Gongylus gongylodes


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Well, it's not about Gongylus, but the mantis we all know but we don't want to discuss here. Yesterday my male moulted into 6th instar and thick antennae and large wing buds are visible - I'm just shocked, because I thought that it would happen at the sub-adult stage, and this is just seventh week since I got those mantids...

It would be quite shocking if they matured this month. Regardless of that - the speed at which they are growing is astonishing!


I've forgotten how many instars I. lateralis has got, but I think L6 could already be sub??? :mellow:

However: Congratulation you finally got a male ;)


edit: PS: Happy birthday :)

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Well, I got three males and ten females - poor guys will be busy as heck, hehehe.

To my surprise - females L6 are about 6 cm long! Males are 5c So I give them two more molts more before they mature. Besides - six molts for a big mantis like that would be strange...

Well, thank you for your wishes :)

Man, those Gongylus look just insane - I do not know why this mantis is not as much a coveted prize as Idolomantis...


Yes, but Gongylus is so much easier than Idolomantis. :eek: If somebody is not able to breed Gongys, he should better not try Idolomantis :blink:

That's one of the reasons that gives Gongylus the edge over Idolomantis. I know that people like challenges - but to buy 30 Idolomantis nymphs you have to spend a horseload of money - and you are never certain whether this is a good investment.

I mean - sizewise they are similar, both species look insane - only that Gongylus looks great at every instar, whereas Idolomantis blossom after the final moult.

Plus, Gongylus is a bit cheaper and it's not a nerve wrecking species - I mean, you are having fun rearing it, don't you? They don't insta-die every day or have mismoults, now do they?

And here's a new pic from today...
Dude, where did you get those cool branches with thorns? Any chance you can send some to me? I wanna have those, can't get them here I fear..

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no, it's not rosebush. It's (trying to find the scientific name)....

Found it, Fructus cynosbati - I've got a large bush in my garden.

How are you doing with yours Thor??

3 out of my 4 ladies are adults now, they eat a lot of flies now :blink:


1st matured has just finished laying an ooth

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A little small, not looking great, but not looking really odd either. You gotta spray the foam away with water after it is dry.


HiA little small, not looking great, but not looking really odd either. You gotta spray the foam away with water after it is dry.

thanks mate, quick spray with the mister and it now looks like an empty sweetcorn cob :lol:


Here are 2 adult males and 2 adult females:



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How are you doing with yours Thor??
They're doing OK - not growing to fast thought. But thats ok, as long as they survive :)

Actually took a couple of pics of one of them today. I'll try to post later..
