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Do you believe in them?

  • yes! i've seen one!

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  • not possible

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  • yes but haven't seen one

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  • not untill i've seen for myself

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  • i don't know...

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Well-known member
Nov 17, 2007
Reaction score
amstelveen Nl
video of documentary part 1

part 2 is in related videos(WARNING screamer at the end of part 2)


ghosts... Do you think they are real?(and no i don't mean floating blankets)

To be honest: i first tought they where just imagination.. but back in my old house i saw a black human shaped shadow in a dark corner(no not my own shadow:p) for exactly 5 secconds(see?)... I wasn't that impressd tho as i knew the old house was very... old.

But these nights in a new(built 20 years ago) i was just reading something just before in went to sleep, but then froze and it felt like someone is pushing you in the back with the fingertips.. now this night i woke up from noisy door being opened and saw a white human form for 3 secconds... and no1(alive) opened my door..

could it be something with my grandma died a month ago?

I'm not someone who's easily scared by anything as it usualy is just something explainable like wind or a wondering cat..

But this is just so weird and all...

(with ghosts i mean enteties frompeople who died, not floating blankets, casper the friendly ghosts or danny phantom)

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Well i reckon that uh um well you know that maybe that its no but of course well you see that possibly but however...uhhhhhhhh

Well i reckon that uh um well you know that maybe...

Lol seriously i dont know, maybe, maybe not, however father christmas IS real :lol:

"I want to believe."
...from the X-Files for those of you that don't know. :rolleyes:

Oh, and there is no evidence to either prove or disprove the existence of ghosts, so it would be logically wrong and fallacious to say that they do/do not exist. We simply cannot come up with a conclusion. Now, mentioning whether one believes in them or not is different.

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I'm the kind of person that believes you live, you die, the end. So, it's hard for me to believe in ghosts, or any kind of afterlife for that matter.

I'm pretty open minded though and won't discount the possibility of anything.

...from the X-Files for those of you that don't know. :rolleyes: Oh, and there is no evidence to either prove or disprove the existence of ghosts, so it would be logically wrong and fallacious to say that they do/do not exist. We simply cannot come up with a conclusion. Now, mentioning whether one believes in them or not is different.
Lol yeah i know, i ment my quote was, its off those seemingly random halo 3 adverts with "believe" on them, believe what?!


And no i dont take drugs just the scummy class mates <_<

ghosts are residual energy left by actions that people make in there lives. the stronger the emotions fuelling those actions, the more influential that energy is going to be. that's why places that are reported to have poltergeists and apparitions usually were once the site of a murder, battle, or other emotion-fuelled action.

that's how i see it, no floating sheet monsters with a ball on chain :p

gosh i think too much for a 15 year old boy :lol:


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