mesa" 2.5 $40.00
Aphonopelma sp. - New River - 2 inch+ $30.00
Aphonopelma sp. Malinche - poss serratum - .25 $30.00
Aphonopelma sp. Roswell - 2"+ $40.00
Avicularia amazonica - 2.5+ inch $120.00
Avicularia aurantiaca .75 inch $40.00
Avicularia avicularia - Pinktoe .5 inch $12.00
Avicularia bicegoi - .5 inch $40.00
Avicularia Metallica - 1 inch $25.00
Avicularia Minatrix - Venezuelan Red Stripe - .5 inch $60.00
Avicularia sp Boa Vista .5 inch $50.00
Avicularia urticans - Peruvian Pinktoe .75 inch $35.00
Avicularia versicolor - Versicolor - 1.5 inch $60.00
Avicularia versicolor - Versicolor - 4 inch MALE $100.00
Brachypelma albopilosum - Curlyhair - .5 inch $12.00
Brachypelma albopilosum - Curlyhair - 1.5+ inch $20.00
Brachypelma albopilosum - Mature Male 11/10 $40.00
Brachypelma boehmei - Mexican fireleg - .25 inch $25.00
Brachypelma boehmei - Mexican fireleg - Female - 4 inch $200.00
Brachypelma boehmei - Mexican fireleg - Male - 4 inch $90.00
Brachypelma emelia - Mexican Redleg - Male - 3.5 inch $100.00
Brachypelma emilia - Mexican Redleg - 1 inch $40.00
Brachypelma emilia - Mexican Redleg - 1.25 inch $60.00
Brachypelma emilia - Mexican Redleg - 2 inch $75.00
Brachypelma Sabulosum - Guatamalan Red Rump - 3 inch $80.00
Brachypelma smithi - Mexican Red Knee - 1.25 inch $35.00
Brachypelma vagans - Mexican Redrump - 1.5+ inch $30.00
Brachypelma vagans - Mexican Redrump - 1/4 inch $10.00
Ceratogyrus Meridionali .25 inch $65.00
Chilobrachys Andersoni .5 inch $15.00
Chilobrachys fimbriatus - Indian Violet - 3 inch $80.00
Chilobrachys fumosus .25 inch - RARE $40.00
Cithacanthus spinicirus- Cuban Cinnamon 3 inch $60.00
Citharacanthus Spinicrus 2.5" $60.00
Coremiocnemis tropix .25 $40.00
Cyclosternum fasciatum - Costa Rican Tiger Rump - .5 inch $15.00
Cyclosternum Schmardae - 3" Female $125.00
Cyclosternum sp. “Machalla” .5 inch $30.00
Cyriocosmus bertae Sub/Adult $60.00
Cyriocosmus Perezmilesi Tiger Rump Female Adult $100.00
Cyriocosmus ritae - Sub/Adult $75.00
Cyriocosmus sellatus Sub/Adult $70.00
Cyriopagopus schioedtei - Malaysian Earth Tiger .75 inch $40.00
Cyriopagopus sp. Sulawesi black .75 $150.00
Cyriopagopus sp. Sumatra Tiger .75 $100.00
Ephebopus cyanognathus - Blue Fang .75 inch $55.00
Ephebopus rufescens - Giant Brown .75 inch $40.00
Ephebopus rufescens - Giant Brown 2.5 inch $90.00
Ephebopus sp Peru 1.5"+ $50.00
Ephebopus Uatuman - Emerald Skeleton .5 inch $30.00
Ephebopus Uatuman - Emerald Skeleton Mature Male $40.00
Euathlus Sp - Pichidangui Blue Beauty .75 $40.00
Euathlus sp. Red 2 inch+ Female $80.00
Euathlus truculentus - Chilean Beautiful 3"+ $60.00
Eucratoscelus constrictus 3.5 inch Female - Rare $250.00
Eupalaestrus campestratus 4+ females Pink Zebra Beauties $120.00
Eupalaestrus weijenberghi - White-collared - 1.75 inch $60.00
Eupalaestrus weijenberghi - White-collared - 3.5 inch Female $200.00
Grammostola grossa - Giant Tawny Red - 2" Female $100.00
Grammostola grossa - Giant Tawny Red - 2+" $80.00
Grammostola iheringi - Entre Rios - 1 inch $79.00
Grammostola Porteri 3.5+" sold as Rose Hairs usually $20.00
Grammostola Pulchra - Female - 4 inch+ $300.00
Grammostola Pulchra - Brazilian black - .5+ inch $35.00
Grammostola Pulchripes - Chaco Golden Knees - .5 inch $20.00
Grammostola Pulchripes/Aureostriata - Chaco Golden - 4+"- Male $65.00
Grammostola Pulchripes/Aureostriata - Chaco Golden - 4.5+" - Fe $90.00
Grammostola rosea - Chilean Rose/Rose Hair - .25 inch $10.00
Grammostola rosea - Chilean Rose/Rose Hair - Juvinile/Sub Adult $25.00
Grammostola Sp North 4 inch $60.00
Hapalopus sp. Columbia - Pumpkin Patch - .25 inch $100.00
Haploclastus nilgirinus Nilgiri Dark Mustard 3+ inch $100.00
Haplopelma albostriata - Thai Zebra - 2.5 inch+ $40.00
Haplopelma lividum - Cobalt Blue - 3.5+ inch $60.00
Haplopelma longipes - Tiger 2.5 inch $65.00
Haplopelma vonwirthi - .25 inch $25.00
Harpactira curvipes - SUPER rare - .5 inch $75.00
Harpactira guttata - RARE! .75 $75.00
Heteroscodra maculata - Togo Starburst Baboon - .5 inch $15.00
Heteroscodra maculata - Togo Starburst/ornametal Baboon - 1.5" $30.00
Heteroscodra maculata - Togo Starburst/ornametal Baboon - 2-3" $40.00
Heterothele gabonensis .25 - Beautiful Rare $125.00
Holotelle sp "Peru" Mature Male 8-17 molted $40.00
Holotelle sp "Peru" Sub/Adult $80.00
Holothele Rondoni Sub/Adults $60.00
Holothele Tachira 1 inch $30.00
Hysterocrates cf Gigas - U Tawney Red Baboon - .5 inch $15.00
Hysterocrates Crassipes 1.25 inch $25.00
Hysterocrates gigas - U Tawney Red Baboon - 2.5 inch $30.00
Hysterocrates gigas - U Tawney Red Baboon - 4 inch $55.00
Hysterocrates gigas - U Tawney Red Baboon - 4.5 inch+ $65.00
Idiothele Sp Blue Foot .5 - RARE! $300.00
Iridopelma sp. recife .5 inch $45.00
Ischnocolus sp. .75 - New Species $80.00
Lampropelma nigerrimum .5 inch $80.00
Lampropelma nigerrimum 2.25 inch $150.00
Lampropelma Sp Borneo Black - Rare! - .75 inch $90.00
Lasiodora difficilis - Brazilian Fire Red - .5 inch $15.00
Lasiodora difficilis - Brazilian Fire Red - 3.5 inch $60.00
Lasiodora difficilis - Brazilian Fire Red - 4.5 inch $90.00
Lasiodora itabunae .5 inch $35.00
Lasiodora klugi - Bahia Scarlet - .25 inch $40.00
Lasiodora trinitatis .75 inch - New $100.00
Lasiodorides polycuspulatus - Peruvian Blonde 2" $75.00
Megaphobema mesomelas - male 3.5 inch $200.00
Metriopelma familiare .5 inch $50.00
Metriopelma sp. Aragua .75 inch $55.00
Metriopelma sp. Barinas 1 inch $45.00
Metriopelma zebratum 2.5+ female $150.00
Monocentropus balfouri - Super Rare- 1.5 inch $200.00
Neostenotarsus sp. French Guiana .25 inch $60.00
Nhandu carapoensis - Brazilian Red - 4.5 inch+ - Male $90.00
Nhandu chromatus - White Striped Birdeater - .5 inch $14.00
Nhandu chromatus - White Striped Birdeater - .75 inch $16.00
Nhandu chromatus - White Striped Birdeater - 3 inch $55.00
Nhandu vulpinus - Brazilian Giant Blonde - 2 inch $80.00
Oligoxystre sp 3 inch $150.00
Oligoxystre sp 3 inch $150.00
Orphnaecus sp. .5 inch $20.00
Pamphobeteus Antinous - 6"+ Female $99.00
Pamphobeteus fortis - .75 inch $45.00
Pamphobeteus fortis 2.5" Male $60.00
Pamphobeteus fortis 3" $90.00
Pamphobeteus fortis 3" Female $150.00
Pamphobeteus sp. equador - 3.5 inch $70.00
Pamphobeteus sp. equador - 5 inch Female $120.00
pamphobeteus Vespertinus - Female 4 inch+ $250.00
Paraphysa parvula Chilean Red Rump 4 inch Female $120.00
Paratropididae sp. Columbia .5 inch - Related to tarantula $60.00
Philogius sp. Stents 3 inch Female $80.00
Philogius sp. Stents 3 inch Male $50.00
Phlogiellus baeri .5 inch $40.00
Phlogius Crassipes .5 inch $30.00
Phormictopus auratus 1 inch $40.00
Phormictopus cancerides - Haitian Brown - .75 inch $15.00
Phormictopus cancerides - Haitian Brown - 1 inch $18.00
Phormictopus cancerides - Haitian Brown - 3+ inch $35.00
Phormictopus platus - 1.25 inch $35.00
Phormictopus platus - Golden-Grey Caribbean Birdeater - 3.5 Male $60.00
Phormictopus platus 3" Female $80.00
Phormitopus atrichmateus 4 inch $150.00
Plesiopelma sp. Bolivien .75 inch $55.00
Poecilotheria fasciata - Sri Lankan Ornamental - 4 inch $80.00
Poecilotheria metallica 1 inch $200.00
Poecilotheria miranda - Bengal-Spotted Ornamental 3" $99.00
Poecilotheria Ornatas - Ornamental - 1 inch $40.00
Poecilotheria pederseni - Ghost Ornamental - 1 inch $25.00
Poecilotheria Regalis - Indian Ornamental - 1 inch $35.00
Poecilotheria Regalis - Indian Ornamental - Female 5+ inch $150.00
Poecilotheria rufilata - Redslate Ornamental - .75 inch $45.00
Poecilotheria Striata - Mysore Ornamental - .75 inch $30.00
Poecilotheria Subfusca HIGHLAND - Ivory Ornamental - 1 inch $90.00
Poecilotheria Subfusca HIGHLAND - Ivory Ornamental - Male 3.5" $120.00
Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli 1 inch $100.00
Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli 2.5 inch $180.00
Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli Mature Male $100.00
Psalmopoeus cambridgei - Trinidad Chevron - 2.5 inch $45.00
Psalmopoeus cambridgei - Trinidad Chevron - 4.5 inch $70.00
Psalmopoeus cambridgei -Trinidad Chevron - 5.5 inch Female $85.00
Psalmopoeus irminias - Venezuelan Suntiger - 1 inch $29.00
Psalmopoeus irminias - Venezuelan Suntiger - 3.5+ inch $70.00
Psalmopoeus irminias - Venezuelan Suntiger - Female 5 inch $140.00
Pseudhapalopus Spinulopalpus 3 inch Female $150.00
Pterinochilus chordatus - Kilimanjaro mustard - .5 inch $15.00
Pterinochilus chordatus - Kilimanjaro mustard - 3 Inch+ $35.00
Pterinochilus lugardi - Dodoma Baboon - 3 inch+ $30.00
Pterinochilus murinis - Orange Starburst Baboon - MM Adult $10.00
Pterinochilus murinis - Starburst Baboon - 3+ inch $20.00
Selenocosmia arndsti - .5 inch Awesome and rare $40.00
Selenocosmia crassipes .75 inch $30.00
Selenocosmia effera 2.5 inch $50.00
Selenocosmia obscura .5 inch $20.00
Selenocosminae sp. Tapah Malaysia 3 inch Female $150.00
Sericopelma Sp. Venzula 2.5 inch Female $90.00
Stichoplastoris sp. Costa Rica 2.5 inch $100.00
Tapinauchenius cupreus .5 inch $50.00
Tapinauchenius latipes .75 $50.00
Tapinauchenius plumipes - Trinidad Mahogany - 1 inch $40.00
Tapinauchenius plumipes - Trinidad Mahogany - 3.5 inch Female $100.00
Tapinauchenius subcaeruleus Mature Male $50.00
Theraphosa Apophysis - 3 inch+ $140.00
Theraphosa blondi - Goliath Giant Bird Eater - 4 inch+ WC Male $90.00
Theraphosa blondi - Goliath Giant Bird Eater Burgandy 1"+ $85.00
Theraphosidae sp. Ebony .5 inch $60.00
Thrigmopoeus sp. Incia - .5 inch $15.00
Thrigmopoeus sp. Incia - 3 inch+ Female $100.00
Thrixopelma ockerti - 3.5"+ $100.00
Thrixopelma ockerti Peruvian Orange Rump .75 inch $35.00
Thrixopelma pruriens - Peruvian Green Velvet - 3.5 inch $60.00
Vitalius paranaensis - 3 inch $100.00
Vitalius sp "Roseus" 5" Female $150.00
Xenesthis immanis - 1.25 inch $80.00
Xenesthis immanis - 4.5 inch Think Male $150.00
Xenesthis intermedius - 2 inch! $150.00
Xenesthis Sp Columbia - BEAUTIFUL 4" Male $200.00
Yamia sp. Khao Lak .25 inch $40.00
Babycurus jacksoni - CB Babies $15.00
Buthacus leptochelys - size 1 inch body $20.00
Captive bred babies - Emperor Scorpion - Pandinus imperator $8.00
Captive Bred Babies - Heterometrus spinifer $15.00
Caraboctonus keyserlingi $25.00
Caribbean Dusky Scorpion - Centruoides Gracilis - CB 2010 Babies $8.00
Centruoides vittatus - sub/adults $10.00
Centruroides Gracilis - Caribbean Dusky Scorp - Florida species $20.00
Centruroides guanensis sub/adult $15.00
Centruroides sculpturatus - Arizona Bark - body size 1 inch $10.00
Hadrurus Arizonensis Pallidus - Pallidus Hairy - body size 1 inc $24.00
Hadrurus spadix - Black Desert Hairy 2inch body $24.00
Heterometrus longimanus, young still $15.00
Heterometrus spinifer - CB Babies $8.00
Hottentotta Hotentotta Sub/Adults $30.00
Hottentotta judaicus - size .5 inch body $40.00
Iomachus politus (Ischnuridae) - 1.5+ bodies $40.00
Mesobuthus martensii - Chinese golden scorpion $15.00
Ophistothalmus walberghi - Tri Color Scorpions $25.00
Pandinus cavimanus - Red Claw Scorpion $15.00
Parabuthus leiosoma - Blacktip Thicktail Scorpion, young ones $40.00
Paruroctonus variabilis - Body 3/4 inch $20.00
Rhopalurus junceus (Buthidae) - 4 instar $30.00
Serradigitus Gertschi Striatus $10.00
Smeringurus mesaensis - Dune scorpion - Sub/adults $16.00
Tityus asthenes CB Babies $40.00
vaejovis confusus $10.00
Vaejovis spinigerus/Hoffmannius spinigerus - Striped Devil Scorp $10.00
5 lot of African Olive Centipede - Small $15.00
Scolopendra alternans - Florida Giant Centipede $30.00
Scolopendra Polymorpha - 2 inch $10.00
Scolopendra Polymorpha - 2.5 inch+ - TEXAS TIGER MORPH! $15.00
Scolopendra Polymorpha - 4" - TIGER MORPH! - Missing 2 terminal $12.00
Scolopendra subpinipes mutilans - Red head cent - Communal! $25.00
Scolopendra subspinipes - Think Dehanni $40.00
Tanzanian Flag Tailed Centipede 2 inch+ $20.00
*NEW* Florida Scarlet Millipedes $12.00
Florida Ebony Version! - Chicobolus spinigerus - sub/adult sizes $10.00
Narceus americanus $10.00
Ocala Giant Millipedes - Narceus Gordonus $15.00
Orthoporus ornatus - Giant Texas Brown- Younge still $12.00
Orthoporus sp - Giant Arizona Millipedes $10.00
Thai Rainbow millipedes - CB $15.00
10 Madagascar Roach Nymph $15.00
10 Madagascar Roach Sub/Adult $25.00
2 Hissers, Small used Critter keeper - dirt, egg crate $15.00
5 lot Gromphadorhina oblongata - mahogany hissers $15.00
5 lot Madagascar Roach Sub/Adult $15.00
Blaberus Giganteus - Giant Cave roaches - Nymphs $4.00
Domino Roaches - Babies - Unsexed $6.00
GIANT Hissers - These guys grow 25% larger - Nymph $10.00
Gromphadorhina oblongata - mahogany hissers $8.00
Hormetica Subcincta - Glow Spot Roaches - Nymphs $12.50
Madagascar Hissing Roaches - Sub/Adult $8.00
Whips and Tailless whips
Damon sp. (diadema) Tanzanian - Giant Tailless Whip Scorpion $25.00
Tailless Whip Scorpion - Damon sp - Broken limbs they grow back $20.00
Tailless Whip Scorpion - Damon sp - CB Babies! $15.00
Whip Scorpion - Giant Vinagaroon - US Species $60.00
Other Spiders
African Huntsman Spider $20.00
African Trap Spider Unknown species $15.00
Calammata Sp African Sabertooth Trap Door $40.00
Cyclocosmia sp - RARE - Awesome Tribal backend $100.00
Damarchus sp - Cambodia Spider $45.00
Gorgyrella sp - Red Trap Door $18.00
Gorgyrella sp. - African Black Trap door $18.00
Kukulcania hibernalis - Florida Black Hole Spider $15.00
Latrodectus hesperus western widow large $10.00
Phidippus Audax - Avdaceus Jumping Spider - Mid size $15.00
Steatoda grossa adult female $10.00
Steatoda Grossa sub/adults - False Widow $8.00
Violin mantis - Gongylus gongylodes L5 $35.00
Hermit Crabs $10.00
4 lot of Euthulas sp Blues $100.00
5 x Brachypelma emelia - Mexican Redleg - 1 inch $120.00
5 x Brachypelma smithi - Mexican Red Knee - 1.25 inch $150.00
40 hour Heat Packs $1.50
B Plastic Vial 2.5 Dram - approx .5" diam x 1" height $0.15
E USED Plastic Vial 20 Dram size - 1.5" diam x 2.75" height $0.30
F Used Plastic Vial 40 Dram size - 2" diam x 3.5" height $0.50
Ken The Bug Guy T Shirt - OUT OF STOCK $20.00
Sandwich baggy full of Coconut substrate(Substrate I use) $2.00
Sandwich Baggy Oak Mulch - Used for Millipedes and Roaches $2.00
Scorpion Hunting key chain UV Black light click to see descripti $5.00
Scorpion Hunting UV Black light click to see description $39.00
Water Crystals - 1.5 oz - 3 inch x 4 inch bag $2.50
Also see books and other stuff on my site
Specials below are only good till it arrives after that will be adding to my website and its only that price so reserve today. Import will be happening in 2 weeks.
See the new avic here!
0.1 Acanthoscurria geniculata ca.5-5,5cm, $200
0.1 Chilobrachys fimbriatus 4-4,5cm, $150
0.1 Heterothele villosella 2,5cm, $120
0.1 Holothele incei "gold" 2,5-3cm,$200
0.1 Monocentropus lambertoni 5-6cm, $350
0.1 Xenesthis immanis ca.5,5cm, $260
0.1 Poecilotheria fasciata (NZ) ca.4cm, $140
0.1 Poecilotheria formosa (NZ) ca.6cm, $160
0.3 Poecilotheria Ornata (NZ) 5cm $140
Xenesthis sp.white 2-2,5cm, $300 re-import special $250
Avicularia braunshauseni 1.molt: $40 pre-import special 5@$30 each
Avicularia jurensis 1.molt: $70 pre-import special 5@$60 each or 10@$50 each
Haplocosmia nepalensis 1.molt: $40 pre-import special 5@$30each
Holothele incei "gold" 1.FH $90 pre-import special 5@$75 each
Lampropelma violaceopes 1.FH $35
Monocentropus balfouri 1,5-2cm $160 pre-import special $130
Phormictopus cochleasvorax 1-2.FH $100 - NEW AND RARE pre-import special $90
Poecilolotheria metallica 1.FH $200 pre-import special $185
Pseudhapalopus sp.blue 1-2.FH $65 pre-import special $55
Lampropelma nigerrimum 1.FH, $80 pre-import special $70
Iridopelma sp.recife 1.FH, $45
Poecilotheria Subfusca lowland ("bara") 1 fh $95 -pre-import Specieal $75
Acanthoscurria antillensis 1-2.FH $50 - NEW RARE pre-import special $40
Agnostopelma gardel 1-2.FH, $50 - NEW RARE pre-import special $40
Caturimi argentinensis 1-2.FH, $50 - NEW RARE pre-import special $40
Ceratogyrus marshalli 1-2.FH, $30
Idiothele mira (sp."blue foot") 1-2.FH, $250 pre-import special $200
Theraphosa Blondi (NO BLOND FEET BLONDI! ) 1 FH, $110
Homoeomma sp.blue 2.molt $45
Avicularia minatrix 3-4.molt $75
Aphonopelma bicoloratum 0.5cm body $50
Aphonopelma bicoloratum 1,5cm body = $100
Acanth.geniculata adult female $150
Poecil.tigrinawesseli 3cm (possible female) $150
Linothele curvitaris females 2-4 cm body $75 - RARE
Linothole fallax females adult 5cm body $75 - RARE
Avicularia Braunshauseni female adult $200
Metriopelma ledezmae adult female $200
Iridopelma sp.recife 2,5cm body male + adult female $400 - breeding pair
GBB adult female $250
Have questions email [email protected]
Acanthoscurria atrox - Brazilian Giant Black 2.5 inch $75.00
Acanthoscurria chacoana - 2 inch $35.00
Acanthoscurria ferina - 2.5"+ $50.00
Acanthoscurria geniculata - Giant White Knee - .25 inch $20.00
Acanthoscurria insubtilis .25 inch $20.00
Acanthoscurria insubtilis 1 inch $30.00
Acanthoscurria insubtilis 2 inch $40.00
Acanthoscurria insubtilis 2.25 inch Female $60.00
Acanthoscurria insubtilis Mature Male Nov $20.00
Acanthoscurria juruenicola .25 inch $25.00
Acanthoscurria Musculosa 2.5" Female $100.00
Acanthoscurria natalensis 4 inches $100.00
Acanthoscurria Sp. - Bolivia - .25 inch $30.00
Acanthoscurria Sp. - Bolivia - 2.5 inch $60.00
Ami cf Yupanquii - 1.5 inch $80.00
Ami cf Yupanquii - Mature Male $40.00
Aphonopelma aberans-Casa Blanca Chestnut 3 inch $60.00
Aphonopelma aberans-Casa Blanca Chestnut 4 inch+ $80.00
Aphonopelma cochesei- 3.5 inch Male $45.00
Aphonopelma echinum- 3.5 inch $70.00
Aphonopelma hentzi - Oklahoma Brown - .25 inch $8.00
Aphonopelma Moderatum - Rio Grand Gold - 1.5 inch+ $50.00
Aphonopelma sp "Black Canyon" 2.5 $40.00
Aphonopelma sp "Table Mesa" 2.5 $40.00
Aphonopelma sp. - New River - 2 inch+ $30.00
Aphonopelma sp. Malinche - poss serratum - .25 $30.00
Aphonopelma sp. Roswell - 2"+ $40.00
Avicularia amazonica - 2.5+ inch $120.00
Avicularia aurantiaca .75 inch $40.00
Avicularia avicularia - Pinktoe .5 inch $12.00
Avicularia bicegoi - .5 inch $40.00
Avicularia Metallica - 1 inch $25.00
Avicularia Minatrix - Venezuelan Red Stripe - .5 inch $60.00
Avicularia sp Boa Vista .5 inch $50.00
Avicularia urticans - Peruvian Pinktoe .75 inch $35.00
Avicularia versicolor - Versicolor - 1.5 inch $60.00
Avicularia versicolor - Versicolor - 4 inch MALE $100.00
Brachypelma albopilosum - Curlyhair - .5 inch $12.00
Brachypelma albopilosum - Curlyhair - 1.5+ inch $20.00
Brachypelma albopilosum - Mature Male 11/10 $40.00
Brachypelma boehmei - Mexican fireleg - .25 inch $25.00
Brachypelma boehmei - Mexican fireleg - Female - 4 inch $200.00
Brachypelma boehmei - Mexican fireleg - Male - 4 inch $90.00
Brachypelma emelia - Mexican Redleg - Male - 3.5 inch $100.00
Brachypelma emilia - Mexican Redleg - 1 inch $40.00
Brachypelma emilia - Mexican Redleg - 1.25 inch $60.00
Brachypelma emilia - Mexican Redleg - 2 inch $75.00
Brachypelma Sabulosum - Guatamalan Red Rump - 3 inch $80.00
Brachypelma smithi - Mexican Red Knee - 1.25 inch $35.00
Brachypelma vagans - Mexican Redrump - 1.5+ inch $30.00
Brachypelma vagans - Mexican Redrump - 1/4 inch $10.00
Ceratogyrus Meridionali .25 inch $65.00
Chilobrachys Andersoni .5 inch $15.00
Chilobrachys fimbriatus - Indian Violet - 3 inch $80.00
Chilobrachys fumosus .25 inch - RARE $40.00
Cithacanthus spinicirus- Cuban Cinnamon 3 inch $60.00
Citharacanthus Spinicrus 2.5" $60.00
Coremiocnemis tropix .25 $40.00
Cyclosternum fasciatum - Costa Rican Tiger Rump - .5 inch $15.00
Cyclosternum Schmardae - 3" Female $125.00
Cyclosternum sp. “Machalla” .5 inch $30.00
Cyriocosmus bertae Sub/Adult $60.00
Cyriocosmus Perezmilesi Tiger Rump Female Adult $100.00
Cyriocosmus ritae - Sub/Adult $75.00
Cyriocosmus sellatus Sub/Adult $70.00
Cyriopagopus schioedtei - Malaysian Earth Tiger .75 inch $40.00
Cyriopagopus sp. Sulawesi black .75 $150.00
Cyriopagopus sp. Sumatra Tiger .75 $100.00
Ephebopus cyanognathus - Blue Fang .75 inch $55.00
Ephebopus rufescens - Giant Brown .75 inch $40.00
Ephebopus rufescens - Giant Brown 2.5 inch $90.00
Ephebopus sp Peru 1.5"+ $50.00
Ephebopus Uatuman - Emerald Skeleton .5 inch $30.00
Ephebopus Uatuman - Emerald Skeleton Mature Male $40.00
Euathlus Sp - Pichidangui Blue Beauty .75 $40.00
Euathlus sp. Red 2 inch+ Female $80.00
Euathlus truculentus - Chilean Beautiful 3"+ $60.00
Eucratoscelus constrictus 3.5 inch Female - Rare $250.00
Eupalaestrus campestratus 4+ females Pink Zebra Beauties $120.00
Eupalaestrus weijenberghi - White-collared - 1.75 inch $60.00
Eupalaestrus weijenberghi - White-collared - 3.5 inch Female $200.00
Grammostola grossa - Giant Tawny Red - 2" Female $100.00
Grammostola grossa - Giant Tawny Red - 2+" $80.00
Grammostola iheringi - Entre Rios - 1 inch $79.00
Grammostola Porteri 3.5+" sold as Rose Hairs usually $20.00
Grammostola Pulchra - Female - 4 inch+ $300.00
Grammostola Pulchra - Brazilian black - .5+ inch $35.00
Grammostola Pulchripes - Chaco Golden Knees - .5 inch $20.00
Grammostola Pulchripes/Aureostriata - Chaco Golden - 4+"- Male $65.00
Grammostola Pulchripes/Aureostriata - Chaco Golden - 4.5+" - Fe $90.00
Grammostola rosea - Chilean Rose/Rose Hair - .25 inch $10.00
Grammostola rosea - Chilean Rose/Rose Hair - Juvinile/Sub Adult $25.00
Grammostola Sp North 4 inch $60.00
Hapalopus sp. Columbia - Pumpkin Patch - .25 inch $100.00
Haploclastus nilgirinus Nilgiri Dark Mustard 3+ inch $100.00
Haplopelma albostriata - Thai Zebra - 2.5 inch+ $40.00
Haplopelma lividum - Cobalt Blue - 3.5+ inch $60.00
Haplopelma longipes - Tiger 2.5 inch $65.00
Haplopelma vonwirthi - .25 inch $25.00
Harpactira curvipes - SUPER rare - .5 inch $75.00
Harpactira guttata - RARE! .75 $75.00
Heteroscodra maculata - Togo Starburst Baboon - .5 inch $15.00
Heteroscodra maculata - Togo Starburst/ornametal Baboon - 1.5" $30.00
Heteroscodra maculata - Togo Starburst/ornametal Baboon - 2-3" $40.00
Heterothele gabonensis .25 - Beautiful Rare $125.00
Holotelle sp "Peru" Mature Male 8-17 molted $40.00
Holotelle sp "Peru" Sub/Adult $80.00
Holothele Rondoni Sub/Adults $60.00
Holothele Tachira 1 inch $30.00
Hysterocrates cf Gigas - U Tawney Red Baboon - .5 inch $15.00
Hysterocrates Crassipes 1.25 inch $25.00
Hysterocrates gigas - U Tawney Red Baboon - 2.5 inch $30.00
Hysterocrates gigas - U Tawney Red Baboon - 4 inch $55.00
Hysterocrates gigas - U Tawney Red Baboon - 4.5 inch+ $65.00
Idiothele Sp Blue Foot .5 - RARE! $300.00
Iridopelma sp. recife .5 inch $45.00
Ischnocolus sp. .75 - New Species $80.00
Lampropelma nigerrimum .5 inch $80.00
Lampropelma nigerrimum 2.25 inch $150.00
Lampropelma Sp Borneo Black - Rare! - .75 inch $90.00
Lasiodora difficilis - Brazilian Fire Red - .5 inch $15.00
Lasiodora difficilis - Brazilian Fire Red - 3.5 inch $60.00
Lasiodora difficilis - Brazilian Fire Red - 4.5 inch $90.00
Lasiodora itabunae .5 inch $35.00
Lasiodora klugi - Bahia Scarlet - .25 inch $40.00
Lasiodora trinitatis .75 inch - New $100.00
Lasiodorides polycuspulatus - Peruvian Blonde 2" $75.00
Megaphobema mesomelas - male 3.5 inch $200.00
Metriopelma familiare .5 inch $50.00
Metriopelma sp. Aragua .75 inch $55.00
Metriopelma sp. Barinas 1 inch $45.00
Metriopelma zebratum 2.5+ female $150.00
Monocentropus balfouri - Super Rare- 1.5 inch $200.00
Neostenotarsus sp. French Guiana .25 inch $60.00
Nhandu carapoensis - Brazilian Red - 4.5 inch+ - Male $90.00
Nhandu chromatus - White Striped Birdeater - .5 inch $14.00
Nhandu chromatus - White Striped Birdeater - .75 inch $16.00
Nhandu chromatus - White Striped Birdeater - 3 inch $55.00
Nhandu vulpinus - Brazilian Giant Blonde - 2 inch $80.00
Oligoxystre sp 3 inch $150.00
Oligoxystre sp 3 inch $150.00
Orphnaecus sp. .5 inch $20.00
Pamphobeteus Antinous - 6"+ Female $99.00
Pamphobeteus fortis - .75 inch $45.00
Pamphobeteus fortis 2.5" Male $60.00
Pamphobeteus fortis 3" $90.00
Pamphobeteus fortis 3" Female $150.00
Pamphobeteus sp. equador - 3.5 inch $70.00
Pamphobeteus sp. equador - 5 inch Female $120.00
pamphobeteus Vespertinus - Female 4 inch+ $250.00
Paraphysa parvula Chilean Red Rump 4 inch Female $120.00
Paratropididae sp. Columbia .5 inch - Related to tarantula $60.00
Philogius sp. Stents 3 inch Female $80.00
Philogius sp. Stents 3 inch Male $50.00
Phlogiellus baeri .5 inch $40.00
Phlogius Crassipes .5 inch $30.00
Phormictopus auratus 1 inch $40.00
Phormictopus cancerides - Haitian Brown - .75 inch $15.00
Phormictopus cancerides - Haitian Brown - 1 inch $18.00
Phormictopus cancerides - Haitian Brown - 3+ inch $35.00
Phormictopus platus - 1.25 inch $35.00
Phormictopus platus - Golden-Grey Caribbean Birdeater - 3.5 Male $60.00
Phormictopus platus 3" Female $80.00
Phormitopus atrichmateus 4 inch $150.00
Plesiopelma sp. Bolivien .75 inch $55.00
Poecilotheria fasciata - Sri Lankan Ornamental - 4 inch $80.00
Poecilotheria metallica 1 inch $200.00
Poecilotheria miranda - Bengal-Spotted Ornamental 3" $99.00
Poecilotheria Ornatas - Ornamental - 1 inch $40.00
Poecilotheria pederseni - Ghost Ornamental - 1 inch $25.00
Poecilotheria Regalis - Indian Ornamental - 1 inch $35.00
Poecilotheria Regalis - Indian Ornamental - Female 5+ inch $150.00
Poecilotheria rufilata - Redslate Ornamental - .75 inch $45.00
Poecilotheria Striata - Mysore Ornamental - .75 inch $30.00
Poecilotheria Subfusca HIGHLAND - Ivory Ornamental - 1 inch $90.00
Poecilotheria Subfusca HIGHLAND - Ivory Ornamental - Male 3.5" $120.00
Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli 1 inch $100.00
Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli 2.5 inch $180.00
Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli Mature Male $100.00
Psalmopoeus cambridgei - Trinidad Chevron - 2.5 inch $45.00
Psalmopoeus cambridgei - Trinidad Chevron - 4.5 inch $70.00
Psalmopoeus cambridgei -Trinidad Chevron - 5.5 inch Female $85.00
Psalmopoeus irminias - Venezuelan Suntiger - 1 inch $29.00
Psalmopoeus irminias - Venezuelan Suntiger - 3.5+ inch $70.00
Psalmopoeus irminias - Venezuelan Suntiger - Female 5 inch $140.00
Pseudhapalopus Spinulopalpus 3 inch Female $150.00
Pterinochilus chordatus - Kilimanjaro mustard - .5 inch $15.00
Pterinochilus chordatus - Kilimanjaro mustard - 3 Inch+ $35.00
Pterinochilus lugardi - Dodoma Baboon - 3 inch+ $30.00
Pterinochilus murinis - Orange Starburst Baboon - MM Adult $10.00
Pterinochilus murinis - Starburst Baboon - 3+ inch $20.00
Selenocosmia arndsti - .5 inch Awesome and rare $40.00
Selenocosmia crassipes .75 inch $30.00
Selenocosmia effera 2.5 inch $50.00
Selenocosmia obscura .5 inch $20.00
Selenocosminae sp. Tapah Malaysia 3 inch Female $150.00
Sericopelma Sp. Venzula 2.5 inch Female $90.00
Stichoplastoris sp. Costa Rica 2.5 inch $100.00
Tapinauchenius cupreus .5 inch $50.00
Tapinauchenius latipes .75 $50.00
Tapinauchenius plumipes - Trinidad Mahogany - 1 inch $40.00
Tapinauchenius plumipes - Trinidad Mahogany - 3.5 inch Female $100.00
Tapinauchenius subcaeruleus Mature Male $50.00
Theraphosa Apophysis - 3 inch+ $140.00
Theraphosa blondi - Goliath Giant Bird Eater - 4 inch+ WC Male $90.00
Theraphosa blondi - Goliath Giant Bird Eater Burgandy 1"+ $85.00
Theraphosidae sp. Ebony .5 inch $60.00
Thrigmopoeus sp. Incia - .5 inch $15.00
Thrigmopoeus sp. Incia - 3 inch+ Female $100.00
Thrixopelma ockerti - 3.5"+ $100.00
Thrixopelma ockerti Peruvian Orange Rump .75 inch $35.00
Thrixopelma pruriens - Peruvian Green Velvet - 3.5 inch $60.00
Vitalius paranaensis - 3 inch $100.00
Vitalius sp "Roseus" 5" Female $150.00
Xenesthis immanis - 1.25 inch $80.00
Xenesthis immanis - 4.5 inch Think Male $150.00
Xenesthis intermedius - 2 inch! $150.00
Xenesthis Sp Columbia - BEAUTIFUL 4" Male $200.00
Yamia sp. Khao Lak .25 inch $40.00
Babycurus jacksoni - CB Babies $15.00
Buthacus leptochelys - size 1 inch body $20.00
Captive bred babies - Emperor Scorpion - Pandinus imperator $8.00
Captive Bred Babies - Heterometrus spinifer $15.00
Caraboctonus keyserlingi $25.00
Caribbean Dusky Scorpion - Centruoides Gracilis - CB 2010 Babies $8.00
Centruoides vittatus - sub/adults $10.00
Centruroides Gracilis - Caribbean Dusky Scorp - Florida species $20.00
Centruroides guanensis sub/adult $15.00
Centruroides sculpturatus - Arizona Bark - body size 1 inch $10.00
Hadrurus Arizonensis Pallidus - Pallidus Hairy - body size 1 inc $24.00
Hadrurus spadix - Black Desert Hairy 2inch body $24.00
Heterometrus longimanus, young still $15.00
Heterometrus spinifer - CB Babies $8.00
Hottentotta Hotentotta Sub/Adults $30.00
Hottentotta judaicus - size .5 inch body $40.00
Iomachus politus (Ischnuridae) - 1.5+ bodies $40.00
Mesobuthus martensii - Chinese golden scorpion $15.00
Ophistothalmus walberghi - Tri Color Scorpions $25.00
Pandinus cavimanus - Red Claw Scorpion $15.00
Parabuthus leiosoma - Blacktip Thicktail Scorpion, young ones $40.00
Paruroctonus variabilis - Body 3/4 inch $20.00
Rhopalurus junceus (Buthidae) - 4 instar $30.00
Serradigitus Gertschi Striatus $10.00
Smeringurus mesaensis - Dune scorpion - Sub/adults $16.00
Tityus asthenes CB Babies $40.00
vaejovis confusus $10.00
Vaejovis spinigerus/Hoffmannius spinigerus - Striped Devil Scorp $10.00
5 lot of African Olive Centipede - Small $15.00
Scolopendra alternans - Florida Giant Centipede $30.00
Scolopendra Polymorpha - 2 inch $10.00
Scolopendra Polymorpha - 2.5 inch+ - TEXAS TIGER MORPH! $15.00
Scolopendra Polymorpha - 4" - TIGER MORPH! - Missing 2 terminal $12.00
Scolopendra subpinipes mutilans - Red head cent - Communal! $25.00
Scolopendra subspinipes - Think Dehanni $40.00
Tanzanian Flag Tailed Centipede 2 inch+ $20.00
*NEW* Florida Scarlet Millipedes $12.00
Florida Ebony Version! - Chicobolus spinigerus - sub/adult sizes $10.00
Narceus americanus $10.00
Ocala Giant Millipedes - Narceus Gordonus $15.00
Orthoporus ornatus - Giant Texas Brown- Younge still $12.00
Orthoporus sp - Giant Arizona Millipedes $10.00
Thai Rainbow millipedes - CB $15.00
10 Madagascar Roach Nymph $15.00
10 Madagascar Roach Sub/Adult $25.00
2 Hissers, Small used Critter keeper - dirt, egg crate $15.00
5 lot Gromphadorhina oblongata - mahogany hissers $15.00
5 lot Madagascar Roach Sub/Adult $15.00
Blaberus Giganteus - Giant Cave roaches - Nymphs $4.00
Domino Roaches - Babies - Unsexed $6.00
GIANT Hissers - These guys grow 25% larger - Nymph $10.00
Gromphadorhina oblongata - mahogany hissers $8.00
Hormetica Subcincta - Glow Spot Roaches - Nymphs $12.50
Madagascar Hissing Roaches - Sub/Adult $8.00
Whips and Tailless whips
Damon sp. (diadema) Tanzanian - Giant Tailless Whip Scorpion $25.00
Tailless Whip Scorpion - Damon sp - Broken limbs they grow back $20.00
Tailless Whip Scorpion - Damon sp - CB Babies! $15.00
Whip Scorpion - Giant Vinagaroon - US Species $60.00
Other Spiders
African Huntsman Spider $20.00
African Trap Spider Unknown species $15.00
Calammata Sp African Sabertooth Trap Door $40.00
Cyclocosmia sp - RARE - Awesome Tribal backend $100.00
Damarchus sp - Cambodia Spider $45.00
Gorgyrella sp - Red Trap Door $18.00
Gorgyrella sp. - African Black Trap door $18.00
Kukulcania hibernalis - Florida Black Hole Spider $15.00
Latrodectus hesperus western widow large $10.00
Phidippus Audax - Avdaceus Jumping Spider - Mid size $15.00
Steatoda grossa adult female $10.00
Steatoda Grossa sub/adults - False Widow $8.00
Violin mantis - Gongylus gongylodes L5 $35.00
Hermit Crabs $10.00
4 lot of Euthulas sp Blues $100.00
5 x Brachypelma emelia - Mexican Redleg - 1 inch $120.00
5 x Brachypelma smithi - Mexican Red Knee - 1.25 inch $150.00
40 hour Heat Packs $1.50
B Plastic Vial 2.5 Dram - approx .5" diam x 1" height $0.15
E USED Plastic Vial 20 Dram size - 1.5" diam x 2.75" height $0.30
F Used Plastic Vial 40 Dram size - 2" diam x 3.5" height $0.50
Ken The Bug Guy T Shirt - OUT OF STOCK $20.00
Sandwich baggy full of Coconut substrate(Substrate I use) $2.00
Sandwich Baggy Oak Mulch - Used for Millipedes and Roaches $2.00
Scorpion Hunting key chain UV Black light click to see descripti $5.00
Scorpion Hunting UV Black light click to see description $39.00
Water Crystals - 1.5 oz - 3 inch x 4 inch bag $2.50
Also see books and other stuff on my site
Specials below are only good till it arrives after that will be adding to my website and its only that price so reserve today. Import will be happening in 2 weeks.
See the new avic here!
0.1 Acanthoscurria geniculata ca.5-5,5cm, $200
0.1 Chilobrachys fimbriatus 4-4,5cm, $150
0.1 Heterothele villosella 2,5cm, $120
0.1 Holothele incei "gold" 2,5-3cm,$200
0.1 Monocentropus lambertoni 5-6cm, $350
0.1 Xenesthis immanis ca.5,5cm, $260
0.1 Poecilotheria fasciata (NZ) ca.4cm, $140
0.1 Poecilotheria formosa (NZ) ca.6cm, $160
0.3 Poecilotheria Ornata (NZ) 5cm $140
Xenesthis sp.white 2-2,5cm, $300 re-import special $250
Avicularia braunshauseni 1.molt: $40 pre-import special 5@$30 each
Avicularia jurensis 1.molt: $70 pre-import special 5@$60 each or 10@$50 each
Haplocosmia nepalensis 1.molt: $40 pre-import special 5@$30each
Holothele incei "gold" 1.FH $90 pre-import special 5@$75 each
Lampropelma violaceopes 1.FH $35
Monocentropus balfouri 1,5-2cm $160 pre-import special $130
Phormictopus cochleasvorax 1-2.FH $100 - NEW AND RARE pre-import special $90
Poecilolotheria metallica 1.FH $200 pre-import special $185
Pseudhapalopus sp.blue 1-2.FH $65 pre-import special $55
Lampropelma nigerrimum 1.FH, $80 pre-import special $70
Iridopelma sp.recife 1.FH, $45
Poecilotheria Subfusca lowland ("bara") 1 fh $95 -pre-import Specieal $75
Acanthoscurria antillensis 1-2.FH $50 - NEW RARE pre-import special $40
Agnostopelma gardel 1-2.FH, $50 - NEW RARE pre-import special $40
Caturimi argentinensis 1-2.FH, $50 - NEW RARE pre-import special $40
Ceratogyrus marshalli 1-2.FH, $30
Idiothele mira (sp."blue foot") 1-2.FH, $250 pre-import special $200
Theraphosa Blondi (NO BLOND FEET BLONDI! ) 1 FH, $110
Homoeomma sp.blue 2.molt $45
Avicularia minatrix 3-4.molt $75
Aphonopelma bicoloratum 0.5cm body $50
Aphonopelma bicoloratum 1,5cm body = $100
Acanth.geniculata adult female $150
Poecil.tigrinawesseli 3cm (possible female) $150
Linothele curvitaris females 2-4 cm body $75 - RARE
Linothole fallax females adult 5cm body $75 - RARE
Avicularia Braunshauseni female adult $200
Metriopelma ledezmae adult female $200
Iridopelma sp.recife 2,5cm body male + adult female $400 - breeding pair
GBB adult female $250