Giant Prickly Stick Insect - Extatosoma tiaratum


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But they pose serious agricultural risks and are banned for good reason. No mantid has the potential to do so much damage.
I looked them up, and I don't doubt you when you say that they're illegal, but their wikipedia page says that they're common pets in North America, and so does the discovery channel. There's not even a mention of them being illegal.

I looked them up, and I don't doubt you when you say that they're illegal, but their wikipedia page says that they're common pets in North America, and so does the discovery channel. There's not even a mention of them being illegal.
They are probably talking about native sticks. Bottom line is you can and will get arrested for keeping non native sticks.
That does not make them less illegal. Just because wikipedia says its so does not mean it is so.

If it's on the internet it must be true!

wat confuses me is this

why does our gvmnt try and prevent non invasive species from becoming invasive BEFORE they stop invasive species? look at the ailanthus situation, nothing is being done to stop it, and my cynthia moths can't kill an ailanthus tree

The Govt. spends MILLIONS AND MILLIONS ANNUALLY on invasive species prevention and erradication. PLEASE DO RESEARCH before posting on things like this. I worked as a wildlife biologist for WA and its insanely frustrating to know how much work gets done as far as prevention/erradication and then have people who dont even bother to do a little research ask questions like this.

In California there are agricultural checkpoints you MUST pass through to get into this state for just such a reason, and then there are other BANNING PHASMIDS and other potentially detrimental insects from entering the country or state.

In Hawaii you will be in deep do-do if you bring anything in with you thats not native to the Islands... I think this is why Phil used to call you young Alex. :lol: (no offence)

Wow. I went for a sleep over at my baby cousins house and look at what I missed! Anyways, Gripen, you are over reacting!!!!!! You wont get arrested for raising these little guys! You will get arrested for releasing them however. You might get a fine if you are doing something wrong or taking illegal action with these critters. You said "Can and will get arrested" That is a lie. I would like proof to back up that statement. Have you heard about the stick insect crisis in San Diego?

Darn it I ran out "likes" to give out, I guess we just get injected with new ones to give out every 24 hours.

Wow. I went for a sleep over at my baby cousins house and look at what I missed! Anyways, Gripen, you are over reacting!!!!!! You wont get arrested for raising these little guys! You will get arrested for releasing them however. You might get a fine if you are doing something wrong or taking illegal action with these critters. You said "Can and will get arrested" That is a lie. I would like proof to back up that statement. Have you heard about the stick insect crisis in San Diego?
I would not bet my collection on it.

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