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Do you believe in them?

  • yes! i've seen one!

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  • not possible

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  • yes but haven't seen one

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  • not untill i've seen for myself

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  • i don't know...

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How about this, " there are some events that currently can't be explain through science, this are what we call "ghosts"" does that make everyone happy? lol, I don't think it will.

One of these days humans are going to wholly understand the Truth about the afterlife. That there isn't one. Period.

Once we do we will be so much more liberated to focus on our lives while we are living them instead of basing our actions on the hope, faith, dream, wish or whatever you want to call it, that there is something better (or worse) waiting for us after our life has expired. We develop religions and ghost stories because we simply cannot accept the fact that there is no light at the end of the tunnel... There isn't even a tunnel. I mean seriously folks. What makes us so special as organisms on this big wet rock that we get to have ghosts and other organisms such as dogs, cats, monkeys mantids or amoebas don't become ghosts or go to "heaven". Is it because we have souls?? Ha!! Again what makes us so special that we get to have souls and other organisms don't. Cuz we can think and communicate and have advanced enough through evolution to have technology?? Please. The "emotional energy" idea is interesting, but again. We are actually fairly simple organisms, barely able to produce enough energy to keep a constant body temperature, much less leave a lasting chi imprint on a given environment. The sooner we realize that, the better off we are gonna be.
I completely concur. It truly amazes me that people focus their entire lives on the false hopes and promises of religion. It amazes me even more that people take it so seriously that people have been killed and wars have been fought over it. Why can't people wake up and realize the truth that it doesn't matter if there is or isn't anything beyond life. We are here on this earth for a period of time and then we die. We have to live for the here and now. There is no other time than the present. I just can't believe that people need solace so much because of that fear of death that they follow some ridiculous beliefs. And all of them are equally ridiculous.

Now, I am a very open-minded person who loves philosophy. I'll talk about most anything and consider some wild possibilities but I don't even like discussing such things as ghosts, religion, big-foot, etc. It's so blatantly false that I don't even like to bother bringing it up, not to mention that most of the folks who believe are so close-minded it's a huge pain and annoyance to argue over it.

As far as ghosts go, people that look for them are like people that are searching for Noah's ark. Gigantic wild goose chase. Give me a break. They might as well go find sasquatch while they're at it.

Our minds are more powerful than any of us think. Like DARKSPEED said, our faith, fears, and passions drives our brains to manifest these images. People that look for ghosts are probably going to look so hard they actually see them, or think they see them. And he's very right that people who believe something go to great lengths to make other people share their beliefs.

As for sleep paralysis, I've actually experienced this before. At one point in my life I was very addicted to opiates, mainly heroin, and when you do these types of drugs they give you what is called "the nod." It's called this because you're constantly "nodding off" but you don't always fall asleep in the normal sense. Sometimes you get locked in this state in between sleep and waking life. When this happened I couldn't move and would often see strange things floating around my apartment but never any entities like other people have reported. I think this is caused by actually being "half-asleep" and the part of your brain that gets disabled during sleep is disabled and you dream while partially awake. It's such a weird thing to experience.

As for sleep paralysis, I've actually experienced this before. At one point in my life I was very addicted to opiates, mainly heroin, and when you do these types of drugs they give you what is called "the nod." It's called this because you're constantly "nodding off" but you don't always fall asleep in the normal sense. Sometimes you get locked in this state in between sleep and waking life. When this happened I couldn't move and would often see strange things floating around my apartment but never any entities like other people have reported. I think this is caused by actually being "half-asleep" and the part of your brain that gets disabled during sleep is disabled and you dream while partially awake. It's such a weird thing to experience.
I have also experienced these hallucinations that occur between asleep and awake. They occur when trying your damndest to stay awake while driving even though your body is doing all it can to force your eyes shut. Its as if you enter REM with your eyes open. The visual disturbances that follow are pretty scary, especially if you are trying to stay on the road. It'll definitely scare you into pulling over.

video of documentary part 1part 2 is in related videos(WARNING screamer at the end of part 2)


ghosts... Do you think they are real?(and no i don't mean floating blankets)

To be honest: i first tought they where just imagination.. but back in my old house i saw a black human shaped shadow in a dark corner(no not my own shadow:p) for exactly 5 secconds(see?)... I wasn't that impressd tho as i knew the old house was very... old.

But these nights in a new(built 20 years ago) i was just reading something just before in went to sleep, but then froze and it felt like someone is pushing you in the back with the fingertips.. now this night i woke up from noisy door being opened and saw a white human form for 3 secconds... and no1(alive) opened my door..

could it be something with my grandma died a month ago?

I'm not someone who's easily scared by anything as it usualy is just something explainable like wind or a wondering cat..

But this is just so weird and all...

(with ghosts i mean enteties frompeople who died, not floating blankets, casper the friendly ghosts or danny phantom)
I believe that there is WAY more to this world than what meets the eye...however I wouldnt call them "ghosts". I have seen a LOT of things though that just cant be explained by the natural. I would go ahead and post everything I have seen and heard but if I did I would be here half the day and half half the forum calling me crazy!!! If you want to PM me or email me or something we could talk about it that way if you REALY wanna know though.

I believe that there is WAY more to this world than what meets the eye...however I wouldnt call them "ghosts". I have seen a LOT of things though that just cant be explained by the natural. I would go ahead and post everything I have seen and heard but if I did I would be here half the day and half half the forum calling me crazy!!! If you want to PM me or email me or something we could talk about it that way if you REALY wanna know though.
yeah, i don't want to call em ghost but it's short.

i could call this topic "spiritual identities of people" but that's to long for me..

can you PM me your experiences?

i won't call you crazy, i've seen "things" myself.

yeah, i don't want to call em ghost but it's short.i could call this topic "spiritual identities of people" but that's to long for me..

can you PM me your experiences?

i won't call you crazy, i've seen "things" myself.
Well you see...I dont like to call them ghosts because I dont think that they are "people" or "spirits of people" at all...but rather...something else.

Well you see...I dont like to call them ghosts because I dont think that they are "people" or "spirits of people" at all...but rather...something else.
What do mean by "something else"?

do mean you think it's some sort of "energy" or "aura"?

if that's the case i still won't call you crazy.. i've seen aura`s surrounding trees and over rivers..

What do mean by "something else"?do mean you think it's some sort of "energy" or "aura"?

if that's the case i still won't call you crazy.. i've seen aura`s surrounding trees and over rivers..
No...not quite...but hey I will add you as a friend and if I get the chance we can get into this more later. Right now my computer time is kinda limited.

I noticed that in the poll, no one chose the one about that they would believe in ghosts if they saw one or something like that. The majority of peeps (8 i think) expressed that ghosts were not possible. So i am to assume, correctly i think, that these individuals, even if they "saw" a ghost would not believe their own senses. Then I guess their senses would have, to them, been deceived or something. I guess it is irrelevant really, since I know them to exist to me at least. Perhaps it is impossible for most people to perceive a ghost because they lack the sensory receptiveness to perceive them, or the brains of the 6 individuals that claim to have seen ghosts on this forum are damaged goods to some extent to even be able to "see" ghosts. Either way doesn't really impact the veracity of whether or not ghosts exist - especially given that they DO exist subjectively to those who have "seen" them and DO NOT exist to those who deem them an impossibility.

What is a ghost? Who knows. I sense they are emanations or echoes of force or energy released from some event in the past that plays back on a loop, transcending time - like looking through a one way mirror. Perhaps I am wrong but it is irrelevant really to me what a ghost is since the real conversation, i sense, should focus on replication of the experience of perceiving the ghost so that it could be "verifiable," or not.

" it's harder to proof that something doesnt exist, than profing it to exist" some guy a can't remember wrote this...
And of course, no one has offered a convincing enough argument on either side to convert the opposition. I am always fascinated by the long, sometimes heated arguments that people like to have about such imponderables as god(s), chupacabra, little gray spacemen, bigfoot, ghosts and fairies at the bottom of the garden. And all this discussion never seems to change anybody's mind.

I think that such arguments say much more about their proponents than they do about the subject under discussion, and it is nice, in this case, that no one made any P. paradoxa jokes! :p

I noticed that in the poll, no one chose the one about that they would believe in ghosts if they saw one or something like that. The majority of peeps (8 i think) expressed that ghosts were not possible. So i am to assume, correctly i think, that these individuals, even if they "saw" a ghost would not believe their own senses. Then I guess their senses would have, to them, been deceived or something. I guess it is irrelevant really, since I know them to exist to me at least. Perhaps it is impossible for most people to perceive a ghost because they lack the sensory receptiveness to perceive them, or the brains of the 6 individuals that claim to have seen ghosts on this forum are damaged goods to some extent to even be able to "see" ghosts. Either way doesn't really impact the veracity of whether or not ghosts exist - especially given that they DO exist subjectively to those who have "seen" them and DO NOT exist to those who deem them an impossibility.What is a ghost? Who knows. I sense they are emanations or echoes of force or energy released from some event in the past that plays back on a loop, transcending time - like looking through a one way mirror. Perhaps I am wrong but it is irrelevant really to me what a ghost is since the real conversation, i sense, should focus on replication of the experience of perceiving the ghost so that it could be "verifiable," or not.
Very interesting theory. I never really took the time to consider such possibilities as I normally dismiss such things as misinterpreted events, the power the of mind fooling us into seeing something that isn't there, or just people who are looking way to hard for paranormal experiences for whatever personal reasons. I really don't think that ghosts are "spirits" or dead people trapped in between this world and the next, especially because I truly doubt there is a "next world." However, I would be close-minded to not to at least look at this phenomenon with a philosophical perspective and would contradict my previous claim to be open-minded. First of all, it being said that I don't think that ghosts are "spirits" or what have you, I really hate using the term "ghost," but I will for lack of a better word. I like what you said about ghosts being emanations or echoes of force or energy released from some event in the past that plays back on a loop, transcending time. This is, of course, a good possibility but you really have to take into consideration the power of experience. If something is real enough to your own consciousness, it will be real to you. And just because something is real to you doesn't make it real to anyone else. Am I denying your claims that you saw something strange? No, not all. Whether you saw an emanation of energy released from a past event, or just think you saw something that may have been fabricated by your own mind is irrelevant. What is relevant is that you had a powerful experience that has shaped your view of your own existence and the nature of your own reality.

I personally have never seen anything "paranormal" or whatever, but I did come up with an idea for what it could be. When you look at the emergent and symbiotic nature of reality, you see the connectedness of everything. I am you, you are me, and we are all made of the same stuff. Everything is interconnected, and we all make up one singular consciousness. The universe basically experiences itself subjectively. That being said, I think we can sometimes tap this singular consciousness and perhaps pull a memory out and partially experience something that happened to someone else in a particular area. There has been lots of evidence to support the existence of a telepathic bond between all humans.

As I previously stated, I have never seen a ghost, and until I do, I will remain quite skeptical of their existence. If I had such an experience, I would closely examine of all the factors involved and try to make a rational idea of what happened to me rather than jumping to conclusions about it. I don't like to believe in things as I think beliefs hinder the mind and don't allow further development. For, if you were presented with new information that challenges your belief structure, you would have to either deny the new information or change your beliefs. And beliefs are hard to change. That's why I like to have ideas rather than beliefs. I believe essentially nothing and I try to be constantly open to new ideas to further my knowledge of my own existence and consciousness.

I personally have never seen anything "paranormal" or whatever, but I did come up with an idea for what it could be. When you look at the emergent and symbiotic nature of reality, you see the connectedness of everything. I am you, you are me, and we are all made of the same stuff. Everything is interconnected, and we all make up one singular consciousness. The universe basically experiences itself subjectively. That being said, I think we can sometimes tap this singular consciousness and perhaps pull a memory out and partially experience something that happened to someone else in a particular area. There has been lots of evidence to support the existence of a telepathic bond between all humans.
I don't care much for the energy explanation, but the singular consciousness fascinates me. Though what research suggests that we may all be psychologically connected?

Well, I happen to live in an extremely creaky old house that has a gigantic tree with many pointy branches on it. The house was built somewhere around the 1920's. True Story: One day i was doing my buisness and we got a knock on the door. I rushed to the door and opened it to see an old man, hunched over. "May I speak to your parents" he said. After a long conversation, my mom came up to me and told me that the man said that his relitives lived in our house in 1931. He had a collection of photos of hus great grandparents standing infront of our house. It turns out that his great grandfather died as an old in the upstairs, when he fell over and broke his hip, and died shortly after.

So what is your opinion? how many ghosts do you think i have seen in my ancient house?

I don't care much for the energy explanation, but the singular consciousness fascinates me. Though what research suggests that we may all be psychologically connected?
There was a study done, I believe within the last decade, but I may be wrong, where a scientist isolated a group of people for a day and allowed them absolutely no contact with the outside world. The scientist took another group of people, the same size as the other and gave them a crossword to do that was in USA Today the morning he isolated the first group. The group that took the crossword first, took it immediately after the newspaper had been released. After a full 24 hours of isolation, and after the country had done the crossword puzzle, he gave the isolated group the crossword puzzle and the second group did exceptionally well compared to the first group who did the puzzle before anyone else did. This suggests that it's possible for knowledge to be transmitted to our subconscious without us knowing it. There have been more studies done with promising results. You can look it up and you can actually experience this in real life. Haven't you ever been with a friend or relative and realized you were thinking the same thing or had a friend that you just felt like you had a deep connection to? Also, throughout history, discoveries and advancements in science seemed to happen around the same periods in time with no contact between countries. Obviously, nothing has been proven, but it seems logical that we have an inherent telepathic bond. I have had a powerful experience with this myself, and you can PM me for my experience with this but it was on a particular hallucinogenic drug and I don't want to talk about such things on a family friendly forum. I have a tendency to talk about my experiences with mind altering substances without taking into consideration who might be reading or listening to me. I'm used to being around friends and adults. :)

My mother truly believes in ghosts. She also swears on all her grandchildren that she has seen a u.f.o. As for me, I'll believe it when I see it. I guess anything is possible.

"What about clowns with knifes coming to kill you? Would you be afraid of that?

smile.gif "

Mantis Dude:

I'd be scared of nuns, choirboys, armless men with strong teeth and even mantis lovers if they had knives and were coming to kill me! :rolleyes:

He gave the isolated group the crossword puzzle and the second group did exceptionally well compared to the first group who did the puzzle before anyone else did. This suggests that it's possible for knowledge to be transmitted to our subconscious without us knowing it. There have been more studies done with promising results. You can look it up and you can actually experience this in real life. Haven't you ever been with a friend or relative and realized you were thinking the same thing or had a friend that you just felt like you had a deep connection to?

Shorty: I have an even more amazing example than that. I chat regularly with a friend in Australia, who can ask me a question on, say noon of Thursday Dec. 11th, and I answer the question at 6p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 10th! Eighteen hours before the question was asked, and this happens consistently!

It's a wonderful world!

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